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Everything posted by nd293

  1. Too many variables. Is it purely physical or an 'affair of the heart'? Is it private or publicly known and discussed? Would I ever find out about it? I'm one of those who believe that affairs are 100% wrong and who wouldn't support a friend engaging in an affair, so my answer is a little counter-intuitive. But I think what defines loyalty can change over time - right now it's more about the family unit. The reality is that information comes out though, and once it was out I probably would not turn a blind eye.
  2. No. I had a mother offer to keep her child away from my dd's birthday party many years ago. That seemed excessive to me - we went with braid hair and wear a scarf headband thing.
  3. nd293


    My husband's experience has been in line with what Arcadia said. Mostly he lets people know if he's looking for a job and LinkedIn helps with the 'word of mouth' type contacts that often lead to further work. But he also gets a lot of useless cold calls or contact requests.
  4. Yes. Compliance is a huge issue with braces. It's not just the cleaning, but not eating foods that might damage the braces, wearing elastics and then wearing a retainer (or I'm told the teeth don't stay in the right position otherwise). If you have doubts about him having the maturity to comply, wait for now. It's a lot of money to spend if they don't really care enough to put the effort into making it work! Dd was 15 when hers went on, and I have to say I think the added maturity has really made braces a non-event for us. She has managed the process without any input from me. I did shell out an extra $500 (Australian) to use white porcelain bracket things on her front upper teeth instead of the usual metal ones. It has made them less conspicuous, and as she was older and moving schools I felt that the extra boost to her confidence was worth the additional money. (Although she was never really worried about it - I was!)
  5. We've variously had ours in a storeroom and outside, under cover. It lives outside now and we've had no problems. We have cool winters and hot summers. We've had a fridge in the dining room, maybe even the freezer at one stage - I vaguely remember sewing a cover for it. But no. I don't like the look. Kitchen appliances in the kitchen or outside.
  6. Drink it straight out the bottle when no one is looking. i actually drank the last tablespoon out of the bottle yesterday and thought to myself "Maybe this is why Canadians seem so cheerful."
  7. If you like Asian food then pho is absolutely delicious. Here's one easy recipe although I'm sure there are more 'authentic' ones online. http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/30105/vietnamese+chicken+pho
  8. It's a terrible, terrible idea. That said, driving for hours with a child that won't stop screaming doesn't particularly facilitate driver concentration. And sitting on the side of the road screaming at each other because everyone knows you have to start driving again and everyone knows that the baby will start crying the moment you do and no one knows how to fix the problem isn't much fun either. I can actually feel my heart rate going up just thinking about it again. It's probably not about not wanting the baby unhappy. It's probably about knowing you have to get to the other end of the journey and making a conscious decision about trade offs between safety and sanity. If you haven't had a baby that screams in the car there's no way of knowing how torturous it is.
  9. 'Funny baby' videos on YouTube. I also have a few books I re-read portions of when I want to laugh. Sometimes the whole book is funny, sometimes just parts that crack me up. Some of my go to books for a giggle are: A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle (and the sequel), My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell (and the sequel), Travels with my Elephant by Mark Shand, anything by Tim Cahill (outdoor adventure essays) and anything by Bill Bryson.
  10. I usually use the little one for washing vegetables. Ours is the Ikea type and it has a draining basket that fits into the narrow, shallow sink, so we also keep the sponges and cloths there, and put odd items that have been rinsed there to drain. And it also gives somewhere to run water if the 'proper' sink is in use.
  11. I used to do 1 month. I think the same principles would apply: plan for x meals of whatever a month (considering staples and meats), and buy a backup of other things before you run out (sauces and such). Use the freezer more - grate a lot of cheese for freezing as well as keeping fresh in the refrigerator, for instance. Freeze milk and bread. We had an extra chest freezer when we did this - I wouldn't think it's possible otherwise.
  12. Our mattress is so heavy it would be hell to move upstairs on our own. I can just barely change the sheets on my own. Ask them to do it, say thank you and tip well!
  13. Look at rings on Etsy for ideas. There is a book called "Weddings for Grownups that I found really inspiring when we got married 20 years ago. I see something with this name by Carroll Stoner - I think it's the same book. It had some wonderful ideas and lots to think about. We got married in the atrium courtyard of a city restaurant on a Saturday morning - had the ceremony right there, and finger food champagne and orange juice brunch afterwards. A friend took photos in a local park and we drove ourselves to the ceremony.
