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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. So maybe navy for dh and green for me?
  2. It's that time of year for me to think of our family photo. I have outfits picked out for my 10 year old son and my 6 year old daughter. I could have my 3 year old dd wear one of these 2 dress. I think the plaid one may look better, but I LOVE the green one way more. Would it look odd for her to have bare arms with everyone else in long sleeves? Also, I need something for my 8 year old son. I was thinking either a solid color sweater or the same plaid shirt as his brother with khaki pants. Also I need something for dh and me. I was thinking about pulling out the red color for some of us? Sorry these pics are so big. Thanks for your help.
  3. This is brilliant. My 2 favorite things cabbage and tacos!!! Dinner tonight!! ETA I think I already replied to this earlier: I’m tired. I just made this for dinner. It was ever bit as good as I thought it would be. Thank you so much!!
  4. Oh bless your heart. I hope it heals soon. How is your sister?
  5. I’ll check it out. I will say, my mom set a good example, she kept a clean house. HOWEVER her love language is doing every. single. thing. for the people she loves, SO well I never did anything for myself at home.
  6. Oh that sounds good. I love cabbage and I’ve never had it this way before.
  7. Scrambled eggs and toast I suppose would be my lowest effort go to meal.
  8. I left 2 dozen eggs in our vehicle last night. It was in the 50s or 60s when we got home and dropped into the 40s overnight. Would you eat or toss?
  9. My boys lost interest and so I did too. They are pretty excited about the coffee shop though, so we may get back into it. I wish they’d do more updates.
  10. IDK but thank you for allowing your kids to do this!!
  11. I’d like to see this joke book, we’d love it.
  12. So, rabbit trails with learning is a good thing usually. We started working through learning about each state. We are working on Alabama today, so I’ve been singing the country song Paint Me a Birmingham. My boys said it sounded like I was saying paint me a burning ham. They laughed at me a lot then we listened to the song. I told my son paint me a burning ham sounded like a parody song. What’s a parody mom? I explain that. I said hmm wonder if Cletus T. Judd did a parody for this song. Mom, who is that? I tell them about some songs he sang . Would you believe he did parody that song? It’s called Bake Me a Country Ham. We listened to that. So, it isn’t typical, but that was our redneck homeschool this morning. Only you all could appreciate this. 😂 I’m almost embarrassed to admit all that.
  13. So glad to hear! I missed any updates and was wondering about him. Prayers for the op as well.
  14. On a light note, a relative was bragging on how well behaved our kids were during the funeral and my 10 year told her that she just had never seen them in their natural habitat. 😂 My boy speaks the truth.
  15. I’m so Sorry hear about your loss. That is so tragic. It’s awful. I too am from a rural anti masks and anti vaccine area. I know what you mean about the elderly being a bit ignorant to it, but dang, my dad literally has an elementary education and he gets it. He takes it seriously. It’s just not that hard especially when you see someone you know die. I never thought I’d say this, but I actually miss 2020 back when people didn’t go places. 2021 is a nightmare.
  16. Yeah pretty much I don’t feel like I fit in. I don’t think I ever really fit in anywhere. The only people I feel 100% happy with are my parents and my children. I just don’t mesh well with others and that really doesn’t bother me. I’m an extroverted introvert. I loathe being alone. I like my people, but only my people. I thrive with my people, but I don’t really need any more people in my circle. I try to make friends and know many nice people, but it comes down to the fact that if I can’t be myself completely around someone, I just don’t like to be around then. I like to make small talk at events, but I never want it to got beyond that. I can’t really make lasting deep friendships with anyone new.
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