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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Well DH changed the day. He decided to have a Daddy Daughter day. He took her to the park and visited some family and friends. While they were gone I got to clean both bedrooms and listen to the radio uninterrupted. I needed that. She found money while they were out and she told me what they were, so coins were covered. Now I just have to get a little bit of phonics.
  2. My is the opposite. My 4 yr old is a happy early riser between 5-6 am. Not me, I wake up tired and cranky, that's way to early but she has been this way since birth. If she is kept up longer she will still wake up at the same time. If she wakes up cranky and crying she is sick.
  3. Good Morning, Have done - calendar work and stories. Daddy is home so the day is fluid. Hoping to do some phonics and reviewing the name and value of coins.
  4. My 4 yr old and I were out on a walk. She saw a man walking. She shouted "HI Human"
  5. Praying for you Cadence. DH is home so it's cartoons and breakfast We have lots to do outside the house today Some of it is the park and visiting friends and family. Audiobook in the car. She loves Magic Tree House series. Read aloud Nature walk
  6. Maybe you should call the Doctors office and let them know and ask if they feel she should come in. If I was the one having the reaction and it subsided with the antihistamine. I won't go to dr. If it was my kid, I would bring her to the doctor's.
  7. Good Morning, Today - church Lunch with Daddy Laundry Park Pick up Daddy
  8. Took DH to work Breakfast Laundry Church Lunch with DH Clean house Park
  9. Dr Doolittle with Eddie Murphy. His family movies are good. Drawing a blank for anything else.
  10. Good Morning Drop DH off at work-done Grocery shop-done Story time at library- done Laundry- Not yet Lunch with Daddy-done School- Not yet Clean house-in progress Play at park-Nope, DD4 went for a bike ride and played with friends.
  11. Math- calendar and telling time. Bedtime Math read aloud at bedtime. She loves those books. Phonics- review Blend Phonics unit 8 Read alouds
  12. Phonics Read aloud Calendar work Practice tracing or drawing
  13. Park Rec. Center School More laundry Clean house
  14. Phonics Nature/science Tracing numbers Read aloud's Calendar work
  15. DD4 Done- calendar work and Blend Phonics Read alouds and science
  16. School Zone from Walmart for just a couple of dollars.
  17. Does your partner want to work? Able to work? Are they willing to work while you go to school full time?
  18. Christmas Day morning and dinner is usually just the 3 of us. We do kid gift exchange with cousin. On Christmas Eve/Day we travel around dropping off homemade treats to family and friends. Weather permitting.
  19. DD4 Bedtime Math, calendar and Blend Phonics -DONE Need to do read aloud's Daddy is home on his 4 day. We did school while he slept.
  20. DD4 will dress up and we will go trick or treating. We visit the pumpkin patch and carve pumpkins. We watch the great pumpkin and other Halloween themed little kid shows plus story books. Probably Halloween party at the library. After DD goes to sleep DH and I will eat candy and watch horror movies.
  21. Church Laundry Lunch with DH Visit friends Pick up DH from work Pizza night
  22. It starts with pumpkin patches and trick or treat. Then it goes to parties, scary movies and haunted houses. Kids will let you know what stage there in. IMO.
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