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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Mine is prek, so right now it depends on her. Read aloud's (variety of subjects) Phonics/her reading Math songs, Rays or Bedtime Math My goal in these early years is to give her the tools she needs to love God, be a good and kind person, to know how to read and love to learn things. To be a renaissance woman when she grows up.
  2. Good Morning, Took Hubby to work for the car. Packed his lunch. Did most of school already with DD4. She just needs to read a Bob book now. Go to playgroup at library Check in and out things at library DD ride her bike as long as it's not too hot. The heat and humidity suppose to make it gross to be out. Pick up DH
  3. Good Morning, Read aloud's- folktales, nature books and Bedtime Math book.-Done Did BP 1/4 of unit 3 Audio books in the car Go to playgroup at library. Pick up and drop off more books. Ride her bike
  4. Alphablocks is a phonics series out of the U.K. it's on Youtube. The letters make there sounds and when the letters hold hands they sound out the word. Each episode is about 5 minutes. It's really cute. Just something fun but educational.
  5. Don't give up. He might not be ready yet. Those thing are developmental skills. ElizabethB would be a great person to talk to about reading and MIGHT have suggestions about writing. I haven't used any writing curriculum yet.
  6. Did this happen since Dad deployed or was it before? It could be anxiety and stress. That makes me talk a lot and fast too.
  7. My 4yr old is very independent, outgoing, risk taker and will talk to anyone at anytime. But...she doesn't understand why she has to sleep alone in her room and Mommy and Daddy get to sleep together. When Daddy had a health crisis and she was 2 nights at her Aunts with other kids. She asked why we left her alone. She felt alone even though she was around people she knew and had other kids to play with. She had a great time and didn't want to leave. She wants to go back to her Aunts and sleep over but only if Mommy is there. Even thought she is an extrovert she is young and feels the most secure and comfortable if Mommy is there. Maybe your's feels the same. My DD does fine in Sunday School and doesn't even notice I'm not there. She knows I'm just in the next room. Small church. Is her Dad in the building where she goes to school? Does she know where his office is and that he is there if she needs him?
  8. 7up is good especially if he has trapped air causing discomfort. My Mom did that with us and I do that with DD4. Is he having normal bowel movements? For nausea and vomiting saltines or tea and toast. Does rubbing his stomach help? Is laying on his stomach help? When my daughter is sick she just wants Mamma. If she wants TV, my phone, me reading or whatever she wants within reason.
  9. When I was in school they taught us to write at age 6. Nowadays, it's earlier. My DD is almost 5 and I let her play on a white board and gave her a wipe clean book that teaches to write numbers. She does it if she wants and on her own. She is a very independent child. I make sure she is holding the marker correctly, though. I will start her on writing for school when she is 6 unless she wants to early like she did reading. I don't think a 6 year olds should do a lot of writing though.
  10. Good Morning All, Going over a few phonographs, doing a 1/4 lesson of Blend Phonics and have her read a Bob book. Math songs Scishow kids - a science show on YouTube. Lifeskills Audiobooks and read aloud Lots and lots of play
  11. Good Morning, Got DH lunch for work Daily housework Walk in the morning DD school
  12. Good Morning, Did sections from Core Knowledge. Listening to instrumental piano music. Exposing her to different types of music. Working on lifeskills Play games Read aloud and audio book Math song
  13. Good Morning, Got DH lunch for work-done Load of dishes-done and put away House work DD4 going through a growth spurt. Go through clothes to get rid of what she outgrew.- DD got halfway through and found the outfit she wanted. Will finish later. Put away the last of the laundry- Done Make cookies with DD4 so she can share them with Daddy when he gets home. - Done Do school- Done
  14. Praying for you and your's.
  15. Good Morning, Did Blend Phonics Unit 3, Row 1. Going over coins and there value. Audio songs about counting, adding and subtracting. Audio book on car ride to from church and Dad's work Clean house, finish putting away laundry and do a load of dishes. Have lunch at work with Daddy.
  16. Good Morning, Glad your health is improving, Jean. Drive DH to work so we get the car. We went to church. Her new Sunday School class went better. She liked it today. Meet Daddy for lunch and found out he gets to go home instead. Got off early. Well be going to the park with Daddy.
  17. My Grandmother did and my family would go when I was young. Grandma would cook and Grandpa would play games with us. My Mother didn't carry it on. Peoples lifes are so busy now. I would really like to start it up but my family lives far away and we are not close to my husband side.
  18. Happy Saturday, Done read aloud's this morning Did a couple of spelling words and math, only verbally. Either play all day with a friend or we spend the day out visiting and going to laundry mat.
  19. Good Morning, Clean the house Laundry Get the car checked out Family time, because Daddys home. Daddy daughter time today.
  20. Good Morning, Drove DH to work so we get the car. Grocery shop Walmart Story time at library Lots of laundry 2 loads of dishes Pick up DH School?
  21. Good Morning, It's a super busy day today, that starts really early. So I'm shooting for: Audio books in the car on way to library - done Audio book while playing with playdoh as Mommy has coffee, and she eats breakfast while I post here. -Done Story time at the library, she plays with the kids, drop off and pickup new stuff.-Done Dd ride her bike. Recess you know.- Done Spelling a few words, orally, in the car.- Done Bedtime Math and read aloud's at bedtime.
  22. Skippo, chess, checkers, monopoly.
  23. Eat them during the summer when I'm in the mood. Mustard on the hotdogs or chili cheese hotdog.
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