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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I would think that you've collectively worried 1.5 hrs, so it's time to drive in and be checked out by someone specialized. Seriously, whenever you worry it's bad for your health... but the start of worry can be your body's way of telling you to check into something... So, I say... try not to worry, but still check it out :)
  2. That's cool!! Is it something we can buy? If so, do you have a link?
  3. My son was doing phonics at 6 and learned to really read at 8. Maybe he could have read, but I didn't make him. Could he sounds out words? yes! But he considered it hard. Same thing with math. He could multiply 3 numbers x 1 number in his head.... but I waited a while to show him how to write it. It took a couple days... but I didn't have to work for too long. I think waiting till they're ready is ok, as long as you don't see issues that are cropping up. :)
  4. Anyone around Salem? We have our Co-op that's Enrolling for this coming year.... PM me if you want :)
  5. So this thread, and the Circe thread have me biting my nails. I'm wondering about my dear son; it's such a huge responsibility to try to prepare children for their post highschool learning! From what I have absorbed I'm thinking of making sure that I try to take this time that he's young to fill him with and expose him to.... some of the "classical studies" that I want him to know, and expect that during Highschool he'll be studying Math and Science in more detail. And, of course, in our spare time share Science Museums and such with him. Truly, I would send him to school if I could. I like the one that Beth found around NY I think. At least online it looks wonderful. I'm not enjoying the responsibility I feel. I'd prefer to work full time and send him to someone who has a "been there done that" past. It feels like he's been spinning his wheels waiting to get to the next place that he can speed ahead for a while now.... Why can't it be like the old days where you used Paces and had your kids fill in the multiple choice answers :)
  6. My daughter took the OAKS test when younger. As far as I know, you have to be in PS or enrolled in a public charter to take it. I was bummed because I wanted a comparison between PS and homeschool years... Oh well. As a side note... we're in Salem.... are you around here? :)
  7. Glenn has a Bachelors in Engineering; I'm trying to encourage him to go for his Masters. I want him to teach at a great Engineering Uni by the time my 8 year old is Uni level :) Me... I'm working on finishing college...
  8. Croutons or bread crumbs... Bread Crumbs are for sure a hit... :) Then you just need something for under... I suggest Chicken Divan!! :)
  9. Maybe think about getting the round gated things for the kitchen? (if you can't get whatever you had to work...) UTI's could be possible; but seriously all the pups? How old are they? I'd suggest remembering not to get too excited when taking them out of the pen you create. Very calm talking. Also, make sure you try to neutralize the area where they've already gone. I wouldn't use pee pads... (Like Astrid already commented) Good Luck!! :)
  10. I would think about talking about what "peeing" versus just dribbling is. My first thought is that maybe they're just dribbling outside. And yes to the leash with you all the time.... until it's not a problem. Do you have a spot they can be that doesn't have carpet?
  11. The Champion is wonderful for sorbet type "icecream" :) We use to freeze fruit and run it through :) YUM!! :) Then of course, you can use it for juicing, too :)
  12. This is actually a great thought, and one of the reasons why I don't care for Challenge. You mention Russian or Arabic which are outsourced. Can you imagine your Language teacher learning as they go? (And sometimes with many children to attend to at home, so figuring out where to study for at least an hour a day... just for Latin?) And, because of CC's reasoning, they also have the same teacher who is teaching Latin, teach the other subjects as well. So, hopefully your tutor is great at all the other subjects. It's because of this way of having the teacher/tutor learn at the same speed (or slower) than the student, that I believe Master Teachers are important in the Jr High/Highschool years. It's not valid that with Master teachers, parents can't remain involved. For parents that have time to be in with their children during the online lessons, you can go right along with the studies and read and write if you choose. BUT, you're being taught by people who at least are to KNOW the material and hopefully have a passion for the subject. You really can't have a Master's level of knowledge for every subject. And, while it's less than private school, per day it's not much less when you calculate it. So, it's paying someone who (potentially) is the same level as you... just for a group experience. And, I was frustrated that much of the money goes up to CC without training that was extensive. :(
  13. So I revived a group I forgot I had started..... PM me if you'd like an invite. It's moderated and not public. I wanna be kinda careful who we have on... as... well... I want it kinda private :) Sarah... you were on before :) Should we make a day to check the group or something? Social groups seem to die after a while... because they don't pop in the threads spot. Eventually, it'd be nice if they showed new posts with all the other threads so they don't become forgotten :)
  14. Thanks! Wow, Julie! How great to have special programs near you. Thanks for everyone's opinions. He seems to soak in things, but with Math I'm especially nervous ;)
  15. I have to say that for ease, HWOT is absolutely wonderful. I started with the 3rd grade cursive for my son's handwriting and it was great... (I taught him cursive, first :))
  16. Hi Been there, Done that Moms/Dads :) I have an 8.5 yr old son who we've wondering "what" he's gonna be and started asking "what type of engineer" he's gonna be :) My husband is a Mechanical Engineer by schooling and a Design Engineer by trade. (And my step daughter, my son's half sister, is studying to be a Chemist) I'm doing Singapore 4A and Beastly Academics 3A. (just started these) He also talks incessantly about math and such. He absolutely loves history and likes science and seems to have a gift towards languages. His memory is incredible, so I'm working on more memory work. (Like a poem we just started... that someone mentioned here) Math is my seriously weak point. I'm pathetic at higher math. I've read a ton about math at the lower level and have tried to figure out how you get from whatever grade 4A is.... to Algebra. So, for my son who will need to be doing Calculus his last year of highschool... I would assume... I'm trying to figure out his path. I know it's early... but I don't want him to be in 9th and wonder where the time went.... I'd love to have some people who have sent their children off... or will be in a few years ..... offer your advice. :)
  17. Just thought it'd be fun to have emails going back and forth.... or something like that... for ideas... problems... thoughts.. :) But maybe not for the whole board to look at, so I can ask for help... without sharing info for the world to see.... (and others could do the same :))
  18. You're probably not over our way (Salem) but if you are... :)
  19. I'd love a few to talk about co-op leadership.... offline :) Anyone wanna chat?? We have a great co-op... I don't even know how many students are attending right now.... But yours could be 4 families or 100. :)
  20. UGHHHHH.... are you sure you can't commute?? :) Dang!! My step-daughter is in the beginning stages of becoming a Chemist... but funny thing.. she thinks she needs to concentrate on her school instead of helping at our co-op. (Darn!! We'd love to have you!! You should move to Salem, OR:))
  21. Funny :) It's perspective, I suppose :) My husband traveled an hr to work each day... sometimes took over 2 hrs back home if traffic was bad... for years... (10+) He's on his shortest commute ever at only about 25 minutes :)
  22. Our co-op used it this year, actually just finishing it up. They seem to be please with it, since they're purchasing the World one for next year. We've added Biology and next year they'll do Chemistry. (Where oh where is that parent who wants to join who loved Chemistry??) I know that it went fast at first and then lightened a bit. I'll be interested to hear how the next few years go. I had thought of having our co-op move towards TOG for the Jr High/Highschool, but it seems cost prohibitive. :( SO, I'm glad that it's easy and cost reasonable to use MFW :)
  23. As far as Dance Studios, I'd suggest calling Dance Togs.(it's in Beaverton, and probable where you'd buy supplies and get fitted for shoes) The owner there is very knowledge about the studios in the area and can tell you where to go. We're in the Salem area, and if you landed more over here... I could recommend a few. We also have a co-op with a Christian Worldview. If that works with you... and you end up within driving distance, I'd be glad to tell you about that.
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