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Everything posted by frogger

  1. My son finished it. It is good conceptually.He definitely "gets" math, though I can't say how much of that is my son and how much is the Videotext teaching. My only frustration is that it takes longer than just one Algebra class (expected since it includes Algebra 2 concepts) but he didn't add the Trig into the Geometry program. Most programs mix the Algebra 2 and Trig concepts. I'm going to attempt to just have him do ALEKS for trig concepts and jump into a pre-calc class and hope it works. I'm not sure that every child would want to do that. So just a warning that the sequence and such is different and it looks like he doesn't plan on finishing his geometry/trig program which may throw off your future scheduling.
  2. I wasn't advising it. Just stating it was done. :)
  3. Or you would have given him a little whiskey to put him to sleep.
  4. I agree although I can't say I've read the book either. I feel like teens in particular should be taking on more responsibility and making most of their decisions though wise ones will discuss and learn from their parents things they may not have thought of before deciding. Of course, a 13 year old is different then a 17 year old but I'm raising them to be adults and not servants. I will treat them as adults more and more as they age. It does feel society infantilizes teens now. And we now refer to people in their 20's as kids.
  5. I don't worry about highways/ freeways. I worry more about teens running over my or other children in our neighborhood because they have to go 15-20 over the speed limit in a little residential area. I worry about their safety because the same type of drivers will pass a cyclist 1 or 2 feet from their shoulder while cycling. Even on the bike trail cars come flying off the highway smashing into the fence on the other side of the bike trail. I also worry about people passing on two way highways and having a head on with me when I come around a corner. Unsafe passing is a huge killer where I live. Perhaps I'm scarred from seeing the body bags lined up on the road when I was a teen. But a regular freeways with all people in vehicles going the same direction. No, I don't worry about that.
  6. Me! Me! Me! I want to do fun stuff. You know that cool stuff that you see children in homeschooling magazines doing; nature journaling, reading fabulous stories, and history biographies and cool science experiments. Not speech, not Barton, not how to look people in the eye and smile and say hello and that you don't need a very specific and factual list to answer your friend's, "What have you been up to?". That being said I don't want to go back to other programs. This one gets old but it does seem to be working. I like the idea of the week off. I have two in Barton so I get to hit it twice a day, (can you hear the squeals of excitement, I mean groans) and I thought we would take time off when we finished a level but they will never finish at the same time which is good and bad. I could be more focused on one or the other but still won't have any energy for fun stuff. Perhaps I should just say 6 weeks and where ever we are is where we will be after a week break and do science or something. I don't know if this is the case for you but everything has what I call the intermediate hump. Learning a foreign language, and instrument, or writing. There are these humps where it feels you aren't progressing and it is just going to go on forever. Sometimes though they are right before a big takeoff. Sometimes you just keep slogging to the end. I make no promises. But when the newness wears off and it is all just hard work, well a lot of things are like that.
  7. Does anyone use an app for tracking credit hours? Does it allow you to export your data to excel or does it have the ability to show graphs or put in goals? Just seeing what is out there for time management.
  8. This is a nice twist. A thread that started sour and went sweet. I confess to hating the misuse of the word retarded. Having grown up with a brother who happened to have Down Syndrome it was drilled into me that this was the proper name and that it didn't mean stupid but rather slow to learn. So when people misuse it they aren't insulting the people they think they are insulting. Grrr I must confess that I dislike disabled which really means not able. I don't like that that has come into use or the word handicapped which implies begging. I do prefer special needs since retarded has been completely ruined by some people. Sorry for my little tangent.
  9. IF he enjoys the labs then you could do more of them but just write out 6-8 of them. My son kept a lab notebook during the experiment but typed up lab reports. It was good for him because he learned how to make graphs and use excel and because he had never done those things he learned a useful skill for both science class and many other things. Honestly, my son is a science guy. He soaks it up but writing is torture therefore I'm not so sure he would pick up writing lab reports easily even if most students typically do.
  10. I agree with the above. Now my son has to do a pre-calc to get the Trig. It doesn't seem very honest at this point in the game. He can't be really working on it all these years.
  11. Met a month before I turned 18 married 9 months later so I was 18 and he was 21. Had my first child at 20. No regrets, I am very blessed to have found so quickly a great husband and father. On August 2nd, we will have been married 19 years. I am more mature now (I hope) but we matured and changed together which is one of the benefits of marrying young IF it works out.
