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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Good Morning DD5 has done calendar, map puzzle of USA and learning names of States. Learning to use desktop and mouse along with educational games. Story time with craft at library. Playing with friends. Also practiced writing numbers.
  2. Drove hubby to work House work Story time at the library Did some school Maybe grocery shopping Lunch with Daddy
  3. Calendar USA Map puzzle and told her the names. Practice writing her full name and numbers. McGuffey Primer lesson Teaching her checkers and the game of trouble.
  4. Hope you all feel better soon. We are finally better. DH last day off is today. Play date cancelled due to their illness. Not sure about today schedule. DH still asleep, so we will see.
  5. Done-laundry, vacuuming and dishwasher. DD5 has done her calendar, math and science with spelling. Dad did a baking project with her.
  6. Praying Pink and Green Laundry Clean house Not sure what else
  7. Good Morning, All three of us recovering from being sick. DD5 feeling great just has a running nose. That is part allergy. I'm feeling better but still have a productive cough. DH feeling somewhat better. It's snowing this morning and super cold. Our laundry is off sight. Go to Walmart. Go to the library. Need to return movies and pick up new ones. We did calendar work this morning. If she is interested we will do more school. Right now she is enjoying her Christmas toys and games.
  8. We had snow on Christmas Eve morning and then its currently snowing. No snow fell on Christmas Day though.
  9. Hubby might only work till midday. Praying. DD5 has no fever and slept very well last night but is coughing. I'm sounding very much like bronchitis. Hubby not feeling well. No church for us since we're sick Resting Everything is put one hold till better.
  10. My little one has always been an early riser plus Daddy gets up at 5am to get ready for work. If she sleeps later that would be awesome. I remember when my siblings and I hit our teen years our Dad would come in and loudly proclaim it was time to get up because Santa came and he wanted to open his presents. Ah payback for all the years we woke him up early.
  11. With or without kids. We told our DD5 that it has to be after 5am. She is so excited.
  12. Didnt drop DH at work. I'm sick and it's below freezing outside. Hubby took the car. So I'm not going anywhere and the laundry soap is in the car. Sooooo I will do house cleaning and run the dishwasher. Rest, hopefully better before services tomorrow.
  13. Drop DH at work Grocery shop for Christmas dinner Laundry Go to library
  14. DD5 is feeling a lot better. Done-calendar work with Christmas countdown. This is the first year were she is so excited about Christmas. Math Arts and crafts Writing practice Have her read to me Read aloud Clean around the house
  15. We are home today DD5 recovering from being sick. No fever today just stuffey and starting to cough now. DH and I are now stuffey and coughing as well. He had to work today though. Her Christmas stuff is done. Just need to do a little grocery shopping. Will have to be tomorrow. Laundry and house cleaning
  16. Thank you, Critter. She is feeling better. Praying it continues to improve.
  17. Little one is sick so it's whatever she feels up to. Went to the market for special sick child food while she was home with Daddy. She did some painting while listening to an audio book, after Tylenol. She spent time drawing with Daddy. Cartoons and cuddles Ran dishwasher Pick up the house Laundry
  18. DD5 is sick and Daddy is home today. She is currently having fun painting while listening to an audio book. Running dishwasher Do some laundry Clean house Get stocking stufferers
  19. Lots of laundry Clean house Dr app Christmas shopping Lititle bit of school
  20. No break here. She is little and likes to do school. Only takes a short time anyway. We did the calendar, some math and read alouds. Her favorites She spent the morning with her Auntie playing while Daddy and I went Christmas shopping.
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