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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Family Meeting time, eh?? Chore distribution time, and Dad does the whole meeting. Can you imagine your daughter in law? Can you imagine her not sleeping well, nursing one or two babies at a time? getting dinner? Guy comes home, says "What's for dinner?" Pops open the Pepsi, and says..."I need some down time" Tell me when dinner's ready? Now imagine, girl getting ticked....going back to HER home, where everyone knew how to help? Explain this to your sons, read "The Red Hen" and tell your boys it's time to pull themselves up by their bootstraps....get the mowing done, the flowers planted, the table set....and your daughter needs the respect! (as well as you!) You can do it! Carrie:-)
  2. I'm really sorry for you and your family. Really Really Sorry! Carrie
  3. I'm leaning towards VideoText. I saw a bit and was intrigued. I'm not sure if there's a reason NOT to purchase.... Carrie:-)
  4. I wouldn't do the teyla thing, since she's never get it said or spelled correctly... "Tay La" or Teee La??? Carrie:-)
  5. Hi There, I watched some of VideoText yesterday and really liked it. I'm wondering what families end up doing when they get home with it. Do you just love it? Keep it on the shelf? And, if you feel like you understand math well enough to give it a thumbs up or down, that'd be great! Thanks! Carrie
  6. You do NOT need to buy the audio cd or the memory work resource cd! You can purchase, very inexpensively, the online "C3" community. You receive the code for the reduced price...available to registered members of CC communities. Last year, the basic package ended up being $6 a month. (So, if you want it for 6 months....a total of $36.) The C3 has both MP3's of the memory work...to download, as well as something called "tutorials" that are really fun that go over the memory work. If you don't want it for all of the months, you could purchase it before the first week, and then again about half way through. (The material is loaded on the C3 for 12 weeks at a time, thus $6 x 2times...= $12) Carrie:-)
  7. I really believe it's a lack of a moral compass. I was watching *Dateline* and was overwhelmed that while I understood both sides of the problem between the man and the couple he had a problem with, that their short-sitedness...and selfishness was the root of the problem. They were selfish....short-sided (who cares who dates whom in jr high??). 'All of them will carry scars from this for life. They also should have been scared to be caught, as physical pain, if nothing else...should have scared them. Can you imagine if that was your daughter hurt, and you got the girls? I mean, we should all be nice...because it's right. BUT, if not that because someone's gonna get you. Makes me wanna go hug my girls, and watch who they are with, but also not be prideful, and not think that it could be my kids being mean. People being mean...isn't something you can ignore. I really want to teach my children kindness. I'd just be beside myself if my kids ever were like that! Carrie
  8. A good food based vitamin would be one thing. I can tell when I'm going to start, because of how bad my legs hurt...until I take a vitamin...probably the vitamin B?? And, just be patient. It's nice to have the internet and such now. When I was a teen, I didn't even know that I could take something for the pain. My mom had never had periods that even started to hurt. I, on the other hand, felt as though someone was playing with knives inside of me. The raspberry tea is great for you....(if possibly pregnant, you have to use with wisdom.) Carrie
  9. This is funny! I wonder how many women on here know what your "the rabbit might have died" comment means.... (yes...I know pregnant...but do they know why the rabbit died??) Carrie:-)
  10. You're not in Oregon, are you?? If so, come say hi to me at the Classical Conversations booth. I'd love to meet some fellow Oregonians:-) Carrie:-)
  11. Soon, when you have a baby, you'll be told when to have them report for "duty/school" and it'll be like...3 months old or something...so they can be taught by professionals... Who would have thought? And WHERE were those professionals when I was puking from being pregnant...or trying to push the kid out?? (I could have used some help!!) Carrie:-)
  12. I believe that with a good teacher (and who wants a bad one?) moving the child from k-8th with the same teacher is great! That's how the schools are in ....Denmark?? I'd rather think of my child bonding with a teacher...than spending half the year getting to know them...and then being moved. It's part of the beauty of homeschooling...and I would want public school to be as much like home as possible. It's more like real life. Who would want to switch bosses every year? Or ballet instructors? etc.... You don't have to learn everyone's name...again...and if you hate the teacher...you switch. Carrie
  13. You know what? I'd let it be like MIL and you having a secret that son and you get a night away:-) That way, she gets in on "the secret" and you get in some time! Plan something fun for the kids and her:-) (Even if you want them to stay at home) and something fun for you and your husband....massages...or whatever....and a nice dinner... That way...your MIL gets to feel like she's giving her son a gift...and you're not trying to run away from her:-) Carrie
  14. My daughter would really resent me for doing this, since she wouldn't stay with her friends that she's danced with for years. Just because she's allowed to dance, doesn't mean you can't do an extra year at the end, if you need to add it. Also, if you do some review this summer, you can use getting up to grade level as a motivation:-) Carrie:-)
  15. I'd say, take her to see some curriculum and maybe she'll find out what she likes. I know the dancing thing. Our daughters are about the same age (my daughter turns 11 mid August) and she doesn't love school. I find that she tolerates, and even memorizes because she listens so much, to things like SOTW cds. I also know that she'll drudge through math worksheets, reading some science, biographies. It's more fun if they love it, and they can lapbook to their hearts content if the material is being covered. You don't have to love work, you have to do it with an attitude that doesn't punish anyone else. I have told my daughter a couple of times, that dance comes after school. I've asked her, "Do YOU want to explain to your teacher why you aren't on time?" That's always a "NO" since she wouldn't want to disappoint her ballet instructor. Maybe she's just a textbook/workbook kinda kid. You can't make anyone love to learn. You can only try to provide the opportunity. Carrie:-) (I'd say...keep her at the same grade, and do work that is her ability. Even if she was extremely bright, you wouldn't be putting her in a ballet school...3 years ahead of her aged peers. Ballet is a skill that is based on ability of dance...and not level of math:-)
  16. Oh, I'm so sorry! I only knew about philodendrons after I went to a childcare class. I got rid of my lovely ones, that I had for over 6 years...because...well...my son is just naughty and curious. SO, everyone reading this thread can be reminded that they are toxic to cats and kids...(one leaf supposedly can kill a baby...I'm not sure if that's accurate, but that's what the lady said...because it can cause the throat to close) Anyway, I will hope with you that your kitty will just come out of it lovely and that she'll be with you for many years! Carrie
  17. Kefir, if it's good quality...is better...Probiotics should be the best, right? Also, you'll want to have one with either no sugar or low sugar...as you know...sugar feeds yeast... Carrie
  18. Isn't it nice that we can always learn?? Wow, sounds like someone I'll have to check out! Thanks! Carrie:bigear:
  19. The only thing I'd change is having the answers in a separate book. I really liked it besides that. Also, if you want Calculus, you need to order the book before it, to get the whole thing... But, we liked Fred, too! Carrie:-)
  20. I have to say, that for just "tinkling" a cup just pressed up...works great. The little girl I use to nanny, would have to go...just when we had walked all the way to the car. (and I'd have to drag her little sister back, too) This was the easiest....cleanest...never got a drop on either of us..way. Carrie... (and yes, even though her mom hated it, I kept an empty cup in the car....)
  21. I'd like one without lead. I'd love a stainless steel one, so I"m watching to see if anyone suggests a great stainless steel (inside...for the pot part) one. Carrie
  22. Oh! Darn! Who is George Grant? That's why I need this conference! Where is it held?? Carrie:-)
  23. Cool! That just looks great! Now that I have my daughter's passport...from her bio dad...I too could think about this! Wow, what a great idea! Carrie:-)
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