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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Christmas shopping while DD5 is with Auntie. Running errands Laundry Daddy's home so it's family time.
  2. Scallop potatoes are yummy. Garden salad
  3. Drove hubby to work Already vacuumed both bedrooms. Run dishwasher Church/Sunday school Lunch with Daddy Laundry Rainy day today so it's an inside day.
  4. Vacuumed living room Cleaned bathroom Lite school day DD5 play date all afternoon with cousin
  5. DD5 -calendar work and read one lesson from her McGuffey Primer. Listen to her count, add and subtract songs. Play date with cousin all afternoon.
  6. A lot of house cleaning today. DD5 we covered the name and number of the worlds oceans. Science videos online. Calendar work with Christmas countdown Math Phonics and reading
  7. I'm sorry for your loss and will continue to pray for you and your family.
  8. DH off today DD5 - Field trip to science center Some math (workbook) Thinking skills workbook Calendar work Memory work- last name spelling (it's long)
  9. Church Lunch with Daddy Play at park Visit the toy store Did a little School wit DD5 this morning
  10. Drop DH at work Some school Put laundry away Church Lunch with Daddy Christmas shopping
  11. Dropped DH at work Christmas shopping with DD5 Lunch with Daddy Laundry Pick up DH
  12. Good Evening, Busy day School wise - finished math in workbook and tracing numbers. Read aloud and audiobook.
  13. Good Morning, Calendar work Kindergarten workbook Read aloud's Have her read to me
  14. When mine was that age we did Blend Phonics PrePrimer with Alphabet Fluency. They are free online.
  15. Had a family member contact me to let me know houses are safe so far.
  16. Yes, I have family affected and they have been evacuated. Thank God they are safe but the homes are in danger and the news isnt saying much.
  17. Coffee, homemade cinnamon rolls and bacon Christmas morning. Lamb steaks, bake potato with veggies plus dessert for Christmas Dinner. Christmas Eve, not sure yet.
  18. I had mine at 44. She was a month early but healthy and 6pds 10oz. I felt great but she had to be taken early due to toxemia. She is a spirited and bright 5 yr old.
  19. Do you think he would benefit from the extra speech therapy?
  20. Bedtime Math is a series of 3 books (we get it from the library).
  21. I get workbooks and do Ray's Arithmetic with my DD5. She likes math also.
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