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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Just a FYI to look at... people who are "allergic"... even just like me... (itchy mouth/throat) are more likely to become allergic to latex and should avoid it... Especially.. I think it's avocados and maybe bananas....?? I have itchiness allergies to raw nuts, tons of raw fruit, lots of raw veggies..... So... if you are allergic (or your kids are) to fruit and veggies... think about avoiding latex.... it's a bad one to become allergic to... :(
  2. I didn't vote, as my son still doesn't read exceptionally well. I don't know if he would pass for reading even AT grade level. He's 7.5 and he doesn't care to read. His dad reads each night to him... for a couple chapters or so. He reads books that are WAY about grade level to him, so his comprehension is being stretched, but reading isn't fun to him... so he doesn't like to try. He loves math and prefers to work out problems and play games :) By 4th grade... I hope he's up to speed with reading :)
  3. I had a mom in my daughter's elementary school, dismiss her need for extra attention because her son could be "self responsible" for not being around dairy... so my daughter (6 at the time) should be self responsible for handling.. "not being around peanuts". Seriously, it still ticks me off when I see her. We were too much trouble.... to just have the others be careful. (BTW in school, the Federal Law about disabilities reaches out towards allergic reactions as a "disability" from everything I've read...)
  4. Funny, I've read it and not even thought of it being Christian. The Memoria Press one has lovely pictures, and my son will listen to the Librovox readings while he looks at the pictures.... (I downloaded all the books they had of the FMO...series...) Course, we love history and just listen to tons.. :) I just get the book and Teacher's guide now... and we orally do the questions... (he's 7.5)
  5. Even with other factors not mattering, without the fat in the milk... even if you could use it after it's been processed so it's dead... your body can't use it. Course, at my daughter's school they have fried burritos, Pizza is their favorite, candy all around them....on and on.. Chocolate milk is not the worse that's there. :(
  6. How incredibly sad... sorry for your worry... and your family. I hope that people really get out of there..... and then that not too many are affected... :(
  7. I wouldn't want a body scan of my child... or me. My dad flies all the time and asks to be patted down, versus having anything that is like an x-ray due to the fact that he doesn't want cumulative "rays"....
  8. I would want to point out... that number lines begin at "0" and skip counting with visuals is the best (imo) way of teaching multiplication... and then showing that backwards would be ...division... At least that's how we learned them :0
  9. Vitamin D can be given in capsule form; it's smaller than a vitamin e capsule.... and really... just fine... :)
  10. We feed raw, too, and we just went into town and grabbed chicken for him at the store. Perfect for us. Remember, one of the days he can fast. Usually I do a bit heavy on one day... fast... a bit heavy the next day. There's also doing dry with mixed... If the money isn't an issue, there's food like Honest Kitchen which is "almost raw..." kinda... and you just put hot water... wait for 10 minutes... and feed.... If you're gonna be too far out, I'd stop and get some food to mix... Try it one night to see if he'll eat it... and just take that. Make sure you take your dog tags... (to show vaccinations up to date)... :)
  11. Hey Ali, We're in Oregon, too. I have to say, IF I could... I'd stay out of the regular public school; I just can't think of a real reason to be in it. I have my 12 year old in ps right now, and while she's learning how to write for an absolutely GREAT teacher... the parts that are bad... aren't worth it. If I could have helped her learn those skills... any other way... I would have. She LOVES school... as her step sisters do/did... too... BUT, the problems are great... and you just aren't there. :( Just some thoughts.... It's all about priorities... and whether you'll be able to keep them in school. Yes on the band though... if they are going to be there... well... my daughter does band... and that's one of the good things ;)
  12. Yes Heidi, there is a nice amount of drawing. I think it's a nice addition to help flesh out teaching children to draw the maps. If you were closer... I'd lend you mine :) If you're somewhere to just look at it ... :) I wanna say it's page 47... that may be way off... ;)
  13. Wow, if you sell everything and go, would you be debt free? (and with some to sock away?) I would be tempted to do that! Would you fly all out together? Have a travel home? Where would you be traveling??? I think it sounds exciting... tempting... WOW.. :)
  14. Charlotte Faith? Which would mean... roughly... Free woman of Faith ;) Charlotte Joy?
  15. Well, I have to admit that I only have 1 now to teach. BUT, I would say that I'd think about disobedient, versus distracted. My 7 year old, that is just a couple weeks younger than yours... is a good hearted child, but in no way will stay on track... if there are distractions. Perhaps if you think about what HAS to be done. I want him to LOVE history... and so we do history by putting History...SOTW in the van and listening... (with more kids.. even better... quiet... yay!!) If the littles are too loud for this... do it with headphones for whoever will listen. Handwriting, do instead of a nap?? Literature... read books to all... or silent reading... or I have my son listen to books from ones I've downloaded. At night... my husband reads a couple chapters of a read a loud... and then my son listens to more cds... I have lots of Jim Weiss cds... Math... I know where we are in math... and do a lot of asking questions during the day... if I can... and am now trying to get through Singapore 2A and B... from now till the beginning of next year... so we can move on :) Science... I push him outside and have him watch Science videos... read Science books... If asked, I say that I don't really do much school right now... and well... I know I don't compared to most?? We don't do hours of school... we just mosey along.... I think you may be shooting a bit too high attention wise... Just have little independent goals for him... and then do "family school/one room school house" for the rest... would be my thoughts :) I LOVE cds.... and doing school when they're "caught"... (driving/rest time/night time) :)
  16. Also, if your dd is the one that die, could it be bringing up fears about death... for some reason? I'm sorry your family is needing to deal with this.... ;( (Good for you... though... that you ARE willing to deal with it :))
  17. Well, I think that learning a timeline is like learning "pegs". Learning information to hang on those pegs brings the learning to life ;) So, it's like... you can use the WTM for HOW to teach history... but you just remember that somehow you need to try to help your child organize the history in their mind... which I think any sequential timeline does... :) As far as for Geography, the Core & ... Draw Write Now, Book 7: Animals of the World, Forest Animals (Draw Write Now, 7) which is $10.00 from Amazon... both do a great job of explaining how to teach Geography. To us, teaching Maps in Geography and in History are different. I understand teaching maps in Geography to be teaching current maps, in a map that is from any reliable Atlas... etc... To teach maps in History, would be to use maps that are from whatever period you'r studying.... Learning to sketch out the maps... without tracing.. and learning World Geography by memory... is what I want for my children :) (and having an understanding of where geographical lines use to be... is good, too :))
  18. It's weird, the first school I sent my child to... the teacher thought it was too much for the kids to wash their hands after lunch... in case they had peanut butter on their hands.. (when my daughter was little) This last week, my daughter's school was freaking because they didn't have it recorded that she's allergic to peanut butter.... Such an extreme... :) BUT, I'm happy that they now just...well.. care!! ;) My daughter is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, lots of shellfish... :( Luckily she's only had a couple of reactions... and none needed her epi pen...
  19. A small piece of quiche is easy peasy for going with salad... :) With summer coming up.. lots of filling choices... :)
  20. I don't have a "specific" suit, but I did spend the big money on a bathing suit from .... wherever... can't remember... I'm picking up those little shorts for tankinis that you wear... To cover my legs.... well a bit of them... and the suit i have... has material that goes over the front of it.... so the part underneath is the part that "sucks" my tummy in... and then cute black shorts on top of my legs... I think I may get out this summer... Don't wanna commit in front of my kids ... yet :)
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