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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Playgroup Drop DD4 at cousins DH and I run errands Family time
  2. Dealing with sick 4 year old all night. She so was looking forward to trick or treating. She is so disappointed. She is feeling better but it's cold today and will be in the 30s tonight. Daddy said he will make sure she gets candy. She's glad about that but still wants to Trick or Treat.
  3. Good Morning, DH is off today but currently sleeping. School Clean house Laundry Library Make a Jack-o-lantern Bike ride and/or nature walk
  4. Happysmileylady,try using warm salt water and swish it around your mouth a couple times a day. It might help ease the discomfort a little. Done- Calendar work and Halloween countdown. Halloween stories. Phonics and read a Bob book Bedtime Math Read aloud and audiobooks
  5. I always wanted to be a SAHM even as a little kid. I was in the working world for over 25 years and didn't have my DD until my 40's.
  6. Laundry Clean house Go through her toys to see what can go. Too many toys. School Go for a walk Play date
  7. Leftover pork roast and mashed potatoes.
  8. Halloween story time at library Lunch out with Daddy Read a Bob book Read alouds
  9. Already took DH to work and grocery shopping. Pay rent Breakfast and off to Halloween storytelling party at library. Lunch with Daddy Laundry Pick up Daddy
  10. We have only one and had her in my 40's. Due to health, my advanced age and my not wanting to stress out my DH again with the life of Mom and baby thing, we're done.
  11. My preker has never been to preschool either and we intend to homeschool her. Her Doctors have never asked those questions, that I recall. They ask if she goes to preschool. I say no. They move on.
  12. My DD is almost 5 is very active and would rather play then do school. She also is an only child. Does he go to preschool? Audiobooks during play and car rides Read books during bedtime. Maybe utilize YouTube kids. My daughter loves alphabet, phonics and etc that is offered there. Kids learn a lot using music. Alphablocks is a series that teaches letter sounds and how to sound out words. Numberblocks is also available. Leapfrog videos are good
  13. Good Morning, Done- Calendar work and Halloween countdown. Learn about different types of music-today's lesson is Folk music. 1/4 lesson of Blend Phonics She needs to read a Bob book Bedtime Math Read alouds
  14. Marinated pork roast with potatoes and veggies.
  15. Done- Calendar work and Halloween countdown,dot-dot 1-25, matching game spot it and learning to draw with Daddy. Need to - read a Bob book, 1/4 of a phonics lesson, Bedtime Math and read alouds.
  16. There is Memoria Press that teaches using the Classical Christian method. https://www.memoriapress.com
  17. HI Janine, ElizabethB on this board has a website called the phonics page. She has grade level reading tests to check where her reading level is at. It's free download. She has a lot on her site if you wish to check it out. http://www.thephonicspage.org/On%20Reading/readinggradeleve.html My daughter is almost 5 even though I research a lot of curriculum and already know what I will do for her in elementary. I don't personally have experience with that age curriculum.
  18. Leverage is a series that has 5 seasons. I think Netflix still has it.
  19. Good Morning, Calendar work and Halloween countdown Bedtime Math/coins name and value Little kid Halloween music and read aloud 1/4 lesson Blend Phonics Review "Sh, TH and CH" sounds DD read a Bob book Nighttime read alouds
  20. Thank you so much Dust. That's exactly what I wanted to know.
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