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Everything posted by Kalypso

  1. We used LRTEG volume 1 in 7th grade. Both of my dd's made it through, but it did take at least an hour per day. I went over all the exercises with them, but I wasn't much help other than that. Both girls had previosly completed Latina Christiana I and II in 5th and 6th grade. We have since given up on LRTEG vol 2. My oldest dd almost completed it, but it just got to be too much because she couldn't figure it out on her own. She started to hate it. We always did another grammar program with it. I do not think it teaches enough English grammar to use it alone. IMHO, if you have a lot of time to learn Latin and do the exercises ahead of the student, then this program could work well for you. Otherwise, I would use something else. If your dd hasn't had any prior Latin, she could probably work through the Latina Christiana I & II quickly (since you already have it) and then move on to a high school level course. HTH
  2. Thanks for posting this. I laughed until I cried. I had to stop reading.
  3. I did Week 5 Day 1 today. I can't believe I ran 5 minutes 3 times today without stopping. I may have to stay in week 5 for a couple of weeks. It was exhilarating!
  4. My dd just came in to tell me she was going to make a couple of loaves. We just started making the Artisan bread 2 weeks ago, and we love it. The best part it that even my ds10 can make it.:)
  5. Good for you! We have been TV free for about 5 years, and we don't miss it all. In fact, I don't know how I would ever find the time to watch it now anyway.:001_smile:
  6. I am in the middle of my 3rd week. I have never been a runner, but so far, I am really enjoying it. I am not fast, but at least I am doing it. Since I started having kids 14 years ago, I have not exercised regularly. I would do aerobics or walk for a few weeks, and then I would let something get in the way to stop me. I really do not want this to happen again. Fortunately, I am not running to help lose weight. For me, it is all about getting into shape to be able to keep up with my very active older kids. I just wish getting into shape at 41 was as easy as it was in my 20's! So far, I haven't needed a running buddy because one of my kids gets up at 5:30 and goes with me. I hope they continue because it sure makes doing it much easier.
  7. Wow...and from family. (But then again, it seems from reading the general board that family is often the cause of many difficult situations.) I'm sorry this happened to you. It makes it very hard to volunteer to do something like that again. It is sad to see from the responses to this thread that rudeness abounds.
  8. Thanks everyone for your kind words. Dh is disappointed, but he was making jokes after we cleaned everything up and put as much food in the freezer as we could. And yes, it was clear that it was a party for the entire families - not just the kids. So, no more parties for me for awhile. I think we will stick to one family at a time.
  9. My ds 10 played baseball this spring and my dh helped coach. DH got to know some of the families, and they would go out to eat after some of the games. He planned a party at our house today and invited the baseball team. He did all the shopping, most of the cleaning, and helped cook all the food. 5 families RSVP'd and said they were coming. One family came and another dropped their kids off and came back later to visit awhile. My dh is so disappointed. He really liked these families and was looking forward to visting with them all. I can't believe the ones who said they were coming didn't bother to let us know they weren't. In fact, we changed the date of the party for one of the families that didn't show. On the bright side, I probably won't have to cook for a few days! I don't think we will be planning a party with this group again.:glare:
  10. My dd did the same thing. It drove me nuts and thankfully, she outgrew it!
  11. Your post made my day. While I don't consider myself skinny, I am thin even after having 6 babies, and I get a lot of comments about it. I think your response to those ladies was perfect! :)
  12. My ds10, who would writhe in his chair for 2 hours over writng 2 or 3 sentences, will now sit down and write a page(or 2) with minimal complaining. Life is SO much easier in our house now.:)
  13. $52 per month 4 - 30 minute lessons Teacher comes to our house
  14. I would try not to let it annoy you. My sister always tells me my kids are weird - a good weird - compared to her nieces and nephews on her husband's side of the family. The things people can say without realizing what they just said never ceases to amaze me.:glare:
  15. I sent an email to Seton 2 months ago asking about the cost of 9th grade English and I was told $160.
  16. I am a Kelly, and I prefer Kelly. Only a few close friends and family members call me Kel occasionally, so it grates on me when someone I don't know calls me that. The worst offender for me was my OB when I was pg with my first child. It made me cringe when he called me Kel because it felt like he was being too friendly with me.:tongue_smilie:
  17. I was reviewing Diogenes Maxim and Chreia today, and the Six Sentence Shuffle was used in both of them.
  18. Though it is messy, we love our chalkboard. It is large and gets used all the time. I really don't like whiteboards because of the smell of the markers.:)
  19. My ds did this about a year ago and I was amazed how fast the pain went away. He had a hard time eating for a couple of days and that was it. I hope your dd heals as quickly.:)
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