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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I don't use any sort of reading curriculum. Just give the boys books, sometimes it's history or science books related to what we are learning and sometimes it's mp booklist books or mensa book list books, sometimes it's book they have picked out. They are currently reading 25 minutes per day. That's all the reading I assign. So, I'm not really sure how to answer your question either. I guess, how much total reading time should they spend per grade level. You can break it down how you do it and that would be fine. You could say they spend x amount of time reading on their own, another amount of time working on reading as a subject.
  2. I've asked before for whatever grade we were doing at a the time, but I kind of want a guide to have in mind for each grade. I'll ultimately decide what works of course, but I was just curious what this looks like in your homeschool.
  3. Ha I just re read. YOU are getting YOUR adolescent dream car. Congrats!! I thought your child was.
  4. Well I don't have drivers yet, but my DH is passionate about our children to driving manuals. My dh will be 40 this year and he just bought his very first automatic. So, I'd say it's safe to go ahead and say manual. lol It's a fun skill to know. I see those stickers on vehicles all the time that say something like millennial anti theft device with a picture of a manual shifter.
  5. I think so BUT I also have 4 kids under 9 SO they are kind of my focus right now. I'm the nurturing type and I KNOW when my kids don't need me anymore, I will find a replacement which will like be some ridiculous pet with ridiculous accessories, so there's that. Ask me again in 15-20 years. lol I saw a pot-bellied pig in a stroller once. lol
  6. You all are doing better than us. I looked at the local counties this morning and it's anywhere from 20-24% fully vaccinated. UGH. Yeah, most of the people I know have NEVER been anti-vax, but all of sudden...
  7. I think so too! I think it so important for us to discuss EVERYTHING that goes on with our vaccine experience.
  8. Thank you that does help. Yeah I really want my mom there because she can and has talked me through my whole life. However, I am choosing to take my dad, he doesn't make me feel better as he isn't great with emotions, BUT I do know he is more likely to be able to actually help me if I need actual help. Also, my kids will stay at home with my mom so they don't have to witness me dying or having a panic attack. lol I would bring my mom and leave my dad with the kids, but my kids rarely get left and my dad isn't great with kids. Not in a bad way, he just isn't much on diaper changing and such. Good guy, just old fashioned and hands off with child care, he loves them dearly. I'm so relieved to hear all this from you all. I thought I was the only one that went through this.
  9. Yes, I brought my mom last time and I'm taking my dad last time.
  10. Yes this for sure. I did need something to do. Not very much of my life is idle down time, so yeah I didn't like that. Walking would have been a better choice. Also, next time I'm taking my dad and leaving my mom at home with my children. My mom is not the take charge type (she's very comforting), but I want to feel more protected I guess. Also, she doesn't drive, so it would be nice to know my dad could rush me toward the hospital instead of my mom being stranded with my kids. Also, IF something bad happens, I don't want my kids to see it. So, that too, I just imagined my kids having to watch me be hauled out in an ambulance. Not cool.
  11. Yeah, that would probably bother me. I'm super sensitive though. Funny $100 story happened to me this week too. Each week when I visit my parents, my mom always sends me home with a bag of junk, stuff like some random candy for the kids, a newspaper clipping or comic strip, some recipe, something we have left there, play doh for the kids, a pack of markers, coupons, just whatever random stuff. I was unpacking my random bag of stuff for the week and I found a hundred dollar bill. I've been giving her a rough go of it this week for losing $100 and saying it must be nice to lose a $100 bill and not miss it. She 100% knows I'm kidding though, so that's different.
  12. This is really great to hear, that others have experienced this.
  13. Thanks. I also have given birth 3 times without an epidural. I'm all for the minimum amount of medical intervention. So, let me reword that, I'm not afraid of a needle in my arm, but my back YIKES. I might consider an anxiety medication, BUT I feel I'm really susceptible to medication and it might knock me out or something. I actually would feel more in control being even with anxiety than medicated. THanks for the idea though.
