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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Good Monday Morning, DD5 is feeling better so we will do phonics and reading (her to me). Read alouds, calendar work and other things.
  2. Peppermint hot chocolate, by using a candy cane.
  3. We use Blend Phonics with my DD recently turned 5 does better with this program. When we started she didn't like the two letter blends she didn't feel it was reading. We were using Phonics Pathways at the time. Blend Phonics had her sounding out cvc words. Once she was reading cvc she would happiy do the two letter blend for me.
  4. Phonics review of "ch, tch, sh and th" sounds and words Read alouds Bedtime Math book and MTH book with matching game with Daddy at bedtime
  5. Drove DH to work Grocery shopping multiple stores Yet more laundry Daily cleaning of house School stuff Lunch with Daddy at work
  6. Calendar work, addition facts to 5, Scishow kids, games, arts and crafts, audio books (lit and history)- DONE Need- phonics lesson and read alouds.
  7. I wasnt raised in church. I've visited Catholic, 4 Square (Pentecostal), Independent Fundamental Baptist, Southern Baptist and non denomination churches in my adult life. My current church Southern Baptist is a change for me. They are solid biblically, kind, non-judgemental and my DD5 is happy with her classes. They help serve the community and work with other churches and organizations to do it. My DH and I like the church as well. Much better then the last one. The last church our daughter would cry hysterically EVERY time we mentioned or went to church. She said teachers were fine but the kids were mean. I would ask the teachers and they were clueless. I wasn't happy because my child wasnt. The church was very judgmental about that, clothing and so many other things that aren't biblical. The clothing issue wasnt about modesty.
  8. Some school already done Laundry is in progress Clean house in progress I'm not feeling well so trying to take it easy. Play board and card game with my prek.
  9. She read 3 1/2 Bob books, calendar work, clock work, wipe and clean numbers book and read alouds. Went to the library for new books. Play time with Dad.
  10. I agree with Artic Mama, limit carbs.
  11. Well sometimes relatives have no boundaries and feel that you should let your 15 MONTH OLD do whatever they want and play in the yard unsupervised even though they leave their paint and insecticides laying around the yard. They don't feel they need to remove it because if the kid gets into it, well, they won't do that again. WT... Also would tell my daughter that she didn't have to listen to her parents. They told me they can do whatever they want with my kid. That I can't tell them what to do. They were 100% serious. I said that means I can do whatever I want and I want to limit father in laws access to his granddaughter. I did just that.
  12. Southern Baptist in my late 40s. I see people my age range there, maybe 10-15%. I would say though that about 70% of our church are elderly over age 60. Pastor in his 50s.
  13. Done calendar work Need to do phonics, reading and clock work.-done Read alouds
  14. DD5 love's to be read to and we read throughout the day plus 4 books for bedtime. During the day she will play while I read plus we do audiobooks in the car and during crafts. Some days she isn't to interested so I get 1 book read others days I lose my voice I'm reading so much. YMMV
  15. Take DH to work Sunday school and church Lunch with DH Play date for DD4
  16. She worked on her wipe and clean numbers book and mazes. Core Knowledge sections history, music and science. Watched Scishow kids on YouTube. 3 chapters of the Bible and children's christian songs. Need read alouds/phonics and her to read a Bob book to me. Bday party this morning Lunch with Daddy Maybe the park
  17. Drop DH at work Clean house More laundry DD going to Birthday party Pick up DH
  18. We had snow flurries on Halloween
  19. Drop Dh at work Grocery shopping Laundry Lunch with Daddy
  20. Do you have a YMCA or Recreation/Community Center nearby?
  21. Chicken and cheese enchiladas Mac n cheese with ham and broccoli
  22. Play day today Had playgroup this morning DD4 currently at Aunt's house playing with cousin. Later today while have read alouds and other school things.
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