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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I'm thinking 45 lbs is average. The other dog is her mother, so roughly that big.
  2. Haha, yes actually I hadn't thought of that. dh is in communication with the guy so I will have to see. I feel dumb, this is the first dog I ever had that we didn't get as a tiny puppy or that we just found. Ignore me. The kids just started suggesting names and I got carried away. She’s 5 months.
  3. The kind with 4 legs that is. We are getting the pretty girl on the left.
  4. Oh this sounds interesting. Is there a list of the literature used?
  5. It you were putting together a 50 state study for a 4th and 6th grader, what might you do? I have ideas, I just want to see other ideas.
  6. Oh bless your heart. I hope it passes soon.
  7. Thank you. I asked him if it was tick related why would she have a fever for 5 days and the other 5 of us did not get a fever. If it wasn't tick related, she was having some sort of problem. He had no suggestions as to why she had a fever 5 days.
  8. Yes 14 days for the first prescription and 14 days for the second.
  9. You have been so reassuring. ❤️
  10. No kidding! He thought it looked like eczema.
  11. Dd had a follow up at her regular Dr. today. I saw the student doctor at first and I had him fairly convinced she had Lyme disease (or some tick related thing) Her regular Dr. was not convinced. I broke down crying and he agreed to write a prescription of amoxicillin for 14 more days. He would only write it for twice per day rather than 3 times per day. What do you all think? Is this going to ok?
  12. The problem is that she isn't eating very well.
  13. This is only the 3rd antibiotic I've ever given to any of my children in my 10 years of parenting. I should be giving a probiotic, right? Any tips on what I need to look for for my 4 year old? Thanks.
  14. Hiking! That's always my answer to everything. All my are currently under 10, but y They've all been hiking since they were tiny and I can't imagine our family not hiking. As a matter of fact we can do better hikes when they get bigger. Hiking! Try to visit as many state parks, that's fun!
  15. From what I understand a test won't show up this early
  16. She is having a great day today. She is cheerful and playing with her sister. I can't see the red spot anymore. She is eating and drinking well. I am calling her pediatrician for a follow-up in just a minute. Oh and no nightmares last night.
  17. Nope I hadn’t read that yet. She is usually so sweet and I am walking on eggshells trying to not set her off. I’m definitely having a hard time getting enough water in her.
  18. Ugh mine has turned out to be kind of not the best. I was up with dd last night and it took me forever to get back to sleep. I thought the in-laws were coming to visit so I spent the morning cleaning, but then they didn’t feel like coming. Dh was irritated I ruin his earphones in the wash. I went solo to see my mom for a bit and went on a hike alone for about 3.5 miles to clear my grumpy head. Good to get the exercise and alone time, but now nature is stressful (I hate ticks) I cooked all the meals. I’m not even sure the kids noticed it was Mother’s Day. Dh was playing Minecraft all day and when we don’t have plans for the weekend, they just want to watch screen. Bleach. Dd is grumpy and not feeling great. I’m also on my period.
  19. Update: She hasn’t had a fever since we started antibiotics and her red spot has faded a bit. She is terribly grumpy. She has been waking each night from a nightmare. Last night she was screaming so loud and it took me forever to calm her. She thought there was a bear in our house and she was terrified. She doesn’t have much of an appetite.
  20. This was the exact pants lol
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