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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Wow, thanks everybody. How many carbs are you eating daily, everyone? I'm going to try for 20 carbs for now. I'm at the highest weight ever and I am having horrible heartburn. My heartburn disappeared last time I low carbed so...
  2. The day morphed and changed. So here is the revised version. Dropped DH off at work Went grocery shopping at multiple stores. Home for breakfast DD4 wants to go to a book sale going on in a neighboring town. Go to DH work so we can have a family lunch. Back home to put dinner in crock pot and light housekeeping. Pick DH up DH puts DD to bed. Grown up time
  3. I remember wanting to make my own money as a preteen so I got a paper route and a babysitting job. At 16 I got a job at fast food plus I was still babysitting, going to school and hanging out with family and friends. I wanted to buy my own stuff and pay my own way. I'm glad they are having less sex and aren't doing drugs but... I think it is an important part of the teen years to hold a job and start paying for your own things. Responsibility and independence.
  4. You can never go wrong with bacon.
  5. Extra things outside of school? I remember Girl Scouts Brownies and some Juniors, I think. I kinda of remember being taken to the rec center for gymnastics,early grade school but i dont think that lasted long. Softball in later elementary for a year or two. Swim lessons at our school summer and of course community pool. Mostly when we weren't in school we played outside with our friends or at home with the family.
  6. Something easy maybe crockpot recipes?
  7. Grocery shopping Park Laundry Housecleaning School
  8. Mine is young and doing cvc words from her phonics book but she sometimes does it on her hippity hop,swinging on the swing, bike rides or on car rides. I just thought maybe a scavenger hunt.
  9. Thanks about the website. I've never heard of that one. I have terrible heartburn and recently went off prescription antacids. Last time I low carbed the heartburn went away especially under induction. I shouldn't have citrus or coffee it makes things worse even low carbing. Salads are good. I like veggies and protein is a must.
  10. Once before and it worked well. It's just been about 10 yrs or so and a baby since.
  11. I just started and want to see if anyone else here is so maybe I could get recipe ideas.
  12. Thank you Onestep. That's something I haven't done yet, write out the goals. I also am a go with the flow type and I feel like I'm going against the flow homeschooling and it feels weird. It's just a feeling and it will pass but still weird.
  13. Thank you both for responding. I'm eclectic that leans classical. I like living books and older curriculum (McGuffey and Ray's). Although I do like Saxon. She knows name, address and telephone # plus 911 and what an emergency is. My kindy teacher taught those things. It's been many decades since I was a kindergarten and things have changed a lot. I know that with homeschooling, for the most part, you can teach what you wish, in the younger grades, at least. I'm still debating if I'm going to start kindy soon as she turns 5 this year or wait for September next when her age group goes in. DH says whenever I wish is fine. I'm a planner and worst case scenario thinker and want to make sure that if she ends up in B&M school someday that she will be okay and not behind. Although thats not the worst thing in the world. Especially since something drastic would have to happen for us to put her in school. I'm so over thinking this. How do I stop?
  14. What I remember and what I am finding on the Internet don't seem to match with what I see on here. I'm confused.
  15. Good Morning, Had a really busy day yesterday, so today we are resting. No car today and Daddy starts his new longer hours. So... Read alouds before bed and maybe some earlier too, right now to tired. 1/4 of a unit in Blend Phonics and review some phonograms.- Done DD read a Bob book- will do before bed so Dad can hear her. So far only audio books and Math Songs Review money and time-Done Lifeskills Arts and crafts
  16. Drop DH off at work. Didn't happen. Had a hard time sleeping and DD woke up several times. So car less today. Housecleaning Park-not happening to far to walk Go for a walk School?
  17. It's easier to get kids to memorize then to wait for them to be ready developmentally. That is a shame.
  18. When my daughter was 2 she stopped naps. The only time she ended up sleeping was on a long car rides. But she has always been an early riser 5-6am , so her bedtime needed to be early. Now at almost 5 we just changed her bedtime to 7:30 to accommodate Daddy's new work schedule. He is the one that usually does bedtime. She fall asleep fast with Daddy doing it.
  19. Good Morning, Hope your boys feel better soon, Happy. DH off today and he promised DD4 a day of play, whatever she wants.
  20. I think it started with a "Christian Numerologist" isn't that an oxymoron? It's stuff and nonsense.
  21. Good Morning I had trouble sleeping, so I slept in. DH and DD4 still sleeping. DH day off and he promised DD that we can do whatever she wants today. So I don't know what I'm doing.
  22. Just for fun, there are the Number blocks and other math fact videos to music and without music on Youtube. My Dd response well to audio/visual.
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