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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I liked the tent thing, but a mom I chatted with on another group had her son have a terrible accident with it and somehow he got "hung". Not sure if I'd do it again... If there's a sibling that could share a space, that's what my son still likes...he's 5.5; when he can't sleep with her...he's sleeping with us. Carrie
  2. You might like Greg Tang's books. Scholastic has the best price...if you order the set. Our library has many of them as well. Carrie:-)
  3. Hey Bill, Do you happen to be on the LivingMath Yahoo group? They have a TON of books listed..and we've had fun reading through some of them. Some are about real people and math...some more like the Neuschwander books (Sir Cumference and others she wrote...)
  4. Hi There, I'm looking for a good spot to hear Latin Chants for different noun endings(1st -5th declensions) and next year conjugations. I need them to be with ecclesiastical pronunciation. I also am looking for John 1 in Ecclesiastical, either public domain or not too expensive. If anyone knows a cd that has a good amount of these, I'd love to know. Thanks! Carrie:-)
  5. Good writing! An interesting thing, to discuss at some point, is Ford's view of Hitler. Having lived in Michigan, his sympathy towards Hitler is a reason that I would have less respect for him. It's an interesting toss up....can you respect a man who in one sense did good, while at the same time despise something else about him?... http://reformation.org/henry-ford.html (But there are other spots to look, too) BUT, I'd love for my daughter to write as well as your son. Carrie:-)
  6. Oh, ouch! I wouldn't pay that much....I guess I'm cheap. I took spanish in college and then worked at a Spanish speaking grocery store, where everyone's mother tongue...was spanish. I spoke a lot of spanish, and had I stayed there...I would be fluent. I guess I'd think about a volunteer opportunity for them....But, if you have the $$$, sounds like a great experience! I would just think about how long you feel you'd want to pay for it, and how your children will continue to speak it after that point. Carrie:-)
  7. I'd use it for chili..... Of course, I love Chili:-) Carrie:-)
  8. My mom did flashcards with me. I said, "I can't" she said "you will". 2 weeks.....and I had them down. Each day, she started with the stack...and then left the ones I knew..and drilled the ones I didn't. I felt so accomplished at the end. I've heard the it's better to drill first with the answers and then without. SO, either use post it notes to have the answer on flashcards for the answers...or buy some...and then just have less and less. OR, you can start with all the "3's" 3*1, 3*2, 3*3 etc... or all of the facts that end up with the answer 12.... (1*12, 2*6, 3*4...) I would concentrate only on math facts, at least every other day, until learned. ( I can't remember but there's are studies about how long it needs to be between studying. Maybe it's a "no longer than" ...so many hours) Carrie:-)
  9. I spanked my kids when they were little. Who would even think that a belt is something to use on a baby....to hit repeatedly...to beat for not eating. What type of terror is this? This isn't about spanking....or about using a tool to give a swat...this is about immaturity.... meanness.... Sin.... The guy is young enough that even with jail, he'll still be out young enough to have a child...or be with one. I think that he should have mandated anger management classes, be taught about child development...and then since it was just a baby...I'm sure that he could handle the same "spanking" that he gave the baby....So, to remind him....why can't it be like the "good ole days" where he's "taken out by the big boys" and had the H*ll beat out of him...to remind him about how it feels to get beat by a bigger person..... He needs some serious pain! Carrie
  10. :party: Hey Pam, I am praying for Sir Hope! I think you're due for a boy. :auto: Carrie
  11. Could you get one other family to split it with you? $9.00 a student ...for an hour sounds great to me! Especially if you can get some good references about her teaching. Anyway, a class of 4 might make it more fun, too. Carrie:-)
  12. I have heard of it. I'm pretty sure that it's the one that a family in our (kinda old) church... his father owns it... I've never been but our youth group goes up there....There's an inside play place in Salem...and also some decent McDonalds...and if it's a warm enough day...we have a really nice park in Silverton (close to where you'd be camping) I don't know if you'd be at all interested...but our homeschool group uses Classical Conversations for our weekly program....we meet on Wednesdays....(It's tuition based) we also have free practicums...the next one for us is in June (in Portland) the actual practicum is free...although if you want to do kids camps...they cost about $35(each child) for the three "days" This time we're actually meeting from 3pm-9pm in hopes that some dads can come...(for the 6-9 part, especially..although my husband can't) We also are doing some other things like field trips...and hopefully more. We're trying to grow the group into more "support" as well as meeting for our weekly group. We have moms in our weekly group that drive up to an hour (both ways) each week, but I'd like to have a "mom's night" this next year...we'll see how it goes. Carrie:-)
