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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Bummer he's moving. I just heard Andrew Pudewa's talk today about writing, and he was suggestion that Gparents record their voice reading stories. Burn one to send and more than one to stay. Can you imagine the great recordings you could give your grandchildren? :)
  2. Would your husband have time to help you if you go with him? That would affect my decision. If so, then yes... If not, then with my parents. IF you stay with family, and maybe either way, have your husband start reading stories to burn to dvd for them. This will help with the separation and even just the ease of "being in between" :) (And, just heard this and remembered the idea from Andrew Pudewa today, referencing Grandparents :))
  3. What I think is funny is that all three of the people I know, who were classically educated in other countries, learned ecclesiastical pronunciation. (One from France, one Italy and one Spain) Not one of them had learned "classical".... My mom's nurse who was from Italy laughed when she heard of the classical versus ecclesiastical... So... not sure, but I thought that was funny :)
  4. I ordered them last week, and I'm scheduled to receive them this coming week. My son is good at math, and I had first coincided the 3A/3B with Singapore Math. Since he's in 4A Singapore, I wasn't going to order it. BUT, now I realize that he'll have a great time with them, and I hope he loves the cartoons and problems as much as I think he will. Can't wait to see if they get his math juices going. Maybe if I tell him that they are for someone else :) And just.... let him borrow them :)
  5. I'm planning on the Singapore Math tutor, online.... And my husband who's an engineer, to fill in the missing links... Seriously, until 6th, you should be fine!! :) Just study and look up things that you may be rusty in :)
  6. I agree with you, and yet if he loves children, regardless of how he feels about his book.... he would withdraw it from being sold. (He would take responsibility to remove a book that is being used "incorrectly") I can't believe that with people killing their children in the name of "discipline" that he would continue to not at least warn those exhausted parents to look at their parenting a second time.... and make sure they're helping their children overcome their issues. (Thinking specifically of those poor adopted kids going through so many problems, including plain culture shock :()
  7. As someone who has spanked my children, and even with a <gasp> wooden spoon, I think the book should be withdrawn from being sold :( I love my kids... never have bruised them... and I'm not sure I'd even spank them if I was choosing again.... At the very least, I'm not sure why he won't put anything in about being careful to not hurt them... not to spank (or at least "over spank") adopted children. I'm so sorry that he can't see the harm he's doing :( So... so... sorry :(
  8. I love my pup, but my cats are (potentially) easier. Of course, this last year I've been dealing with cat sickness the whole year... but usually cats seem easier.... :)
  9. NOT happy that I wanted it so much that I ordered it :) My son is older than a lot of you doing it, and we're doing 4A in Singapore, but I think he'll like it anyway. (Hopefully) Otherwise, I'll sell it :) You guys have been talking it up, so I hope we love it :)
  10. My first thought was that maybe she has reading issues that make reading not pleasurable. My husband doesn't really do pleasure reading for himself, but for years has spent about 1/2 hr reading to our son at night. He's an engineer and would make an incredible teacher in areas like math or even maybe science. SO.... I think if it's not for literature :) then maybe it'd be a good fit. :) (AND, when we read something together, it takes him for.ev.er!! BUT, then he remembers it forever, too!! :)
  11. :grouphug: Yup... that's how it is here, too :) House could fall through the ground and they'd just keep on going :)
  12. Can't wait to hear some reviews :) Are there samples somewhere? :) And... how long before the next books in the series? :)
  13. We are doing short division. I explained how to do both, but short is easier.
  14. My mom isn't going to pull through, as such, but chemo hasn't made her sick at all. She had the testing to see what chemos would work. She goes once a week and after feels fine. She eats well, and has researched a ton. We are thankful for the time we have........ It's been precious though sad..... :(
  15. On all the Groupons I've purchased, it has had that they will refund your money... :(
  16. So sorry :( PM me if you want to talk... Look up my name if you want to see what I've been doing the last year ;(
  17. Just curious if anyone here has done it... is doing it.... thinking about it :):bigear:
  18. If you have room... big crate with little crate in it... and the vet's office uses a frisbee for litter. (When they are there) So.... and music!!! They are likely to make that crazy meow sound for at least a while... so music on so you don't go crazy with them :)
  19. :grouphug: That is SO frustrating! Both the line switching as well as crying when I don't want to..... UGH!!! Remember your chocolate!! :)
  20. But, this is the point. "Sorry, but do to nail polish being flammable, I'd get in big trouble for letting you finish your nails. No polishing allowed..." (Not treating her unkindly... etc.) Honestly, I'm not sure it'd that much of a risk :(
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