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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. Been awake for 2 days. Sometimes I will catnap for 5 or 10 minutes and wake up. I have bronchitis.
  2. DH had to go back to work today. Grocery shopping School - word families and read to me. Audio books (I'm coughing to much to read). Maybe math if she is up for it.
  3. Good Morning, We're feeling better, thank God! School stuff- she reads to me, word families and math.
  4. Thanks Mama. Hubby had to cancel his overtime shift. Slight improvement. DD5 had flu symptoms last night and was feeling lousy this morning but now is acting normal sans not eating. Me, blah. School so far is Bible story and BP word families. Currently watching her science show.
  5. DH fever is gone but still having body aches and he feels weak. No appetite. DD5 started throwing up last night but temp has never gone above 99. She still is coughing and says her throat hurts (especially after coughing). Me- I'm tired. Didn't sleep well. Will see if she is up for school, if I am... Need to wash clothes
  6. Unabridged With my 5DD we use a lot of audiobooks. Lately it has been "Alice in Wonderland".
  7. DD5 is coughing a lot (sounding congested). So we aren't going anywhere. DH seems like he has the flu. DD is acting normal and wants to do school. Math lesson. Subtraction flash cards and videos on add/sub. Audiobooks while playing Science shows (Popular Mechanics for Kids) "What's in the Bible" with Buck Denver Read alouds "Fairytales"
  8. My math girl 5 is finding Horizon K easy. She rejected flash cards a few months ago but now wants them so she can practice by herself add/sub. She also enjoys YouTube videos on it. She picks up concepts really fast. I also use Ray's Arithmetic for the basics.
  9. Good Morning, DD5 and DH are sick, so all plans are cancelled. I need to do laundry. Clean house Some school maybe
  10. Good Morning, Up early, sinus headache. Hubby has bodyaches and fever. Not sure how much will get done. DD5 has open gym and going to library. Phonics, her read to me, math and read alouds. Practice writing, maybe.
  11. I'm sorry for your loss. Continuing to pray.
  12. I just looked at what they teach on Horizon 3. I guess she is WAY past the basic 4. I've got a preschooler and when I was in 3rd grade we were taught multiplication and review of add/sub. Things have changed.
  13. Maybe flash cards of the 4 basic operations. This way she reviews/memorize them alone then maybe she can give herself a time test. If she reads well by herself Bedtime Math?
  14. Good Morning, DD5 done with - calendar/weather, BP word families, read alouds and learning about our state. Need to read to me and math
  15. All 3 of us with sinus/allergies going crazy. Currently DH and DD is still sleeping. School Laundry House cleaning Recuperating
  16. Good Morning, Done - read alouds, math, phonics and calendar/weather. She still needs to read to me. She wants flashcards for addition/subtraction so she can practice them by herself. Church /Sunday School Lunch with Daddy
  17. I would buy you a monkey. Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
  18. Good Morning, Done-Blend Phonics word families, read alouds, calendar and weather, math and science. Need to read to me and practice writing.
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