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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Well, the brace wouldn't work; he had to have a cast... BUT, I'm happy for a cast instead of just a splint :)
  2. When you're at the ER and they ask, "Does he go to school?" and you say, "No" and then later someone else asks, "Do you go to school" and he says, "No" and they try to convince him that he does go to school, but at home. He just kept saying, "But I don't go to school.".... Yes... lucky me :) I just looked and thought, "Why"......... I need to give him a better answer. :) And today he's happy because he gets to just sit and watch T.V. ALL Day :)
  3. SN meaning "special needs"? What those are would influence what I'd do.... Also, she'll be an early 5?
  4. Thanks SOOO much. We called the Orthopedic place in Oregon and already have a 3pm appt. SOOOOO happy!! So much quicker than the local spot. (They still haven't called back) And.... I made sure they do these braces. So..... YAY!!! Report on how it goes soon :)
  5. My "sciencey" loving friend thinks it's more thorough than say... Apologia's. That would make sense, as the author of Apologia's is a Chemist.... and so I would assume that Biology wouldn't be his "first love" ;) I think that often people, including homeschoolers, get set in a .... "this is our Science line-up"... (Apologia) without that meaning that it's the best.
  6. Yes, I get to call in an hour, but they're closed until 8am :) Yes we have a splint and they said that the cast will be done in about a week. I can't imagine him walking around Disneyland in a splint. My husband has talked about this trip for a year with him... and will probably go either way, as my step-daughter is going. We had a coast trip planned, but can just cancel it :( (Trip with my mom, daughter and me....) Sadly, I don't know if we can plan on a girls coast trip again.... as it takes a long time to get us all together. (and my mom has cancer :() Weird that breaks and things seem to happen when trips are planned... (And we hardly ever plan vacations...)
  7. Hi There :) My 8 yr old son broke his arm last night, and it was put in a splint at the ER. It's a reverse colles fracture (break). Wondering if anyone has had a temporary cast or something more than a splint. (He's suppose to leave for Disneyland tomorrow with his dad/my husband.) It's not something we can reschedule, as my husband is a chaperone. :(
  8. Look at Shepard's Biology, as it is more thorough than Apologia.... according to what I've heard....
  9. I think it's crazy, and the flight attendant might have been on authority kick. If it was the smell that was a problem, it couldn't have made the restrooms smell worse. She made sure to do it in another area; it's not like it's smoking..... I'm pretty sure that it could have been handled more gracefully ;)
  10. I voted to wean by 2ish, because by then people are freaking out... at least most of them. I nursed my daughter till right before 3 (she wanted to continue, but I stopped) and my son till he was 4yrs and 10 months.... (he also wanted to continue, but.... well.... 5 is too old here ;))
  11. :grouphug: Cancer sucks, I'm sorry for you and your family. Prayers for you...:grouphug:
  12. I feel like they should "show that they believe it's worth studying for".... know Hebrew and Greek.... and have or work towards a Doctorate of Theology degree.
  13. I'd love our Co-op to look at doing TOG for the 7th-12th, but it seems cost prohibitive. I mean.... for one student the total ends up being?? And for two... at different levels?? If it was in the "less expensive" range... we'd totally be there!! :) (We would need to do YR4...)
  14. Living half and half is hard.... way harder than at one house. I kinda rush around and help when necessary. I know that many wives help their husbands get the proper clothes ready, and my kids who live at 2 houses sometimes need extra help. Being in band and not having the right clothes, will make playing the instrument hard, perhaps. AND, I love the fact that my kids do band.... :( Sorry it's hard for you and your step-son. Step families have serious dynamics that just aren't easy... and leave the step parents feeling... "stepped on" :(
  15. YAY!! Thanks for sharing this!! :) I had already booked this before responses, due to my freaking out that I wasn't going to get a spot!! I'm gonna try some of the others... on another trip ;)
  16. Thanks for the suggestions! :) I live outside Salem.... just haven't stayed at the coast much. I've either had kids (and broke) or single and working :)
  17. When I'm not trying to just be casual, so I don't sound weird, I speak as I was taught. Mike and I went..... Give the ball to Mike or me.... Lie down.... Lay your body down. Raise your hand... Rise up.... May I have a cookie... Can you hit the ball.... Shall is one I don't use much, but I know some of the proper uses. (Which have changed over time) I believe that Shall and Whilst are used some places, right? and my poor son won't let go of "writ"... which use to be a proper past tense, I believe.... Perhaps he uses it because of books he's been read... I can't figure that one out :) (And yes, I know that I didn't properly punctuate anything in this post ;))
  18. Look up the meaning though... I used it the other day in a Word Game and looked it up to see if I could handle the definition :)
  19. I know this is a stretch... but I'd love to stay right past Lincoln City in a spot that's not shabby. It's hard to figure out from online pics... You know how they can be SOOOOO wrong. Anyone have suggestions?
  20. I was thinking of this, as well. I was actually considering taking it myself.
  21. Could you take what you're doing and expand? Is it possible that others are feeling the same way as you? Maybe the older kids would prefer to have some more core academic classes? OR... that you'd like to have core and electives? I think that it would partially depend on if it was one of my children's bases of friends... OR, that you could do one day of electives and one day of core at the same spot and open them up to your present families and also to "new" families? BTW, I'd love to hear what Biology you're using... We are thinking of Shepard's Biology the next time through...
  22. Seriously, coconut oil. I wouldn't use tea tree, as it spreads easily and burns like hell if you get it in your eye. (and maybe even nose) Coconut oil.... will help slow down the bleeding. I might try something to help with the healing besides Coconut oil.... but can't think of anything ;( You'd think there'd be something like Super Glue or some powder something to shake on it :(
  23. My mom has one cloth with coconut oil that she uses, and puts it back in the ziplock bag. (For her, coconut oil works better than others)
  24. My public school teens amaze me with what they know. As they're studying, I peek over and see how it's going. I hate to hear Homeschoolers here who mock the public schools and joke about how they couldn't do worse. Maybe for some of the kids, but the ones I've heard do it..... I know that my girls are just as educated as they are. :(
  25. Especially because of it being a large breed, I'd recommend feeding only grain free food. I actually feed raw and think it's best, but if you are going to feed kibble, look for high quality grain free. (Think wolfs eat meat/ cows eat grain, and the growth rate of both) The Kongs are great to feed the kibble inside of.... You just kinda mix the kibble with some tepid water.... Let soak up for a few minutes... and stuff inside the kong. (Black one...) Then each of these will give you maybe 15 minutes of peace. I used 3 of them 2x a day. (I had 3 Kongs and would feed him twice a day) It was wonderful for them to go bouncing all over with him "working" for his food. Someone else may pipe in and alter my suggestion. I know that there are "puppy Kongs" but I don't think it's a necessary first step. They are an investment, but worth it to get the "chewing" bit out of the pups ;) And the whole "leash with you" thing... one reason it's nice is because it keeps the pet from having "mistakes"... instead of trying to correct them :) Enjoy!! :)
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