  13. I'd choose choir/music. I think the ability to sing in public is not overrated. If there's any interest, the next thing is music lessons. (Our friend suggests that you wait until at least 2nd grade) You need to take and practice for a while to have some fun at it... Carrie:-)
  14. How old are your kids? Do you know if they're having the Challenge programs? (jr high/highschool?) Carrie:-)
  15. My mom likes hers. When I was younger, we used Alta Dena Kefir. Anyone remember that? It was INCREDIBLE! Alta Dena doesn't have it anymore, but I'm wondering how the other kefirs would work... Carrie:-)
  16. Ok, I'm a bit curious. How did you ever find her blog or even think of looking for it? Not that it matters, I just never would have thought to look for someone's blog....Sometimes I'm surprised, even when I find out that one of my friends has a blog. Carrie:-)
  17. Seton also has a full Henle key, that is $5, I think. I don't think it's listed...I think you have to call. Carrie:-)
  18. I've wondered if you're of a Waldorfy/Classical Bent. Is that a popular philosophy out where you are? I would LOVE to say that my child has never watched tv...but with 3 big sisters...it's just not true... Carrie:-)
  19. I wouldn't "allow" any dating during the developing of my child's personality and character. (obviously you continue to develop for quite a while, but I wouldn't allow it during young teens.) Group get togethers, once in a great while, with adult supervision...may be ok. (I think I would say,"yes" to that) But, small groups with opposite gender...no way. I would be ok with it, as in give my permission, when my child has matured... At least 18 for us. Carrie:-)
  20. You know, I think I'd ask her to talk with her and explain that although you're happy to have the girls play together, that you need her to respect your opinions as your children's authority at this point. When your children are whatever age you feel appropriate, you'll share with them different religions. You may even invite them to go listen from other people...their opinions. You can't honestly think that this lady is going to go against her beliefs and not pray for your family...that's how it goes....but she can be expected to respect and honor you. I think this might be a good place to show your children how to resolve differences. Also, it reminds me not to put info I don't want others to read in a public area, not to blog about others....and to remember other people's feelings! I honestly think that I would allow my children to play with hers, as long as she can vow to not involve your daughter with topics that you have put "off limits". This would be any off limit topics that you believe need to be agreed upon. I wouldn't want my child involved with lots of discussions, including but not limited to...religion, politics, family differences, sex...at all....You get the point... Carrie
  21. I have 3 girls, older, and one 5 year old. He's recently been "sassy" and told me various things that are disrespectful. I might have spanked my daughter, but have somewhat changed my methods. I think there is nothing wrong for spanking, but here's the question. "Do you feel any guilt about spanking?" If so, think of something else. To be effective, you have to be willing to spank each and every time, hard enough for it to be more than just a casual , "ow". Here's what I have found effective for really the first couple of sassy remarks that he's given me. He's "grounded" from something like Wii that night. I am calmer than calm. I just say something about how that is rude and disrespectful and one of the things he's not allowed to say. I then say something to the effect of.... saying that means that you get grounded from the Wii tonight. Sorry you made that choice. Then, no matter what is said....no Wii. If he chose to argue, I'd give one warning, with a ....if you argue more, no Wii tomorrow. He has just tried a couple of really snotty 5 yr old things to say...and I haven't heard any more in the last few days.... I'm pretty sure that this will be how we deal with it. No hot sauce...No horseradish(that's what my mom used...supposedly it's good for your digestions) BUT, I do a "punishment" because...well...I want to make sure it's not worth it. I don't have a mental problem with spanking, and we still have one thing I'll spank for....(hurting others) but everything else...I talk about...ground and time out... I give lots of choices...and try to ask how he's going to deal with the situation.... A book that might really make sense with you...especially because you do daycare is the Love and Logic Book series... Carrie:-)
  22. ZOO Homeschool Day... on this Tuesday (March 10th) Limited tickets to first 200...(check website) I'm wondering if anyone else is going to be going? I'll be there with a couple of other families...and I'd love to meet any other WTM people:-) Carrie:-)
  23. LC is not "Catholic" but it does have Church prayers and such...since that's a big reason Latin is around today. I really like LCI and II and believe that it's more correct than LFC. I do like the chants on LFC, but have heard that you really need to know Latin well enough to correct the mistakes. Carrie:-)
  24. IEW has an Ancient History Writing program http://www.excellenceinwriting.com/index.php?q=catalog/history Carrie:-)
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