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Everything posted by Kalypso

  1. Congratulations on your new baby boy. I hope you have a speedy recovery.:)
  2. Pretty amazing. I really felt bad for the guy who lost.
  3. All of my kids were OBSESSED with Star Wars a couple of years ago. We couldn't do anything without them relating it to Star Wars. We had to make a rule that Star Wars could not be discussed at the dinner table. They drove me crazy. Thank goodness it passed!
  4. That is an amazing story. Congratulations on your new baby boy.:)
  5. None here. Dh doesn't like makeup and I hate how it feels on my face. For special occasions or church - eyeliner.
  6. I am trying to make a loop schedule that works for us. I am not setting a time limit on school for the day because there are certain subjects I feel we need to do daily. I am mainly using my loop to make sure I don't skip anything or put off a subject. I am schooling 4 this year with a preschooler who wants scheduled time, too. I think the loop is going to work great for me once I work out all the bugs. So far (only 4 weeks in) I haven't completely skipped a subject for over a week for lack of time. This is progress for me!
  7. This is how I would do it. 5x-(2x-10)=35 5x-2x+10=35 3x+10=35 3x+10-10=35-10 3x=25 x=25/3 HTH
  8. Congratulations on your new baby boy!!:)
  9. I bought the Clubswim jammers this summer for my son (9) who is thin and has a size 22 waist. We bought size 28. They don't fit really tight, but they fit well. My 6 year old with a size 20 waist wore a 26.
  10. I am a get out of bed, brush my teeth ,and put my clothes on kind of gal. I don't like to stay in my pj's because it doesn't feel like we can start our school day if we aren't dressed and ready to go.
  11. I had the fun of killing my first rattlesnake a few months ago. I was a mess. It was only a baby, but dh has always been at home to take care of these types of situations. I can only say that it must have been the mama bear in me that enabled me to do it. I was so afraid it was going move, and then we wouldn't be able to find it. If it would have been a large one, I would have called the fire department to come and remove it. I HATE snakes - poisonous or not.
  12. I also think it is probably post partem hormones. I have hot flashes and night sweats for the first few months after having a baby. Kelly
  13. None of my kids have ever gone to ps, so I didn't realize this was how it was done. $92 as an estimate for school supplies??? I remember needing some pencils, notebook paper, crayons, scissors, a couple of pens and kleenex. Buying school supplies was never a hardship. It is crazy for evey parent to be required to spend so much money. :confused:
  14. I feel blessed today because we are all healthy, and I get to stay home with my children.
  15. Mechanical design engineer who mainly designs components for missiles.
  16. We are doing 3 subjects this week to ease back in. I think we will add a couple more next week, and then go full schedule the 3rd week. The kids seem like they are ready to get started. The problem here is me. I'm not sure if I am ready!
  17. I just read this last year for the first time and really enjoyed it.
  18. #6 due in October. We have 3 girls and 2 boys. The kids all want another boy. I just want a healthy baby. We probably won't find out the gender.
  19. I love hearing about accomplishments especially since my oldest is only 13, and I have 5 more after her. Your post is very encouraging.
  20. We, too, are traditional Catholics. My ds 8 and ds 6 are learning to be altar servers for the Latin Mass. It really puts learning Latin into perspective. Kelly
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