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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I’m interested in finding out too. Sounds odd! The odd costume I saw was a 6 year old child dressed as the giant doll from Squid Game. Like why? Surely the child hasn’t watched the show.
  2. It has a best by date of yesterday. Is it still good today? What about tomorrow?
  3. Yep. I think I read that in the past he has been known to drive around with kids that were smoking and drinking. Can’t find the article that said that now.
  4. And the adults are laughing it up and having the time of their lives.
  5. And who on earth doesn’t realize this is the year 2021, you know that’s promptly getting put on social media.
  6. Right, like how does this happen?
  7. Anyone besides me read this yet? student-staff lap dances at KY high school https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1282630 I dare someone to question me homeschooling my kids. lol https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/lap-dance-skit-hazard-high-school-kentucky-investigation/ I think this link had pictures.
  8. It’s insane. My bil recently passed from neurological damage caused by covid. He beat the sickness, but it left him unable to walk, have control of bodily function, eat and drink properly or even know who people were. He wasn’t even 60. He had a few health problems, but no doubt if he had the vaccine, he would have a chance. Yet, there was a funeral home full of maskless and vaccineless people. It feels like a bad dream where no one is doing anything that makes sense and you feel frustrated and helpless. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, 2020 was the good times when things made sense, everyone in 2021 has lost their minds. I am sorry for your loss.
  9. I like to look at baby clothes. Why? I have NO idea, but I love it. Also real estate listings. Local or I do a random zip code generator. I’m a weirdo.
  10. My area is pretty rural, so we have to go to my parents subdivision as does most of the area. lol
  11. Manicures and pedicures? 😂 Not Things I would put into the category of things we should do for ourselves?
  12. Here is what I was thinking. Can’t tell how well the green matches. Also I can’t figure out how to add pics with my phone, but here’s the link. https://www.childrensplace.com/us/p/Boys-Long-Sleeve-V-Neck-Sweater-3025336-698?sisearchengine=182&siproduct=TCP_CSE&clearppc=1&CAWELAID=520007450002530982&cid=CSE-_-GooglePLA-_-BrandShopping-_-brand-_-00195935101400&catargetid=520007450002412558&cadevice=m&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxNqhgJjo8wIVhODICh3bsQEfEAQYASABEgI9I_D_BwE
  13. Do you think the green looks disconnected if my other son wears a solid green sweater?
  14. Also, I’ve got to figure out shoes and tights for the girls. Black shoes and white tights or the gold shoes and tights?
  15. So maybe navy for dh and green for me?
  16. It's that time of year for me to think of our family photo. I have outfits picked out for my 10 year old son and my 6 year old daughter. I could have my 3 year old dd wear one of these 2 dress. I think the plaid one may look better, but I LOVE the green one way more. Would it look odd for her to have bare arms with everyone else in long sleeves? Also, I need something for my 8 year old son. I was thinking either a solid color sweater or the same plaid shirt as his brother with khaki pants. Also I need something for dh and me. I was thinking about pulling out the red color for some of us? Sorry these pics are so big. Thanks for your help.
  17. This is brilliant. My 2 favorite things cabbage and tacos!!! Dinner tonight!! ETA I think I already replied to this earlier: I’m tired. I just made this for dinner. It was ever bit as good as I thought it would be. Thank you so much!!
  18. Oh bless your heart. I hope it heals soon. How is your sister?
  19. I’ll check it out. I will say, my mom set a good example, she kept a clean house. HOWEVER her love language is doing every. single. thing. for the people she loves, SO well I never did anything for myself at home.
  20. Oh that sounds good. I love cabbage and I’ve never had it this way before.
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