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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Opposite here. Husband puts in little bags that I worry annoys the garbage man. I put it in the kitchen trash. Mine pick em up one by one.
  2. Just a thought about tampons if she wants to try again. I have trouble inserting/wearing tampons too. When I have to or do a yeast infection treatment, I lie down. It works so much better than sitting.
  3. 2 My mom and DH. I can tell my DH anything, but he doesn't really listen like my mom does so mostly just her.
  4. I had 2 kids vaginally and was amazed when my cousin had a section and had post partum bleeding. I didn't know either. Luckily I found out before my own c section.
  5. Right? I remember stuffing towels in my clothes trying to figure out how on earth I was going to get into the hospital without leaking all over the floor.
  6. Elements are a cheap easy fix, no need to replace the whole thing!
  7. I would definitely be willing to work with him and figured I would. I just wasn't sure if there was a scripted parent lesson or anything.
  8. My kids do it. We taught them.
  9. Whew I'm glad yours is working well and I don't live there. 😂
  10. My little girls asked for an ice cold bath tonight.
  11. I slept with a ziploc bag of ice cubes last night.
  12. Ugh. Our summers are pretty mild and mid 80’s are the normal kind of high and I like that and usually just have windows open. We are having a week in the 90’s so I went to turn on the a/c only to find out it is not working. I'm melting!
  13. Are the lessons written to the student or does the parent do the teaching? I don't care either way just curious. The samples looked like it was written for the student.
  14. That was great! So, how tight are the deadlines, what do they look like? Weekly assignments or what?
  15. Ok I would love for you to tell me your opinion of it. The pros and cons. How is the feedback with the grading, do you think they do a good job with that? I'm also trying to figure out where to place my son. He is 10 going on 11 in September, 6th grade. This is all we have done so far for grammar and writing. We did FLL 3 for 3rd grade. Teaching writing through Guided Analysis for 4th and 5th grade. We started on FLL 4 but haven't finished yet.
  16. Who here uses it, I have questions.
  17. I LOVE ground beef, steak, roasts, COW lol and bacon. I could never eat any other meat and that would be ok. Besides beef I prefer foods like beans, eggs, nuts/nutbutter and avocados over all the other meats. I'd be more likely to not eat meat if I wasn't married to a complete carnivore. He is ok if meat is the only thing on his plate.
  18. Dh has a mandatory retirement age of 57. I don't work.
  19. I don’t see anything wrong with it other than why carry so much stuff? I never have a lot of stuff (unless hiking) If it fits your needs, go for it!
  20. I'll tell you what hasn't change! Eloping! Do it! Save your money for a nice trip and money saved for a home (or whatever kind of goals) (sorry I personally hate weddings and all the money wasted)
  21. Crazy you would ask this, but I just did look this up. One of my boys asked me what August’s birthstone was and we looked it up and I wasn’t sure how to say it.
  22. My mom, aunts, everyone did this in the late 60’s. Not ideal by today’s standards, but they all survived. Their dr’s actually told them to do this.
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