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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I think "teach cursive first" then you're teaching writing once. They'll morph into some form of print, if they need it.
  2. I like this a lot :) I know this one from Pioneer Girls? or one of the kid's activities that I was part of growing up. :) Having Scripture memory is great :) Even if you are proclaiming yourself an Atheist.... :D
  3. Just looking for music for different chapters of the Bible. I was thinking John 1 would be a great one to start with, but there may be others that are as good or better ;) I'd love to piece some together to have chapters memorized :)
  4. You all who have homeschooled long enough remember when children were ripped out of their homes by the government because homeschooling wasn't legal, right? There was some book about the different cases that I believe had been documented.... I can't believe that an overzealous person can start great damage ;(
  5. No, not necessary that breed would affect whether you feed raw or not... just a curiosity :) About doing the raw, I think it's great for overweight pets. I'm sorry I don't know exactly what amount to tell you, but I think I'm feeding right at 2% or so of body weight. You can totally bring your dog's weight down with raw and especially some gentle exercise. I will tell you what I do, but of course, I'm not a vet :) Feed your dog and watch how they eat for a bit... just to make sure they're not gulpers. My dog is consistent with how he eats. I can just throw out the chicken and he'll eat what he wants. Sometimes it's a whole chicken... sometimes less. I average out his food intake, if there's an issue. So, for your bigger one, about 2% of his body weight, with a bit of salmon oil (You can click that and it will show you some one choice :)) Then if you're worried about vitamins you can give them dog vitamins Those will last a long time and you can purchase them in the first few weeks. When you feel comfortable, you'll just throw some stuff down as you feel like it. Some probiotics/yogurt.... The only foods not to feed them are Grapes/Raisins (NONE) and some other foods like that... Easy to look up, but my connection must be slow right now... Due to what we've found out about that's not good for dogs, We also don't do onions, garlic, or mushrooms. There ya go!! :) It's sooooo easy!! :) I feed in the backyard or tub. I've trained my pup to stay in the tub till he's done... :) Seriously, it was the best decision ever for my dog... It actually saved his life. He had horrible allergies that weren't clearing.. Good Luck!! :)
  6. What type of dogs do you have? One of my vets was ok with it... (their office of rotating vets) Their office was actually where I got the place in PDX that I could pick up the boxes of meat. :) The office workers (2 or 3) actually fed raw. The holistic vet that I take my pets to now, thinks it's great. ;)
  7. Hi There ;) I was just wanting to suggest that if possible, Social Groups show up on member's "new threads" list. Just some way to keep them in circulation... Just a thought :) Thanks!! :)
  8. Seems to me that if a family is a "team effort" that has to start by having a happy attitude and willing heart. Easier to say that do/be. Then you have to prioritize. Everyone gets breaks at work, and you getting breaks at home seems reasonable. I think that teaching/cleaning/cooking is a fine thing to strive for... Then when another adult is home... sharing the clean up is normal. There's nothing better for kids than a dad who will pick up things to do and help out around the house. Cleaning toilets and helping with kids cleaning up... that's appreciation for a mom staying with the children. (Notice, I didn't say staying home :) As kids get older, staying home isn't as much of a reality) It shouldn't be a his against her type of argument. Figure out the hrs in a day; give yourself a work day that's fair... then figure it out from there. I work with my son, straighten a bit.. and somehow we eat. I could get more done.... This is my time with my son and the other things in our lives... At another time, I hope to have a near spotless house. Course... I also hope for lots of time with my future gkids :) :)
  9. I try to get chicken when it's under $1.00 a lbs. So, for us that's about $30 a month. You have to remember, though, that my dog is about 65-67lbs. He eats about 1 1/3lbs a day. I did feed him on turkey a couple of times when it was free or $5.00 for a whole 15+ turkey... that was pretty cheap :) About $1.00 a day or so is good to me. I won't buy pets again, as it's been an expensive few years.... Mine are 6 or so for the pup, almost 10 for one cat and 1.5 for the other.... I've got a while to go :)
  10. :) I pretty much feed the whole chicken... (so I think that makes the meat/bone ratio even out. I'd love to feed ox tails, but here they are crazy expensive. Can you feed those as repetitive meals? I have a place in PDX that I can buy 40 lb boxes of things :)
