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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. My daughter ask all the time if something is real or not also.
  2. My DD is 5 and because of seeing Santa and seeing TV shows and in books she wants to believe it. Last year at 4 she told us Santa isn't real. I don't like the idea of lying to my kid. My husband agrees and when she ask point blank we do tell her and explain about St.Nicholas and God's gift of Jesus. She wants to believe even though we told her. So I told my husband we should just leave it alone, let her imagine and believe, if she wants. Just like when she pretends she is so many things during the day. At this age they like the land of make believe. When she asks me (which she has been doing every day, lately) I ask her what she thinks. She now asking about reindeers, Rudolph, flying reindeers, sleighs and if they fly and about elfs. I answered honestly and she chooses not to believe me. She wants the truth but doesnt.
  3. Good Morning, Read Alouds Have DD5 read to me Practice writing Kindergarten workbook Oops almost for got the calendar work.
  4. Good Morning, DD5 Done- calendar work and Christmas countdown, kindergarten workbook, advent tree and MTH audiobook.
  5. Home today Clean house Laundry School Take a walk
  6. Drop Dh at work Church Lunch with Daddy Play at the park Rest Then meal and meeting at church Pick Daddy up DD5 did calendar work, she played starfall math and Scishow Kids.
  7. Dropped DH at work Church Lunch with Daddy Play at the park Clean the house
  8. Drove Hubby to work Clean house Vacuum Laundry DD5 gets to visit Santa Lunch with Daddy
  9. Calendar work with Christmas and activities countdown. Kindergarten workbook Audiobooks Story time at library Bike ride Lunch with Daddy Read aloud's
  10. Drop DH at work Grocery shopping Story time at library Bike ride Lunch with Daddy Some school with DD5
  11. Good Morning, Calendar work and activities/Christmas countdown. Work on phonics Have her read Kindergarten workbook Read alouds Write her first and last name.
  12. Good Morning, DH is home sick today Arts and crafts-done Read alouds Kindergarten workbook-done Writing practice Go for a walk Phonics and have her read
  13. Thanks Lace! I will check those out.
  14. Drive DH to work Church Walmart Lunch with Daddy Play at park and go Christmas shopping.
  15. My DD5 is going through them so fast. We have done SchoolZone prek and kindergarten ones. I found Evan Moor a large kindergarten one with 300 activities yesterday. She has already done 25 of them. Any suggestions on workbooks?
  16. I'm sorry I don't know anything about AAR. I use Blend Phonics which is free online. http://www.donpotter.net/education_pages/blend_phonics.html
  17. Pay bills-done Laundry-done Run dishwasher Vacuum Go for walk-done Shop for art supplies for DD5-done Do school-done Make pie with DD after chores are done
  18. She wanted to do school this morning. Done-calendar work, kindergarten workbook, audio book and a read aloud. Storytime today at library with crafts Visiting family and friends Later Christmas lighting ceremony
  19. She wanted school stuff early this morning. Storytime at library Visit with Grandma and some friends Christmas lighting ceremony tonight in town.
  20. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your trip Pink and Green. DD5 and already finished making pumpkin pies. DH is dealing with the turkey. DD will help me with the rest. She is at the helper age. She wants to help with everything.
  21. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving themed story books. Help Mommy with last minute grocery trip. Calendar work and countdown Help Mommy make pumpkin pie and other parts of the meal (except turkey, DH does that). Go to the park
  22. I am also thankful that we still have my husband. He had emergency surgery earlier this year that was life threatening. It hard to believe it's almost been a year. Also that God has provided for our needs during that time and that are bills were met while he was recovering for most of this year.
  23. I am also glad for God and His Grace. My DH and daughter whom I love very much. For finding a church that cares about the people outside the church as well as its members. I am thankful and am blessed to have born in America. I was always curious what life would been like being born somewhere else... and an only child. Anybody been to Greece? Sorry off topic.
  24. Drop DH at work Playgroup Play at a friend's house all afternoon. Pick up Dad Family time
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