  14. Well that's good to hear. I mean not really for you, but I guess I'm not alone.
  15. My dh hates this too and this is how my 3 year old currently says it. I find it a bit funny. I just don't get annoyed too much, that's why I find it funny . One word said by only one person I know that I find annoying is similar pronounced sim u ler.
  16. If you are anti-vaxx or have anything negative to say, this may not be the thread for you. I just need some positivity. Thanks. I posted in the personal experience thread, but I needed to talk here. I needed to talk about my experience. You all are my go to place for this sort of thing. So, as you all probably know I was super nervous about choosing the vaccine. I got it on Monday. I was told to wait 15 minutes. They said I could wait in the car. I sat there 10 minutes talking to my mom and I got a feeling of panic that washed over me. I felt worried I had made a mistake and something bad was going to happen. I started crying and freaking out a little bit. I have never had a panic attack, it may not have been one, I really do not know. This all happened at about the 10 minute mark, it felt like (in my mind at least) that I could feel the vaccine coursing through my body. I'm sure this was in my imagination. Then I thought in my mind, what am I even supposed to be aware of for this 15 minutes and as I had this thought. I felt a tightness in my throat. Now, please be gentle, but I didn't see a doctor or report to anyone. I felt like the tightness was going away as my mom calmed me down, but as I started to feel worried again, the feeling would come back. Because it would come and go depending on how panicked I felt, I'm pretty sure this was anxiety rather than a reaction. I also only just learned that if you've ever had a mild or serious allergy to anything you are supposed to wait longer. I have a mild allergy to shellfish, so I suppose I'll wait 30 minutes the next time. I have a doctor's appointment with my gynecologist before next dose, so I'll tell her about all this and see what she says too. I don't even have a general practitioner. On the bright side of things, I realized my next dose will be on a Monday, the start of our last school week for this school year. I'll have to not do school on Monday because it's mid day and I have to go pick up my mom and then, ya know, grandma and grandpa's house. Then I got to thinking, I should expect to feel under the weather the next day, SO I decided we'd just cut to summer break a little early. Not sure why I'm posting. Just maybe a little encouragement or advice. Has anyone else gone through something similar? I have always had a bit of medical anxiety, but not this bad. I'm not afraid of shots, just worried about this particular one. Also, I'll probably only get around to reading this on Monday. Friday-Sunday is our weekend and it's my birthday this weekend, so we are going hiking and for some outdoor socially distanced fun. Thanks for reading.
  17. If I had it to do over, I wouldn't. We never used a nursery. If I were to, I might go with something like trains or constructions stuff. Things that a toddler and preschool age kid would grow into.
  18. Well I certainly don't feel like a heroine, but thank you for your kind words.
  19. Well, I did it! I got my first Moderna shot yesterday. I'm a super anxious person and I was feeling very torn about getting the vaccine. I didn't want it, but I also I want to do my part to help protect the elderly and weak and vulnerable. I felt I had to. I just want to do my part to end the craziness and get back to normal. I was scared. I ALWAYS think the worst thing will happen to me. I keep worrying years down the road, there will be some awful side effect. I felt worried I was going to have some kind of reaction on the spot. I was told to wait 15 minutes just in case. I was doing fine as I was getting my follow up appointment and everything. Then I'm pretty sure I had a panic attack, I've never had one before, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was. Anyway, I'll spare you all the details, but I'm fine and I'm feeling fine this morning. I just have a sore arm. I'm sure I'll be fine, but now I have to sit around and feel anxious about my second dose.
  20. Thanks so much for your kindness. This is what I needed. I mean, I was 100% set on making my parents take the vaccine (they wanted too, but I would have pressured if I would have needed to) I cried actual tears when they got vaccinated. It would be selfish of me not too, but I just got scared for a second. Good idea. I think my mom and I will have a day out. Thrift store shopping is our favorite, so I can see that being a future date followed by a nice lunch.
  21. I'll be getting Moderna, but good to know.
  22. Is there somewhere else you all can go to discuss all this? I'm just needing encouragement from pro-vaccine friends. That is all.
  23. Thanks. Luckily, my mom is coming along to keep my kids in the car, so she'll make me follow through just like I made her follow through.
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