  12. This reminds me of the first time I had a BBQ at as a kid in my own home. They were all young so sitting on the floor using paper plates was not a big deal. Now though, things are more difficult. I only have two beds for 6 people as we use mats on the floor. I certainly don't mind and neither does my son giving up our beds for a little while for guests but it can be limiting. For anyone who wonders, each individual in our home decides for themselves whether they prefer to sleep on the floor or have a bed. It is not a decision made by the parents. Just so you don't think I'm mean or something. :) That is why only one child has a bed.
  13. I love empty houses. I just laid on the floor and stared at it before we moved into this place.
  14. I remember taking my dog with us when we biked since we were heading for a back trail, mountain bike type thing not on the road. It was probably in the 80's (F). I had brought water and kept trying to give him some and he wasn't interested in it. About half way through the trip I realized dogs don't sweat. I realize they lose moisture from panting but really I think humans go through water faster. Maybe I'm wrong but he seemed content with a lot less than us. My guess is the busy body had no idea how long the walk was, etc. If you had been in a restaurant for an hour that would be different.
  15. My husband and I hope to do bike touring some day when the kids leave home. Right now we just do little trips. I guess whatever I have, it will fit on a bike. We will have to find a way to store some stuff like important documents, photos, hmmm, probably something else too. :)
  16. Wow, I can't think of anything that everyone was against. I can think of things that a few people thought was out there but really I was allowed to just do whatever and no one argued. That is interesting since I did so many things that society in general tells you not to do like marry at 18, home birth, homeschool but really haven't had much to battle.
  17. We haven't been sick from food poisoning other than once on vacation from eating out. I do bleach after cutting pork or chicken from the store but just use dish soap with moose or fish. I'm slightly paranoid and more cautious with seafood outside of fish and I'm paranoid and zealous about my canning protocol but raw eggs, no problem. Rare beef? Mmmmm I thaw on the counter or force thaw in warm water provided I'm trying to cook it then. I test things and sm willing to eat things that are expired provided it is in a reasonable amount of time.
  18. Well, I'm cheap. If it has nutritional value and won't make us sick I would eat it. That would qualify. Wish I could say my food budget reflected that! I might make a sauce or something to make it taste better.
  19. Well, if it has nothing to do with my husband I'm not sure why he would need to know. A friend sharing that they are struggling because they were molested or having financial troubles should be able to talk to me without me blabbering it to my husband. I do share a lot with my husband when I am struggling with how to deal with something and if it had to do with our own family that is different but I don't think my husband would even want to know some things depending on his relationship with them also. I'm glad there are few people I share with personally.
  20. Nanny Lawn Care Food Service in a retirement home. I assume they have dietitians for planning and such but they also need servers and bussers etc and the food is prepaid so no money issues.
  21. I like the Level 3 I Can Read Books especially the historical ones. They have a picture on every page and white space around the words and a nice large font. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0064441008/ref=rdr_ext_sb_ti_sims_2 The DK Readers Level 3 look even more mature, which are nice for older readers but they are also have a higher lexile score and more difficult vocab than the aforementioned I Can Read books. Although, my son struggles with books that have too simple a vocabulary because the linguistic gymnastics sometimes required for writing a book with only simple words leaves my son as confused as ever. :) DK Readers have topics likes "Spies" or "The Titanic" and they also have more white space and and large font and pictures on every page but not all over the page. Here is a sample that has the look inside feature. https://www.amazon.com/DK-Readers-L3-Spacebusters-Race/dp/0756690846/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1469418067&sr=1-1&keywords=dk+readers+level+3
  22. Well, I didn't ask to be added but that is because my son is only 5th grade. I guess technically he will be "middle school" next year though. It just doesn't feel like it. I still feel we are elementary. I'm sure you understand. Can I be added?
  23. The defensive and judgemental posts are kind of humorous. Hope you just ignored them OP. My kids haven't asked and don't seem interested. I wouldn't care if they did as long as they didn't get crazy about it to the point they were walking into traffic. I have a drink now and again but recognize some people ought to stay away from alcohol entirely. I suppose it the same with Pokeman.
  24. Oh I bet their car stunk horribly after that.
  25. In my local community there were only two houses that met your qualifications but one was perhaps fancier than needed for your criteria and that one was over a million. The other was 850,000. When I expanded the search to include the bigger next door city I saw things as low as 675,000 that was nice inside.
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