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Soph the vet

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Everything posted by Soph the vet

  1. I have dc do Saxon 54 in 4th grade independently after they adjust to the switch from the lower grades format. I use Rod and Staff for grammar and grade 4 English needs you to be there for much of it for clarification, IMO. I wouldn't just give R&S to one of my dc and say "go do your grammar" unless it was a lesson on proper telephone usage or writing a friendly letter. Spelling Workout is pretty independent if you have a natural speller. Aurora Lipper's Supercharged Science is supposed to be totally hands-on for kids and hands-off for parents but I've never used it, only heard great things.
  2. I went to my Rep's office today. In fact there were at least a hundred of us crammed into her waiting room protesting this bill. People were from all segments of society, retirees, small business owners, SAHMs, you name it. My Rep was in DC but a very gracious spokesman came out and debated various topics with us for over an hour. From him I did find out that Congress will not be taking the public option for health insurance. He said they had a private plan. I am glad to see there has been good discussion on this thread. My intention was to wake people up to the things getting rammed through in Washington in really lightning speed. My bottom line is still that this bill is unConstitutional. I asked my Rep's spokesman if he could give me the Constitutional basis for the federal government being involved in healthcare at all and he could not. If there were one, you would think they would have that in their back pocket ready for naysayers like me. I do like Cathmom's plan and I think she should submit it to the powers that be in DC.
  3. I appreciate the comments on this bill so far but I respectfully disagree that a single-payer system will somehow "stimulate the economy" or lead to better healthcare for all. This bill is not about providing better care, just coverage. This bill is a power grab, not a merciful move by a benevolent Congress. This bill is unConstitutional and there is even a disclaimer in it alluding to that fact. This bill will kill jobs in small businesses, not "create or save" them. Medicare is already bankrupt and the Congressional Budget Office has just projected that the federal budget is unsustainable due mostly to Medicare and Social Security costs. How does letting the government handle ALL of healthcare make the costs more sustainable? Why is it OK for the federal government to mandate that healthy individuals purchase federally approved health insurance? Where are the people dying in the streets because they cannot receive adequate medical attention in this country? I am not saying that the current system is great but it is better than what this single-payer system will result in. I am all for some kind of provision for those who need it...oh yeah, we already have that...Medicare and Medicaid. Of the 47 million without healthcare approximately half of those are here illegally. Another 9-10 million are young and healthy and see no reason to spend money on insurance. The bottom line, IMHO, is that government has no business being in healthcare. And for those of you with seriously ill or disabled family members I really do feel for you and I am not trying to be a heartless wench. I have family and friends with serious issues too, we all probably do. With this bill I am fearful as to what the government will decide to do with my loved one in regards to end of life issues or "drain on society" issues. It is not that far down the road. President Obama just remarked in a soundbyte I heard last night how "expensive that last year of Medicare can be". That should send chills up and down everyone's spine. And in regards to Priscilla's quote about "providing healthcare to all Americans who choose it", that is just my point, we will not have a choice. It is Orwellian doublespeak that the new bureaucracy will be called the Health Choices Administration, there is no choice, you either pick the federal plan or you get taxed.
  4. At first I heard by the end of this week (insert jaw-dropping smiley) but now I think they are going to try to get it through before they leave for break August 7th.
  5. Here is the actual bill: http://www.cchconline.org/pdf/HR%20-%201018%20page%20bill%20July%2014.pdf It is 1,018 pages and I plan to read all of it. I am on pg.169 and I've just read that if you choose not to have health insurance, for whatever reason (think young healthy adult who thinks they're invincible)...you will be taxed by the federal government 2.5% of your gross income. This is an outrage. Oh, and if you have private insurance, great, it can get "grandfathered in" (pg. 16) but don't try to change it or apply for private insurance once healthcare goes national...you won't be able to do it. Call your Representatives! Call your Senators! Read the bill because they won't be and they need to know how bad it is. It will cost 1.5 trillion dollars and create a mound of spaghetti of government bureaucracy...
  6. I have unfortunately euthanized hundreds, if not over a thousand, dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep, goats, pocket pets at this point. I have seen every extreme from the person who does not even want to come in the building to all of the extended family joining the grieving one. I would not recommend bringing an 8 yr. old. It is better for him to remember kitty alive and not laying on a cold metal table. Given your cat's age, it may be that your vet will need to first sedate him with an intramuscular injection and then give the euthanasia solution directly into the heart once he is sleeping. This is the most merciful way to euthanize an older kitty with poor peripheral vasculature. Some vets will preplace an IV cath in the front leg but in a 20yr. old the vein blowing is a definite possibility. I don't know if you want your child to witness all of this. Some people bring their pet in and have the kids say good bye at home or in the exam room before any sedation is given. I would encourage you to think along those lines. Sorry you are losing a beloved family member.:grouphug:
  7. Removing the offending allergen is obviously the best solution but oftentimes it is hard to ascertain what that may be. Dogs with seasonal allergies are usually allergic to something inhaled, think pollen, ragweed, etc. They can also break out in welts from gnats, mosquitos, and other biting insects. There are some plants that can cause a contact dermatitis but more often toxic plants affect animals after ingestion. Benadryl only helps some dogs. After 2 or 3 days on it with no response you are wasting your time and money. Low dose prednisone (oral) on a daily or every other day basis gets many dogs through the allergy season. Like most drugs, it is cleared by the liver so long term high dose steroid use is undesirable. But most dogs will only need a lower dose to really help them feel a lot better. You need to see your vet in order to get this. The shot they have given in the past was probably a long-acting steroid. You can also try housing your dog in an area of your property away from plants and trees, but it may just be the grass that the dog is allergic to. There is allergy testing available through veterinary dermatologists.