  11. Well, the reason that I said no for the cooked bone is that dogs can choke on it. I buy organic chicken for us, so after I cook it... stock off it... I cook it till it's like "meal" and then absolutely make sure that I finger mash it till there's no anything left... My dog has never had a problem with it. But, he's been eating like this forever .... and can just about eat anything. As far as liver... I did feed it a few times, as I had been given it... until I realized that it made him have diarrhea. So, yes it's fine as long as it's just part of the dinner :) If I made a mix I'd put it in. But my dog is almost 70lbs so I just throw out hunks of meat. Here in the States chickens and beef/sheep organs are the least expensive for me to purchase. I do fast my dog about once a week... or so... Sometimes it's every couple of weeks. Usually it's on a day after he eats a whole chicken. I also try to not feed grain, but he gets some as he is a little food thief!! As Denise commented, you need to know how your dog eats. Mine starts at one end of say... a drumstick... and chomps it piece by piece to the end. It's like he's a really careful eater. This is the same dog that can take a whole plate in his mouth and keep it level to his dog bed. He is crazy funny. (Unless that plate had my steak on it!! :))
  12. It took my pup a few days. The first time I had to chop it up in little pieces and feed it to him. I did that for a few times. The first time I fed Chicken feet I chopped them up; I felt like I was chopping baby fingers! EEEKKK!!! Now I can throw a whole chicken in the back yard and he'll eat it. Sometimes if I feed at night... he'll finish it the next day. Try it a bit at a time. I made sure to watch and see if he was a "gulper"... he's not :) He has thrown back up his food a few times in the 4 years I've fed him raw. BUT, he sometimes throws up other food, too. I have no idea why... it just didn't work. (Just remember... no cooked bones.) You might try some beef next time. You can do all organs except for liver... as regular meat.
  13. Maybe by 6pm on days he wants to stay and help. Or maybe he wants to clean all wknd? (Or hire you a maid?) I do think having cereal for dinner would help :) Or maybe scrambled eggs and toast. My husband would not like it if I tried to achieve this goal....
  14. My daughter (13.5 years old) ate a whole 6lb pan of lasagna yesterday. Imagine... a whole pan. (She's 5'8" and she isn't overweight...) She does dance... oh, she also ate cereal, a donut and something else... And she was hungry again last night...
  15. My daughter is 13 and this year it turned out to be her job. I would give a couple weeks of "reminding" if you think it's needed. Talk through different ways that she may remind her. (How do you think you might remind yourself to go... Cell phone alarm, etc.) Not as a punishment, but as a step towards independence. :)
  16. :iagree: I'd love to know, too :bigear: I swear, Beth is one of the people that I'd love to homeschool my kids.... It sounds like her children have amazing day!! :)
  17. I don't know of one. We'd be so happy for an list of Organic Restaurants. And... if not totally organic, ones that do organic for the "Top Ten Dirties" or whatever... (potatoes... greens... etc...) With my mom doing almost only organic, we only have the choice of eating at home, pretty much :(
  18. What comprehensive test are you going to use? (Are you going to ask for a test from the tutor?) I'd explain what she's going to be tested on... give her a test and then do some of her grade by participation and what class work she's turned in as well. :)
  19. My kitties get dry because it's less $$$. I purchase grain free food, unless I have to have an emergency pack from the grocery store. They like the canned tuna from the pet store.... I tried raw but they threw it up on the bed... (ugh) I'd feed raw if there was a raw cat food mix I could purchase. I think that the dripping water in the tub helps... My boy cat pees like a sailor. Also... the fountains that circulate and keep the water fresh are suppose to be great. Sorry about your loss :(
  20. My older kids ask as we pass the playground, "Hey buddy, don't you want to go to Realllll school so you can play on the playground and have friends?" And my 8 year old says, "No, I like to be at home and play computer, wii, go to co-op, eat when I want.... etc." They say he's not doing real school and won't fit in. He's only 8 and probably wouldn't. He wants to do harder math... easier writing... and reading... go outside and play when he wants. You know... not be with a million other kids doing the same thing. He's VERY social and I expect him to want to by Jr High/Highschool... but for now, he's happy.
  21. I believe that when I looked int he dictionary, "EEEE there" was the first choice, and "EYE there" was the second. With an accent, that might throw it into more of a blend.
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