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Soph the vet

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Everything posted by Soph the vet

  1. If it is just an abrasion and does not need stitches you can clean it with hydrogen peroxide and put some bacitracin on it. Just watch it to make sure the flies aren't getting at it as that will lead to maggots...yuck. Then look to see what she might have scraped it on and fix the problem.
  2. Common Sense by Glenn Beck And I'd like to start memorizing the Constitution.;)
  3. I use Biblioplan so I know what you are talking about. I haven't found anything like that for science but I have tried to coordinate God's Design and Apologia on my own in a similar way.
  4. If the government would stay out of healthcare and let the free market decide costs, it may just be that more "have-nots" would be able to afford care. Look at Lasik surgery (not covered by insurance, must pay out of pocket), over time clinics have become more cost-competitive and quality of the procedure has gone up. The "haves" are the ones building private hospitals, creating jobs, donating wings onto children's clinics, etc. etc. Charity is a wonderful thing and should be exercised by all who can do it. Look at the Shriners hospitals, I don't think they turn anyone away, do they? And for things just like you are describing dialysis, etc. If we allow the government to takeover healthcare (unconstitutional) and pay for it by either heavily taxing the "haves" or printing fiat money = hyperinflation, we are allowing them to just create more "have-nots". They can't even run the cash for clunker program and we expect them to get our healthcare right?:lol:
  5. I am still at it. I have been spending time on the end of life issues in the pg. 425-430 or so range and discussing them with my mom (a senior). I'm waiting for all the mark-ups in committee to happen but it doesn't really sound like they have done that much except cut 7% or something. I am determined to read all of it before any vote and thankfully that may not come until after the break.
  6. Your friend needs to look at Jesus, not self. His work on the cross was perfect and accomplished the defeat of sin, Satan, and death. I go to bed each night knowing that I am an imperfect sinner who has a perfect Savior and I trust His work for my salvation, not mine. The other thing that should encourage your friend is that she is struggling with sin. This shows that she recognizes it and it bothers her. She is not oblivious to it and she is not jumping into it. It is rather like slipping and falling in a mud puddle rather than jumping into one and not caring. We all continue to sin, but we should not seek it and it should be a struggle. Ask her if she can look back a year ago and see herself growing in holiness. Hopefully, the answer will be yes.
  7. Actually, the whole "taxation without representation" was down about number 17 or so on the list of 27 gripes in the Declaration of Independence. The Revolution was about so much more than just that. The emphasis on economic reasons for the revolution did not arise until the early 20th century when history texts were being written in that fashion. I would have supported the revolution. I also would have helped any slaves I could.
  8. Your dh will need a Members Only jacket, preferably one with the triangular lapel flap that makes him look like he just walked off a spaceship. Tuck your jeans into your socks. Bright blue, pink or white clothes with earrings to match. Wear a feathered roachclip in your big hair. Watch "Better Off Dead" with John Cusack to get a few ideas! Class of '85 here so I lived it.:lol:
  9. Or you could say something like, "Of course we are going to do college online and then we are planning for him to choose a career from home. We've already remodeled the basement so he can just stay down there and eventually when we die the house is his.":lol:
  10. I agree with Julie on what she has shared so far. I would just add that disease prevalence will not be as high on your place as you will only have one cow and not 1200:001_smile:. Your cow will need a friend, though, so either get two cows or a donkey to keep her company. Pick a herd that is free of TB, Johnes, Brucella. Ask them if they have had any outbreaks of diarrhea on their place, if so look elsewhere. Ask about their vaccination status, cows need IBR, BVD and Clostridial vax. Hopefully the cow you get will already be rebred and you will have to dry her off at 305 days (gestation) so she is not milking two months before she calves, then you'll want to rebreed her again. Keep those costs in mind.
  11. Thanks a lot, Karen, there go my lunch and dinner plans for the next, oh I don't know, 12 years or so until the kids are all out of the house!!
  12. :lol::lol:snort:lol:crying:lol::lol:snort:lol:!! Hey, I grew up on the East Coast and I do NOT believe in slavery. That part of her diatribe was not as coherent as the rest obviously was!
  13. I added the "gatesgate" tag, thought it was catchy;). I don't think Obama is eloquent in speech without a teleprompter and he is often "lost" when he has to speak off the cuff which rarely happens. It infuriates me that any press conference (not just his) are held by picking on preselected journalists (some called the night before) instead of the President having to answer any reasonable and relevant question that the press may have. IMO, the question should never have been asked in the first place about Gates given that the press conference was about healthcare. Knowing that Obama is rarely tossed anything but softballs, this question was obviously directed to distract all of us from more important matters at hand...and it has worked hasn't it?
  14. But it doesn't work with the healthcare bill so why should we expect him to keep his mouth shut on this?:lol: Sorry, I just could not resist the temptation. Slapping own wrist so don't bother!
  15. It is consistent with the reason he went on TV in the first place last night, to talk about something he hasn't even read. My question is why even bring up the Boston incident at all last night? What purpose does it serve except to divide people even more?
  16. There are legal withdrawal times for each drug for meat and milk. For example one drug may require 14 days before slaughter while another may require 28 days withdrawal time before slaughter for consumption. It also depends on the species of animal in which the drug is being used.
  17. First of all make sure none of them are toxic to cats. If that is the case you need to remove the plants. Otherwise, try cayenne pepper on the leaves and see what the cat does. I'm not sure how bitter apple spray would affect living plants (Darn it, Jim, I'm a vet, not a botanist!) but that might be an option too. You won't get my parentheses unless you are over 40 and watched the original Star Trek.
  18. You are not going to miss anything by skipping K altogether. I skipped K with all 3 dc and put them in 1 during Kindergarten. 5 years later and they all sort, pattern, etc. just fine. Saxon has so much pattern work that you won't miss a thing. If your dc is ready for 1 they will be bored to tears with K.
  19. I think it is Hebrews 12:15 that says something about "not letting a root of bitterness grow up within you because of unforgiveness". When we pray for those who have wounded us, in sometimes unspeakable ways, it is a way of actively forgiving them. Choosing to forgive is a conscious effort on our part and doesn't always come with the feeling of forgiveness for someone. When we then pray for them sometimes the feelings come too. I have prayed for my enemies (most of them are politicians:lol:), but also I have prayed for my dad I haven't seen in over 35 years and others like that. When I am really truthful with myself, I can see how I could easily have been the one needing forgiveness and try to put myself in their place. Jesus also taught us to "live with all men in peace as much as it is up to you". So I try to do that.
  20. Oh, c'mon Peek, is this all you could find?:lol: You forgot New Life Family Services, one of my personal favorites. And I agree with everything Kathleen in VA said or will say probably.
  21. Hmmm...highest unemployment rate in 25 years, 2.5 million jobs lost since the stimulus package was passed, cap and trade legislation that could increase energy costs by 90% and fuel costs by 70%, healthcare reform costs estimated to be unsustainable by the CBO, more homes going into foreclosure, three biggest drains on the federal budget that are all bankrupt (SS, Medicare, and Medicaid), printing money like it really does grow on trees leading to possible hyperinflation in the very near future. No, I do not think we are on the way to recovery and ANYONE in Washington that says we are either thinks the American people are extremely stupid or they are smoking something or both.
  22. Does anyone ever skip Saxon 76 with a strong math student? Just curious. I love Saxon, it has worked great with my dc I am just not looking forward to the 40 review lessons at the beginning of the fall!
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