  8. I agree with Tess. I think it is pretty bold for that boy to continue calling after being answered by you and hung up on as well. I would take the phone line out of her room. I had my own phone number in high school, needless to say I did not get much sleep. I also had a very possessive boyfriend who called a lot and eventually became a very scary stalker situation after we broke up. A 14yr. old has no business telling a boy "good-night" on the phone, IMO. This is a wake-up call for you to help her make better choices about people she spends time with. I know I sound alarmist but I lived it. And I would get the other mom involved because if it was my son I would want to know and put an end to it so he knows how to treat women and their parents with respect.
  9. B.S. Pathobiology from University of Connecticut '89 D.V.M. University of Minnesota '94
  10. Science is usually the first thing to get dropped ironically:lol:. The co-op classes do not have any homework, they are really just a hands-on while you're there kind of thing. We are really lacking in the dc knowing human anatomy so that is why I am teaching it this year. Thanks for any confirmation. I like to start out with a lot and drop things during the year:D.
  11. DD10 will be 11 in October. Bible - Kay Arthur studies and personal reading. Saxon 76 R & S English 6 Classically Cursive 3 Spelling Workout G Classic Middle School Literature Mystery Units (Westing Game, Cask of Amontillado, The Phantom Coach, etc.) Biblioplan Ancients with more outlining and Kingfisher use this year and keeping a timeline Apologia Land Animals, Human Anatomy (Body By Design) Fallacy Detective Red Herrings A2, B1 (when we can for fun) Latina Christiana 1 Weekly co-op classes: Geography, Science Explorations, Art Other co-op: Apologia Flying Creatures, gym, music Swimming, Riding, Ice Skating, Piano (just once a week each)
  12. Sambusas are a traditional Somali snack that are kind of fun to make. 2# browned ground beef Sautee 1 small onion and 1 large leek chopped finely Add to beef Also add: 1-2 tsp. cumin 1-2 tsp. black pepper 1 tsp. fresh garlic 1 tsp. chopped serrano pepper 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (add more if you like it hot) 1/2 tsp. tumeric 2-3 tsp. yellow curry powder Let that all simmer together for a few minutes. Wrap in spring roll wrappers (google "wrapping a sambusa" and you might find good pictures of this) otherwise you fold the square wrapper in half to make a triangle and then make a cone from there. You will need a small cup of flour and water paste to "glue" the edges together. Should look like a triangular pillow after you fill it with beef mix. Make sure you get the frozen square spring roll wrappers and not the room temp round ones in the Asian aisle. Bake at 400 for 10 to 15 minutes on each side or deep fry. Eat hot.
  13. Here are my 4th grade plans for ds soon to be 9: Bible reading on own, fighter verse program from church Saxon 54 R & S English 4 Writing Foundations 1 Classically Cursive 1 Biblioplan Ancients Apologia Land Animals and Human Anatomy (God's Design) Latina Christiana 1 Mind Benders Warm-ups Co-op twice a month: Apologia Flying Creatures, Gym, Music Guitar lessons or Continue Piano Swimming, Baseball, Hockey Art: Joseph the Canada Goose (Stebbing)
  14. If you like Chick-Fil-A you've got to see Tim Hawkins sing about it:
  15. Squirrels don't get rabies. Let me qualify that, biology is variable, so I'll rephrase it to say, squirrels are not supposed to get rabies. Anything can happen, but that usually doesn't happen. Skunks and raccoons are a whole 'nuther ball o' wax.:D
  16. :lol::lol: Nope, nobody like MJ in our co-op....but we do have a couple families at church with the Econoline!:lol:
  17. Seems like you can get almost anything these days. It is considered a prescription drug so we have horse owners that we have a relationship with that will come in to put their mares on it at certain times (show season or to hold a pregnancy).
  18. Who remembers "Billy, Don't Be A Hero" ? or "Sunshine" by John Denver
  19. In horses we use Regumate (progesterone) to cause amenorrhea or anestrus as it is called in animals. You think you would see other signs in these girls if that was being used.
  20. I would have to be REALLY good to tell you if your GP is pregnant just from a picture!:lol: An x-ray (if far enough along for calcification of the fetus) or an ultrasound will tell you for sure. Of course, time will tell you for sure too! I'm a real help aren't I?;)
  21. First you need to rule out a urinary tract infection. Even if you cannot see blood in the urine, she can still have an infection or crystals in her urine that are irritating and lead to an infection. Bladder stones are also a possibility. Not having enough litter boxes or not cleaning them frequently enough are other reasons cats pee outside the box. Any changes to her routine can also cause this issue from having a baby to moving to adding or deleting a pet from the family. I would bring her in for a check-up and a urinalysis. They can also screen for diabetes and kidney issues which can initially mimic a UTI.
  22. I ate a lot of Jewish food growing up in CT with my Jewish stepdad who happened to be the president of the Fairfield County Gourmet Society. Bagels, lox, sturgeon were always around. I learned to like gefilte fish on Matzoh. But I really liked the charosh and horseradish...mmm. I also get homesick for real food, real Pizza, etc. My MN in-laws have no idea what good pizza and a real deli sandwich are like.
  23. I heard a story about a gifted student who was a perfectionist who did not ride on any sort of bike until he was sure he could take off without a problem on two wheels the first time. He did but he was 14. I wouldn't push the issue. Have some friends over that ride on two wheels and peer pressure will take care of it for you.
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