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Everything posted by Mommyof1

  1. She finished up her valentine's this morning. Wrote her name. Playgroup at the library Deliver her valentine's to family and friends. Audiobooks Play outside if weather permits. Phonics, her read, math lesson and read alouds.
  2. DD5 finish her valentine's Playgroup at library Deliver daughters valentine's to family and friends. Visit when possible. If weather permits, play at the park. Do school Go to church
  3. I don't use social media. I'm a private person and social media doesn't make sense to me. My husband uses social media but rarely post pics of our daughter.
  4. It depends. How much does he want it? I found both with myself and my niece (both hardcore introverts) that if we want something bad enough, we will work through it somehow. We will figure it out. It also helps to be stubborn and competitive too.
  5. Thanks for the responses. I started her early on Horizon Math K in mid-January. She is already about 1/2 way through the first workbook. It's a lot of tracing and writing (for her) but it slowed her down a bit. She wants to learn cursive and I will be ordering Logic of English writing program this week or next. Basically I started kindergarten work early with her because she needs it.
  6. Good Morning, Calendar/weather Dr.Binocs science videos/"How do Birds find their way" book. Alphablocks-phonics supplement Young child's book about our state Have her read to us Do a math lesson Finish her Valentine day cards and pass them out today and tomorrow. Day suppose to be warmer, maybe go to the park
  7. Good Morning, Devotions, calendar/weather and find hidden pictures. - Done Phonics, read to me, math and practice writing.
  8. Enjoy your nap and your week off, Critter. Right now DD5 is pretending to be a horse and wants me to feed her oats. Some Horizon Math, review coin poem & coins name and value, painting, science shows, read alouds and audiobooks, calendar/weather. Done today.
  9. Shepherd Software is an online education site. They have many different subjects. They have U.S. States and I think the presidents to. It's educational/gamey. It's free to play
  10. Roads icy this morning. DH took the car to work. I don't like to try to drive on icy roads, in the dark, with my daughter. No church for us today. DD5 will be upset about that when she wakes up. Need to mop the floors Put away the rest of the laundry Vacuum the rugs Wipe down the counters in kitchen a bathroom. Bake an apple pie Do some devotions and school with DD
  11. Dropped Dad at work Little school work Went visiting friends Go to laundromat Lunch with Dad Get car looked at Pick up Dad
  12. There is always Leap Frog videos and Alphablocks/Numberblocks on YouTube.
  13. Dd5 feeling much better. No fever all yesterday or today. Cough is a lot better. She did a lesson in her Horizon Math book. She read me two books. Watched both math and phonics Leap Frog on her own. Calendar and weather. Will read to her later today. Lunch with Dad
  14. I'm 12 years older then my husband. He was in his 30s and I in my 40s when we married and had a daughter. He for most of his life dated older women. He said they were more stable and there was a lot less drama. I dated guys around my age. He is an old soul and we just fit. He works very hard to make sure I can stay home with our daughter and homeschool her. Which he also helps with. For both of us, our priorities are God and family.
  15. Pizza was lunch here. Tonight lamb with mashed potatoes and veggies.
  16. DD5 learning this summer will be riding her bike w/o her training wheels, learn to roller skate, jump rope, swim, water balloon fights, fishing and any other outside activities we can think of for her. Some school. Phonics/reading, practice writing and math. She will be apart of our libraries summer reading program. She get a prize for every 6 books read. She loves prizes and is competitive.
  17. I agree with Tsuga but if after the teacher knows why and if she still doesn't want her to draw (for whatever reason). She should stop out of respect for the teacher. I grew up in ps and I remember lots of kids doodling. Some teachers didn't care others did. I would doodle myself. I did it in business meetings, discreetly, of course.
  18. I can relate. My DD5 loves to be busy and away from home. She is very social and enjoys people and discovering new things and places.
  19. DD5 swim lessons, school and lots of playing outside in the mornings and poolside in the afternoons.
  20. DD5 congestion got worse and is setting off her asthma. So breathing treatments. She had a fever briefly last night 100 but Tylenol took care of it. She is asking to be home so she isn't feeling good. She always wants to go somewhere so... Today...Leap Frog videos phonics and math. Read alouds, calendar/weather, Jellytelly for devotions and character type shows. YouTube Kids science, math and phonics. If she is up for other stuff then we will do it. If not, no big deal. No storytime today for her.
  21. Lite day since DD5 isn't feeling well. Dropped Dad at work. Have the car for lite grocery shopping for the essentials and meds. Also in case she needs to go to doctor. So far she is improving. Depending...lunch with Dad, Walmart and laundry. School if she is up to it.
  22. DH is off today and is still sleeping. DD5 and I don't feel well. Neither of us feel like doing anything. DD5 is watching Leap Frog Math Circus and will be watching the phonics ones today too. On YouTube she will watch science programs like Scishow Kids, Dr. Binocs and others that Daddy found. Magic Treehouse audiobooks. Her favorite. If she feels up to it I will have her read to Daddy. Maybe Lego's and puzzles with Daddy too.
  23. Weather better today but still really cold. No outside play but she has playgroup and we are going to visit Grandma. School stuff- phonics, her read, math and writing practice. Read aloud and audiobooks.
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