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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Snow science experiment with Dad. Did Ray's Arithmetic orally with marshmallows.
  2. She did her phonics and read a book to her Dad. She and her Dad went over addition and subtraction to 5, orally. Brunch and cartoons with Daddy.
  3. Good Morning, DD5 isn't in a cooperative mood. I'm just going to let her play for now and listen to audiobooks. She already did her calendar and weather. Later today - phonics lesson, math and practice writing.
  4. Good Morning, DH off today and is sleeping in. DD5 is having breakfast and watching tv. I'm trying to decide what to do today. It's cold and suppose to snow. Can't go to open gym today. Which means no workout for me or the little one. Going to have to do some at home, I guess. I can hardly wait for spring. Already have plans and activities set up. Will do school with DD Play board and card games Arts and crafts with Dad Hopefully organize DD bedroom and donate some of her things. So many toys.
  5. Good Morning, DD5 done- devotions (JellyTelly), calendar/weather and some read alouds. Need-Phonics lesson, her read to me, math and practice writing.
  6. Get Dh off to work School with DD5 Clean the house. Laundry?????
  7. Scishow Kids on YouTube is a good science one my DD5 loves also Dr Binocs (already mentioned). Miss Patty does sign language also on Youtube.
  8. We were suppose to get a gentle dusting of snow. So I drove to church. After church several inches had fallen and was continuing to fall. Saw accidents and spin outs on way home. Cancelled lunch with Dad. At home rest of afternoon. I don't drive in snow unless I have no choice.
  9. Good Morning, Church today Lunch with Daddy DD5-devotions, calendar/weather, Sunday school. No school unless she wants too
  10. Dropped DH at work Go to church Meet Daddy for lunch Not sure after that
  11. My DD5 had texture issues with meat like I did. She will eat fresh fruit and veggies plus grain's like bread and cereal, she loves dairy. I just feed her like a quasi vegetarian. Pediatrician is happy with that. She has a picky eater too. My child would love to have sweets all the time and lobbies for it. I tell her to be thankful that I'm not Grandma or she wouldn't be getting any at all. My mother didn't think children should have sugar. LOL
  12. Good Morning, DH has the car at work. DD5 did school early this morning. Going to clean house and do laundry. Maybe even go for a walk, if it warms up. We needed a relaxing calm day. DD5 agreed this morning and was fine with Dad having the car. Reading books, playing games and watching movies
  13. Good Morning, Daddy at work and he has the car. She is in a school mood. Did 2 1/4 lessons in math. Watching Numberblocks (her request). Calendar and weather, phonics lesson, spelling and alphabet fluency cursive. All done orally except I had her practice writing her name. Devotions.
  14. She did math online at the library, learned about the food chain and life cycles and learning how to work desktop with mouse.
  15. Good Morning, DD5- calendar work/weather, Story time at the library, audiobooks, devotions, phonics lesson, practice writing, math and have her read to me. Stories at bedtime with Daddy
  16. Dropped DH at work Went grocery shopping Pay rent Story time at library. Plus she will get computer time to play educational games. Lunch with Daddy Laundry Vacuum house Run dishwasher Do school with DD5
  17. Good Morning, Read alouds/audio books Phonics lesson Her read Calendar/weather Open gym/drum circle for her with Daddy Regular gym for me Clean house Maintance finish bathroom
  18. Good Morning, Done-coins name and value/coin poem, calendar/weather, devotions, spelling, trace/write numbers and name, Horizon Math K and audio books with play. Need to do still- we read/she reads and play games. Playgroup at library. Have cousin over for a visit to play. Laundry and house cleaning for me.
  19. Hello, Mine turned 5 in late fall 2017. We do a lot of read aloud's on a variety of subjects. Audio books also. She loves science so other then reading about it she also watches "Scishow Kids & Dr. Binocs" on Youtube. Nature walks and Science City, plus visit to the Zoo. Daddy occasionally does science experiments with her. Math is currently Horizon Math K along with Ray's Arithmetic. Math facts videos. Count, Add & Subtract songs via a CD we borrow from the library. Not on the same day though it depends on the day and where her interest lie. She also loves math. Going to be doing Rhythm of Handwriting from Logic of English "Cursive" she said she wants to write fancy. Start that in few weeks. Redoing Alphabet Fluency and Blend Phonics PrePrimer Drills (cvc words). Then restarting Reading Made Easy with Blend Phonics. Use Phonics Pathways to change it up (she enjoys variety). Bob Books and other easy readers. Teach her our towns history and then the history of our state. She is also learning the names of the states via games, videos and puzzles. Anything else that catches her fancy.
  20. DD5- devotions, calendar/weather, spelling (cvc), coins (name and value) and coin poem (including YouTube videos about coins), Dr. Binocs videos (science) and she had open gym and time at the park playing. - Done Need to read to her and she reads to us. Practice tracing/writing with Daddy Family game time
  21. DD5 had an eye doctor appt first thing. Eyes improving so her glasses are helping. Walmart for craft supplies. Daddy/daughter craft today. Plumber has to come back today because there is a rusted out pipe behind the potty. Oh joy! DD5 room needs to be cleaned and reorganized. DD5- did some school already just need to read to us and us to her now. Clean the house Family time inside due to cold weather.
  22. Good Morning, Done- calendar and weather DH off today so we will do family read time. Each will read a book. Play games and do crafts. DD5 asked to do math too.
  23. Drove DH to work DD5-done- calendar/weather, math, spelling (done orally cvc and cvcc), practiced writing and read. Church Lunch with Daddy Awaiting plumber to fix the sinks Play games Read alouds
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