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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I guess because I’m a piece of shit, idk. 🤣 Because dh is hurt his parents are not seeing him and that they are doing things with strangers they won’t do for him.
  2. He’s going in public places with unvaccinated people, but he won’t see unvaccinated children or grandchildren. (30 some % of area is all that is vaccinated still)
  3. What? He doesn’t have to mask, I know. BUT he isn’t seeing his son, but he will be near strangers.
  4. Dh’s dad will go into a restaurant with unvaccinated people, but he won’t be near his unvaccinated son.
  5. For sure. We ask dd if there is any milk and she rarely says yes.
  6. IDK lol. My dd was 3 in March and still nurses. I ask when she is going to quit and she says never. lol Any reason you can’t wait until she is done?
  7. If you are working on the 1000 hours outside challenge, are you counting time spent sleeping in a tent? I hadn’t planned on it and dh can’t believe I wouldn’t count it. I’m curious about what others think. I know there are no actual “rules”, but I hate to think I’m padding my numbers. I’ve heard others say outside count if a bear could eat you, ok yes. I’ve also heard if a bird could poop on you, in that case no. Sorry, just passing the time until the kids wake up. The baby woke me to nurse and a skunk just passed by. 😳 I’m wide awake at this point.
  8. You took the words right out of my mouth.
  9. lol we really don’t. I have a slightly more aggressive than she is, but she is my very closest friend and we rarely disagree.
  10. My mom was a doormat people pleaser and I too am a doormat people pleaser. We both avoid conflict.
  11. That sounds great! We just recently got out from under life being a great big pile of you know what to much better times. It sure feels good to catch a break, doesn’t it?
  12. I might have thought this, but I have never been regular until after my 4th baby and I have never had such normal, regular cycles. lol Maybe this is just the beginning. I’m 35.
  13. I haven’t worn a tampon in something like umm… I want to say…20 years. I was in high school for sure lol. I hate them. I wore one for swimming on day 2, heavy flow that morning and usually is on day 2. I took it out after 6 hours or so and there was barely any blood. After I took it out I went all the rest of that day and night and the next day too with nothing, no spotting. Then the night after, I just started bleeding again, full blown period again and then finished off my cycle as usual. I’ve never had my period stop and start like that before. I was curious if this ever happened to any of you?
  14. That’s awesome. Half the year gone and over half the challenge done!
  15. How’d y’all do? I didn’t get in as much for June as I wanted, but we are still on track for the year because we did extra past our goal in the spring. My June total was 144 hours, I wanted 180. Our total is 468 hours which I’m pleased with. My goal was to be at 455 at the end of June, so it feels good to have met that goal and be almost to halfway. I’m pretty sure we can get to 1,000.
  16. I took my children to the summer library program, all five of us masked. I’m vaccinated, but I still mask for the kids. There were about 10 families there and some library workers and only 1 other person had a mask on besides my family. I also went to the store today and I’d estimate only about 10% were masked. Vaccination rates are still around 30-40% in my area. My state is doing great, but not on our end. I was just curious how things looked where you are.
  17. I might have except this is the norm for me to go about 2 years between haircuts. I contemplated actually shaving my head at one point because when would I ever get the chance? I figured it was too late in the pandemic, but looking back it probably wasn’t lol
  18. Fascinating. I didn’t realize. Mine was covering my bum when I got it cut. I’m curious what my stopping point is.
  19. True story. After funerals are some of the best times with family as odd as that sounds. The food gets out of control. People are like here take this chicken and cake with you when you go.
  20. Wow! Any thoughts why it has quit growing? I’ve never heard of that.
  21. It feels great and yes I am donating. My last haircut was in 2018. lol
  22. This doesn’t happen where your from? lol
  23. I want my hobby to be hiking, but I don’t get to near enough.
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