  14. Yes. At least to the elephant. I have a vague memory of eating elephant biltong (elephant jerky) as a child although I'm not sure if it's accurate. I think you'd need to know whether the meat is used (by the local community is guess) before you decide whether it's different from any other game. But that's just a correction on fact - I am not comfortable with the general idea of hunting although I recognise the hypocrisy in that as I eat meat.
  15. It sound like a very kind invitation to me. At worst the teen will feel her parents lumped her with 'babysitting' and make sure it doesn't happen again :-) At best they will all thoroughly enjoy their day together. I've sent my dd on an outing with neighbours we didn't know very well. I trust my instincts. I'd also say that if they're immigrants and far from family they might really enjoy the opportunity to have a stand-in niece / cousin for a day.
  16. Ds9 will vomit if given liquid Tylenol etc when he has a headache. We switched him to tablets around 6 years old. Just something to consider - if she is already feeling nauseous with the headache tablets might work better. I agree with treating headaches early, especially as headache can precipitate nausea.
  17. Sauté 1 large chopped onion, 3 crushed cloves garlic, 2 thinly sliced celery stalks in 2 tbsp olive oil until soft but not brown. Add 750g skinned and chopped ripe tomatoes, fresh or dry basil, 1 bay leaf, sprig rosemary, pinch chilli, punch brown sugar, salt, pepper, 50ml white wine, 100ml water. Simmer covered over moderate heat until soft and liquid almost evaporated - about 45 min. Remove herbs and purée half of the mixture in a blender and return to the pot. That's my original recipe although I don't always have wine on hand and I often used tinned tomatoes. I have another really amazing recipe which just involved simmering a large chunk of butter, tinned tomatoes and a peeled whole onion, sliced halfway through for 20 minutes. I am bad at following directions so I usually add a sprig of rosemary, a pinch of chilli and a whole clove of garlic partly sliced through as per the onion. Remove onion, garlic and rosemary and serve.
  18. They don't seem to cover books at all anymore. At least not at my dd's school. When I was at school we covered textbooks in plastic and exercise books in brown paper.
  19. Spaghetti carbonara - my quickest version For the sauce beat 1 egg per person until frothy. Quickly drain the spaghetti and return to the pot so there's still a hint of cooking water. Add the egg and grated parmesan and stir with a fork for a minute or so. Top with bacon, chilli flakes and pine nuts or walnuts. I have a few standby meals using roast chicken - fried rice, pad thai, wraps, quick chicken curry (fried onion, curry powder and cream), pho, chicken and sweet corn soup to name a few.
  20. I forgot to switch on the slow cooker when I went out earlier today which led to a Dinner Crisis. We had pasta that cooked in 6 minutes and I chopped and fried bacon in that time. Ds9 had that. Dd and I had carbonara sauce (just egg and Parmesan) topped with bacon, chilli and walnuts. Bacon cheese toasted sandwiches are good. Or baked potato topped with bacon and cheese sauce.
  21. You can definitely have Apple change the battery. Various batches of batteries have had problems - they'll replace these for free, otherwise it is something like $99. (I think they actually just give you a refurbished phone, from what I've read.) I have the same problem with it going flat from 40%. Although not always - sometimes I get the usual 20% and 10% warnings. I'll follow advice here and clean the charging port, but intuitively that doesn't seem likely to be the problem as it does read fully charged after charging. I have to go into the city to go to the Apple Store - I really must do it as it battery life is now very unpredictable. Mine isn't one of the ones they'll swap for free. You can check on Apple's website.
  22. As a 'new Australian' I still don't know when exactly to use 'singlet' I'd refer to them as vests if worn for warmth, a camisole if worn as a layer under a transparent top or tank top if worn as a top in summer.
  23. Australian is a whole other language 😄 This is slightly off topic, but I'll bet you couldn't guess what I'm buying if I'm buying "Manchester".
  24. I guess this depends on how much spare cash you have 'lying around' but we're in the process of selling our house, and that led us to fix or tidy lots of really small things around the house that had always irritated us but we never quite found the enthusiasm to fix. (That's where ds painting the patio supports came in). None of it cost a lot, but it did add up. If you look at each room with a view to "what would I do if I had absolutely nothing else on my schedule" you might come up with some great ideas.
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