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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'd charge the full price, for your son. He's oldest, and it may never work for your second child. Seriously?? He owes you more.... so much more!!!
  2. Past nursing, but when I did.... I always felt like I was nursing for the benefit of future "nursers/nurserees" :) I nursed wherever my children were hungry, whenever they were hungry. I believe that br*asts are meant to be used for nursing, and I live in a free country, so no need to panic. It's not a dirty thing, or s*xual thing, so I don't need to cover up or freak out about it. Since it is a free country, if others are offended, they can move. The more we nurse in public, without being purposely offensive.... the more natural it will seem. (Return to Nature :)) When my son was in church, I had bottles of expressed milk for my mom to feed him. This wasn't for the benefit of others, except for my mom :) She loved the special time of cuddling him and feeding him a bottle. (I always kept many bottles worth, as it's such a bonding time, and my older girls liked feeding him, too. :)
  3. We have a wood stove, so right in that room it's toasty hot :) as you move further away it gets cooler. Works with my body temp.... When I'm hot... closer to the stove... when I start to get overheated... move upstairs :)
  4. YES!! Thanks!!! Does anyone have it? Is it as great as it seems? :bigear:
  5. Hi There ;) I'm looking for the timeline that matches with SOTW; I know it's out there, but now can't find it. It was about $60 and was sold by two women, I think. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I think it'd be nice to hang it up in our co-op classes, next year. Thanks!! :bigear:
  6. Hi There, Looking for a list of curriculums that use SOTW as the spine. :bigear:
  7. :bigear: I'd love to have a Black Iron Griddle, preferably made in the US. Any ideas? I have an electric range, so that's a consideration, of course. Thanks! :bigear:
  8. Poor guy :( and you and the rest of your family :( hugs....
  9. I'd read Liping Ma's Book. I'd start closer to where he tested and then kinda work forward, while also working in the prior books, too. If he loves math, there are some times that he may be able to work quite a while doing it. I know that my son can finish pages and pages if he wants to do math :) If you want to do Singapore Math, and feel empowered... the Liping Ma book will help you!! :)
  10. Like $50 in American $$$??? Seriously?? That's crazy! Is it really that much for paintball? Per child? Wow!!!
  11. :iagree: And vote for HER and let him homeschool a while!! Than he'd be doubly good after!! :)
  12. I have to say I'd rather help pay off student loans, than give gifts that are for fun. I'm impressed that they want to pay their loans :) It's up to you... how much and if you do :)
  13. Nope.. you don't need it... you need an iPad... which I'm getting before the next school year!! :)
  14. Glad to know you agree with me!! I could live on Yogurt and cereal with some fruit and veggies :)
  15. Keep them oiled up when healing.... Oat baths made my kids itch worse. I did a "witches brew" of healing oils... And also things like coconut oil would be on my list, now. I did EO oils (lemon balm?? and lavendar) mixed up with all kinds of other oils... jojoba... vitamin e.... Good news is, my son who looked like a walking disease when he had them, at 18 months, shows no scars at all. The DR actually said "good thing he's a boy" when he saw them. I asked "why?" and he said because of the scars he was going to have.... Whew... glad he was wrong :)
  16. IF you're just talking about "would it be robbing the Jews of a name?" I don't think it does. If you're talking about "would I change my name, if it was Hadessah?" Well, yup, I would... Course I guess I could go by Daisy. But, I'm old enough that Daisy reminds me of The Dukes....
  17. Seriously, at 6, I would just hang the math in a bag. (bag it ;)) I would just get out legos, and manipulatives.... and just have them play with sequencing and such. Patterns, "grouping" and such. Show groups of 5.... skip counting songs... etc. Then, next year, start fresh. That'd be my thoughts :) I would also maybe bake things... and 1 1/2 them. or 1/2 them... etc. :)
  18. Whew!! Another good thing about my husband. He doesn't lash out physically at my children (or me) We use to spank, but our youngest is 8 and it worked for him, but not the way I/We wanted. SO, I think we're past the spank age/child. Seriously though, if we all got to walk around smacking... I'd have smacked him today, since he decided that 8 is a good age to be sassy, and he would have smacked me... because it's not a "tv day" .... Good thing we don't just smack each other when we're angry/not happy!!
  19. You take the classes where they practice their preaching. I think my dad had 17 minutes, or something like that, to give a sermon. He also was trained to preach, with as much effort as any other job. He learned to read hebrew and greek in the original text, and how to pull it all apart and deliver it to others. I love the way that he's studied, so he can share. He preaches, teaches in seminary, and also has a law degree. I'm proud of him and how he's used his brain!! :) He's someone who can honestly say that he's "studied so hard his brain has hurt".... It's funny that your brain can hurt... because of study. :) I haven't often heard pastors who sound like they were schooled in how to deliver a sermon that is proper. I really believe that classical education is one way to learn to properly deliver a "speech"..... or in my a pastor's case a "sermon".... and the study of original language is essential to the important responsibility in delivering sermons. Not every pastor can be as fluent as my dad in languages... but they can be studying! :)
  20. Easiest if you meet with others.... on a certain day, at a certain time. This gives accountability and some of the same fun. It's something that works well, with everyone taking a portion of the material. (Depends on how many people/kids are part of it) You can do it for free, or do it for the cost of supplies and whatever the church costs... plus insurance costs. (So, it may cost some $$$ unless you have it in your home) The cool think about this, is that if you're doing it... you just decide what you like. I like Shurley English better for the grammar portion, and LFC or something else for the Latin. BUT, you can use the CC material for the core of what you're doing. There are also way better maps out there, than what CC uses. I do like The Core for the explanation of how to do Geography. I also like the Draw Write Now(Book 7) which is good, and similar, too. The positive is that if you want to tweak something, it's easy. There's plenty that I would tweak. Have fun!! Good Luck... (And yes, I do know of multiple co-ops using the material, you just may not call yourself THEIR co-op... make up your own name, using their material :))
  21. No question here!! Expository Preaching, worthy of seminary level classes, taught to the hungry :) I'd LOVVVVVVE to have a church with great sermons and Music that is worthy of being called "worship". You know... Praising God for who He is and What he's done!!! :) I know a small town that could use a great church!! :)
  22. Congrats!!! So I've almost lost a cinder block :) Just call me "Cinder"... I kinda feel like one sometimes, anyway!!!! Cinder Ella :) Edited to add that now I only have to lose a small pup now. (5lbs!!) Wow.... small pup :)
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