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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Lol they wouldn't agree on a color, so I told them I'd choose.
  2. I literally am not sure they would have a clue what would match a floor covered with stuffed animals and lego, but maybe. 😂
  3. My boys are wanting their room decorated with video game things and I haven't painted that room since I was pregnant with my first ds in 2011. It's still baby room yellow. lol Their sheets are shades of blue and gray video game controllers. They don't want blue and so they both have settled on gray. Oldest wants the room red and I'm like...no. Second son wants it purple. So, like I said, gray. Help me choose a good shade. The room gets morning sun, not totally east facing. What do I need to consider with undertones and what not. I HATE choosing paint. lol Also, if you have any pics to share, please do.
  4. I would feel the same way, BUT like don't go over to their house. I think you should calm down a bit first. Maybe later, but not yet.
  5. That's fine. It just looks like A LOT to me. I feel overwhelmed. My son reads just fine, but kind doesn't like reading so I'm not sure it would be a great fit.
  6. Yes! We usually do them as read aloud, but I thought I would have a 7th grader read them on his own.
  7. We use VP for history. My boys love it. We will have done them all except for 1815 to present which I thought we would do next year for 4th and 6th grade. I had this idea that there are few other social studies topics I'd rather cover instead. Do you think VP self paced history would be ok to do with a 7th grader? I feel like it is fine because I have learned tons from these lessons, so if an adult is learning so much, I don't see why it wouldn't be beneficial for a 7th grader. WDYT?
  8. Yes we have worked on it together the whole time.
  9. I've been meaning to to update. That weekend was nice weather and we got to work on it Sunday. We didn't Saturday because we needed to tend to something else that came up. We were sick this weekend and the weather was garbage. Next weekend, I think we will be back at it! He has a week off next month too, so I'm hoping that will be successful!
  10. Coming from a family of 6 in 1070 sq feet. BIG house. I can not even worry about the reality of the work. I feel so absolutely claustrophobic here I feel panicky sometimes. ETA 4500 is huge! I'd shoot for something more like 2400 if I were you.
  11. I just took a look and this app works just how I need it too. Thank you so so much!
  12. I’m trying to organize my books (tired of buying duplicates) I want one that I can add categories such as science or history. I also want one that I can track where it is stored. Is there an app for that? 😄
  13. Right? I'm over here going, men slap people? I would have expected a first, but whatever.
  14. Someone dear to us is recently dealing with this as well. I feel so sorry for her. She is 11. What a tough age, ya know?
  15. I would need a combination of super nanny and hoarders to fix my problems. My kids hate parting with things and I hate to ask them too.
  16. I’m talking about the extras such as science, history, geography…What curriculum have you used that you and your children have truly enjoyed?
  17. What a thing for us to have in common. I am also afraid of vomiting. I was always so nauseous during pregnancy, managed to not vomit.
  18. I'm glad you understand. I had people tell me after I had kids, I'd get used to it. 4 kids now and still not used to it. I vividly remember the first time my first child threw up. I also vividly remember the first stomach virus. I was first trimester with my 3rd and I'm always so sick and weak during pregnancy anyway. Still traumatized. Ugh. Side note, 3 people in our house have a cold so we are just going to avoid each other for a while. Sorry you struggle with this too. It's very inconvenient.
  19. They could pick up something else us, but I'm just terrified of the stomach virus. I don't imagine they would have the stomach virus again so soon so there is that.
  20. Thanks. 2 weeks sounds reasonable. That's what I was thinking. Also, it may be that my dad may pick it up too we will just have to see. I just wanted to be sure. I'm almost phobic about stomach viruses. I'm pretty phobic about vomit and I am terrified of 6 puking people. I am such a weak mom. 😂
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