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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I kind of hate weddings, but the wedding cake is the part I wouldn’t want to do without. I like cake. lol
  2. Oh gosh, once again we are SO similar. I want to collect every state and every national park, but no real desire to leave the country. I did discover Banff National Park in Canada and that might be on my list, but that’s it. There is so much even in my own state I haven’t seen.
  3. Church? I would definitely stop and ask child if the were ok? Did they need help?
  4. I tried reserving this book at the library but it never came lol it must be lost
  5. I feel like I had a lot of quirks , but the more kids I have the less I’m particular about anything.
  6. That is a blessing!! I love the bubbles! Luckily I found sparkling water!
  7. At mine they clearly state if it is after 2:00 pm, you are charged for that day. You would not have been charged at my vet, but maybe so at yours. Are the rules on pickup and such online or at the vet or something?
  8. I know!! Sometimes my family makes homemade and I’m like what?? 😱 I never make because I’m the only one that will eat it.
  9. Haha too bad I’m not close by! I could eat the whole dang thing too
  10. It’s probably fine, but I’m not sure for Thanksgiving. If it’s stale then you served yucky food to people. If it’s just close family yeah, but idk if it’s for extended family. I’d just eat it now and buy more.
  11. lol I’m on a roll! Would you eat chicken breast with a sell by date of yesterday?
  12. It just had the date printed on it so I’m not sure if it’s sell by or what
  13. Unopened container of cottage cheese with a date of 9-5-24?
  14. I see I’m not alone. I crave McDonalds when I’m sick. It makes no sense, but I don’t question it too much
  15. Yes, I’m thankful most recover from this one! Nothing like the one going on up north. Yikes though. Still looking to avoid it!
  16. I remember this thread and chose to ignore it because I don’t like worrying and I figured it’s up north, I’m good. Just heard of La Crosse Virus affecting kids in Knox co tn which isn’t too far from here. There goes my 1000 hour challenge. Ugh. I hate using bug spray. The mosquitos just need to stop.
  17. Me too and thinking about the duck crossing traffic made me think of Chibi.
  18. I don’t think I knew you connections to Hazard and Pikeville too. You are right. That’s about as Appalachian as it gets.
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