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Everything posted by bibiche

  1. I believe we need an origin story…
  2. I thought studies showed that co-sleeping helped regulate baby’s breathing.
  3. Mother’s Day can be difficult and triggering for the motherless, however you’ve arrived there. It can be hurtful when it seems that everyone has forgotten about your existence because they’re so busy celebrating. So just wanted to say that people are thinking about you, and hope that the day isn’t too painful or sad. 💗
  4. D’oh. Indeed you did. I am *literally* dying of embarrassment because of my poor reading comprehension skills now. 😂 💀 😜
  5. @Carrie12345 My phone often changes when to whenever, no idea why. Have you heard anyone say it or just read it? Maybe it’s not a thing. Maybe the phones are trying to change language patterns. 🤖 🤖 🤖
  6. Not specific to grads, but I like cloth bunting. It’s festive and can be used for any occasion, so infinitely reusable. I’m sure you could find some on etsy.
  7. I agree with everyone else that you should not make a cake with nuts at an event attended by a relative with a nut allergy. It’s unkind. What is the cake you wanted to make? I’d be happy to help you figure out another similar cake. Is it a dacquoise? Is it covered in marzipan? For the first you can just use meringue without nuts. For the second you can use a rolled fondant. Again, happy to help you with suggestions for a safe cake.
  8. I would get boosted for graduation. From what I understand, it’s expected that everyone will need another booster in the fall, and getting one now won’t change that. Agree that you should be fine for your surgery. Congratulations on your daughter’s graduation!!
  9. Continuing on this rather off-topic topic… I have a good friend who did her undergrad at UNH before getting her doctorate at Harvard. Clearly that program and the others she was accepted into didn’t find UNH “sus.” 😉 I think it’s just a different system. Different doesn’t mean better or worse, just different.
  10. Not a course, but a selection of syllabi. Students can look through, do some selected reading, and maybe narrow the focus. https://thedailyidea.org/philosophy-syllabi-collection/
  11. Harvard’s a bit hinky too, by that standard. 😉
  12. Yes, the schools I am most familiar with have four classes as a full load, three minimum (you won’t finish in four years doing this), and five max (generally considered ill-advised). It’s interesting to read about different systems.
  13. Wait, isn’t 4 classes a full load? The only students I know who take five classes are masochist overachievers who want to triple major. Thanks for the explanation, and congratulations to your daughter, graduating HS with an AD!
  14. Wait, so if kids takes two years of DE classes they will have enough credits to graduate? 🤯 (even if they take no other classes in HS I mean)
  15. You know I was just kidding you, Scarlett. 😉 But call your doctor!!!
  16. Go to the doctor, Scarlett. You don’t want to end up in a museum! http://memento.muttermuseum.org/detail/giant-megacolon
  17. I feel your pain. Milky spore and beneficial nematodes will take care of the grubs, which will take care of the moles. And I’d be happy to send a couple groundhogs for you to add to your menagerie. 😉
  18. Yep, every college student I know has one, which makes sense for internships and such. I was surprised that it seems to be getting pushed down to high school level. I guess LinkedIn by age 15 is the older kid version of needing to read by age 3. 🙄 I guess yours was going to have to get one in another few months anyway, so it was inevitable. And he got to take his course, so it worked out. 🙂
  19. Is this a thing now? I mean, yes, I know it is, but is it an expected/necessary thing for kids now? Do your kids have them? I used to think it was only for a certain type of high octane student, but I just saw a scholarship application that asked for a LinkedIn page (it did give the option of submitting a resume if the applicant didn’t have a LinkedIn). It seems silly to me and I try to avoid ramping things up unnecessarily, but I don’t want my opinions to affect offspring opportunities either.
  20. If you’re talking about chamois quick dry towels, I am with you. 🤮 Linen towels dry quickly and don’t feel icky, if you’re looking for an alternative. Does he need different temperatures for his tea kettle? The DS here has a Cosori that he likes (not exactly compact though) because it is metal lined, but it has only one temperature. For laundry bags, I like a sturdy duffel with back straps for dirty clothes. The Frakta would be nice for clean, folded clothes. Also, are you sure he needs an air purifier? Some schools are providing them.
  21. I’m sorry that your mother is gone, Arcadia. May her memory be a blessing.
  22. I think your dog needs this, @Carrie12345https://www.coyotevest.com
  23. So glad to read that it went well and you’re feeling better. 💗
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