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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Have you seen the motions for the Ten Commandments?? Someone suggested these on the portal. http://www.aish.com/sp/lal/48948961.html For #3 I'm saying "Respect Your God" and For #4 I'm saying "Rememember the Sabbath Day" Other than that...I'm doing it like the video. Well, with adding the History Sentence:-) Carrie:-)
  2. You can get State Farm to get you insurance for about $250-$350 if you don't have an endorsed by the leader...nursery. (this is for about 45 people...) PM me if you want info... Carrie:-)
  3. If you say..."come here" and they ignore you...that's not right. But, in a case where time isn't of the essence, I can't see where it'd be healthy for them to never wonder...and thus question..."Why?" Carrie:-)
  4. I have a soft spot for Letourneau, my dad taught there when I was young. I'd love for my kids to be that close while in college:-) Carrie...
  5. OH...coconut oil is good for anti-problems:-) And it's light...and non toxic. For moisture, we've found that shortening is good. (just plain Crisco) Carrie
  6. My daughter had this...Dr said powder...my mom said...that's like making Rue on your baby... She put a bit of calamine lotion...much better. Course, my daughter has excema...lovely... oh well Carrie:-)
  7. Here's the deal, your peanut butter is like....poison to my child....and if my child touches it...and it ends up in any membrane of her body....she can go into shock.... You can get SunButter:-) which makes it so my child can sit next to yours:-) It's actually quite close and with jelly or jam....tastes pretty much just like pb&j:-) At my daughter's old school, there was a pb table at the time...but I think those might be fading soon, too. (Because of cross contamination) Carrie:-)
  8. As far as age, could you tell me if a rising 6th grader (just turned 11) might be able to do these? I'd like a Video Text...separate pre-algebra....but...is this doable?? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  9. Hi There, I found kinda pocket like things that you write on with WhiteBoard markers. These are not sheet protectors. I think you can get them from Rainbow Resources? Do you know what I'm talking about?? Where to get them for cheap?? And, do they work well?? Thanks!! Carrie
  10. Maybe off to do childcare or something in exchange?? Explain that your budget doesn't allow extra costs and ask for if there is a need that could substitute for actual money... Carrie:-)
  11. :lurk5: I'm looking for places for my daughter to learn Ecclesiastical Latin, with something like Henle...or Henle. I know MP has one out there. Has anyone done it?? Or do you have suggestions?? Thanks! Carrie
  12. Lucky you!! Those are the good ones! Do you know how to clean and season them?? Carrie:-)
  13. Did you look on the OCEAN site for groups?? It might have some:-) Carrie;-)
  14. My daughter is 11 and has done 3 years of Latin. (LCI, LCII and One year of Henle through Unit 3) I am thinking of an online course for her to continue Latin. She's learned Ecclesiastical and has no desire to switch to Classical. During Highschool, I'll introduce her to Classical, in case she wants to study in a Secular atmosphere. (and because I understand that Classical is more appropriate for many readings) Who has used an online course that they love. And, if you remember how much it cost, that'd be great! She's going into 6th grade:-) Thanks!! Carrie
  15. Try a recipe with brown sugar and a bit of orange juice or zest. My computer is slow, so I can't find one for you right now, but just sliced in half and put down on a baking dish with the sugar, butter and orange flavoring (don't have to have the orange.) I think my original recipe might have had some apple cider vinegar. I think that beets would do well wrapped in heavy foil on the barbeque too...I like mine in salad...when cooled..with eggs and such... Carrie:-)
  16. If I had it to do again, I'd get a belly hugger that looks like a tube top...for your middle. I didn't try to show people, but the baby was eating and if they looked they looked. I mean, here in a society, where offended or not there are cross dressers that hang it all out (my son asked our local theatre guy, "are you a man or a woman?" when he was 4, and got " a little of both.") and genders together that I personally don't agree with...and someone is bothered by a little b**b?? I just think it's crazy. We can argue all day if same genders should be together,(or lots of other differences) and to be honest, it will never bring all of us to the same agreement. BUT, look at a woman's "br**st" and look at what comes out...we all know that it's milk...and it's what babies need to survive... SO, it just makes sense that hungry or insecure baby gets what they want:-)
  17. If declawing is the only way that you can keep the cat, then it's probably more humane than killing it. Think of it this way, it's actually amputating the tips of the toes. So, if that doesn't bother you, then perhaps it's not too bad. Supposedly, it can cause some sensations that are unpleasant for the cat. I didn't do it, because I feel like it's unkind to amputate any part of a human or pet, unless there is a risk you are trying to avoid. In other words, I would cut the tail of a dog, if I felt he was a breed that was likely to break it while running around my house. Carrie:-)
  18. You can use a large paper clip to do this...:-) Carrie... PS, smoothies..but we don't get that far...slightly defrosted and you eat them:-
  19. You guys:-) Be nice! This has got to be ...like...um...a like...um Joke! There is absolutely like really no way that that was like for real! A joke you guys!! Like up...pesticide that is like um <good> for the trees and fields... Carrie:-)
  20. Yup, we'll start talking again soon. CC starts in about another month in the South and in Oregon...where I am..we're starting in Sept. You can post questions and we'll start looking:-) Carrie
  21. Also, you know that when you're sleeping a lot, you are showing possible depression...or not wanting to deal with what's going on. Would she rather sleep? or get together with friends?? If she's good to go when she's with friends...I'd concentrate on if she's just wanting to avoid *me* or *her family*. Who was it on here that was talking about when they forced.....yes forced....their teen into talking... a big stare forever time until the teen will open up. Do they feel like your fair?? I remember being very hormonal...and my mom couldn't have forced me to talk...except for if she had really been open to what I felt...and had more patience than a room full of Saints... Carrie
  22. Well, some teens have their clocks off. I'd tell her that you're limited in what you'll talk about until Saturday. I'd give her a gift card.... I'd tell her that she can go to be when she wants, but up at 10am or something...and list out the chores... If she's sulky...there's nothing like doing hard physical work on Saturdays (all day) with the dad...just not on her BD. I'd let her friends come, but explain before hand that if she's disrespectful, that the party will be cut short. Try not to react too quickly... Try not to embarrass her... Think about keeping her home next year. Think about some counseling for dealing with this. I like the book Love and Logic for Teens... Carrie:-)
  23. I have to say, for the cats, I'd feel fine with a pet sitter and people coming over. I actually think I'd prefer a dog run for my dogs...at the kennel. Start looking straight away so you can go check them out. I'm SO glad that I did, when we left ours. I got a recommendation for a couple of kennels and made a reservation, and then went out to visit...just to see it. When I went out, it was loud, I was just overwhelmed with "get me out of here". I went out almost crying!! The second place also trains dogs, and has dog runs so they can go out an in at will. It's still loud, but I have to say that my dog loved it. I paid about $5 a day extra to have him played with/walked. (So, it ended up less expensive than the other spot...for a total of only $18 a day) Even though he's inside all the time here, it was fine. I did have to run to the vet's for the bordicella?? vaccine. (kennel cough) I felt safe knowing that no matter what, my dog had a "safe" place to stay. He had fun running back and forth with the other dogs, and I had them give him a bath on the last day before I picked him up. He actually spent over 2 weeks (about a week at a time) during one month! They say that it's best to leave them every once in a while starting while they're young. I was a bit worried because i had gotten him a few months before at the Humane Society and I didn't want him to have a problem thinking that I was leaving him...but...no problems:-) If I had more money...I would have liked to have them train him to stay off counters...Now, that would have made it PERFECT!! (He's tall and just sticks his nose up:-) Carrie:-)
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