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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I'm looking for a bit of encouragement here guys. My oldest is just in kindergarten and I find myself CONSTANTLY stressed and fixated on worrying about am I doing enough. Has he learned as much as kids his age have learned in public school or private school? Am I failing him? Am I leaving something out? What should my plan for the future be? What curriculum will give me peace of mind that I desperately need? I hear all sorts of homeschool success stories,but then I think well that's them and not me. They did a good job but am I. I don't doubt homeschool is great, I just doubt myself. My dh is no help as he has no faith in the public school systems at all, so he says no matter what I do or teach ds will be better off for it. How do you shake these worries and enjoy yourself? As of right now, I haven't enjoyed a bit of ds's K year and that's a shame because I should have been relaxed and had a fun time with him.
  2. I thought I had my plans for next year of doing a free magic school bus curriculum, but I'm thinking maybe of going with a more traditional textbook approach. I KNOW this is not very popular with this age group and most would recommend using real books and something light like that. I'm sure that's good advice and all, but I've done that this year and that approach just stresses me out. I'm a rule follower and a list checker off kind of person. Going with the flow and that sort of thing just doesn't work for me. I've already found myself overthinking the magic school bus route by wanting to add this and do that and trying to find out which books the library doesn't have and what I need and on and on. Having a 5, 3 and 1 year old I am SUPER busy and I just really don't want to plan a thing next year. I also thought it might be easier for dh to follow on the days he lends a hand with homeschooling. So, I'd like your opinions on the following. I'd also like to know if you know the time commitment for each. Are they 1 or 2 semesters long. 5 days a week? How long each day? I just want to generally cover what he would be learning at school. I know it really doesn't matter at this age, but I feel like a new mom all over again stressing about every little thing. I have this crazy paranoia he will show up in like college or somewhere and totally miss the most basic of concepts all because of me. Silly I know, I get it, but I need something solid here. BJU science grade 1 I also thought the Earlybird Science from Singapore Math looked good and easy, BUT I feel like I'd just have to supplement with some books. sigh. I also thought the Singapore Science Textbooks looked good too I've NEVER heard anything about this before, but thought it looked good http://www.purposefuldesign.com/Default.aspx A reason for science. I don't know about this one, it's looks a little boring to me maybe, but it looks good and complete. I'm open to ANYTHING else you have to offer, but I just don't want to plan anymore. Thanks
  3. Thank you all. I just wanted to let you know my budget. I wasn't trying to spend it all at once. Any reusable portions will be reused as I have an almost 4 year old and a 15 month old and our family isn't done yet.
  4. As I said in my last post, I am pretty set on abeka phonics for first grade. I have been told it's really thorough and phonics is just one thing I think must be done well. Here is my question. I am in love with the idea of Memoria Press Storytime Treasures. This is what it says it includes. Vocabulary, spelling, composition, capitalization, punctuation, and more are included. Here is what abeka's full language arts program includes. Phonics—Regardless of your child’s phonics background, A Beka’s six steps to reading will turn him into a reader! This proven system teaches thousands of beginning readers every year. • Reading—Ten engaging reading books of his very own plus daily systematic practice teach word analysis skills, build vocabulary, increase reading comprehension, and further develop the thinking process. And he will love the stories and Bible reading! • Language–Early work in language skills increases your child’s thinking and writing skills. He will learn to write complete sentences and even turn them into stories! • Spelling and Poetry—The 30 phonics-based word lists with activities reinforce reading skills and teach spelling. And your child will memorize 8 delightful poems! • Writing—A Beka’s step-by-step approach to good penmanship emphasizes neatness and correct letter formation. Phonics, spelling, and creative writing are built into the daily penmanship practice. Although manuscript writing is not included in the Parent Kit lesson plans, you would teach your child one page from the Writing with Phonics book per day. Which part of abeka do you think I could safely leave out that would be covered well with Storytime Treasures or do you think I should just stick with all abeka? I haven't really heard too many reviews on Storytime Treasures. Also, I was interested in A Reason for Spelling and A Reason for Handwriting. How do you think the 2 of these compare to abeka. Thank you all. So far, you all have been the most helpful homeschool forum I have came across. :wub:
  5. Thank you all. I'm taking it all in and thinking about it!
  6. Rosie_0801 thanks for your reply! I did forget to mention the reading part. Yes, I do read to him and often. He loves books. I know everyone thinks their kid is "advanced" or whatever and I truly do not. He's perfectly average and super eager to learn BUT let me tell you, this kid LOVES to be read to. If you could only see the things I've read to this kid over the years. We have this book about trains, his passion, we got it because of the great photos, the text is DULL and technical and holy cow I've read so much of that book and yes I want to dig my eyes out with a fork. Really though this kid LOVES to be read too. I think he'd sit all day and be read to if I could but he has a 15 month old sister that gets jealous when I read to the boys and HATES looking at books with us so we don't really nearly as much as the 2 of us would like.
  7. I know I'm WAY ahead of the game here, but I'm still really new at this and a nervous wreck nailing down curriculum. We went very light for K and didn't spend much money, but I wanting something more formal for 1st grade. My wonderful husband is giving me $1000 of our tax return money to spend on curriculum how I see fit, so I don't want to make the wrong choice. I wanted to put my plan out there to see if you all think it looks solid or if I'm missing anything/doing to much, whatever you have to say. Any advice is appreciated. For language arts this year we did the reading lesson. It is working well, my son reads through it effortlessly, but he's not reading too well due to his lack of interest for whatever reason. He reads signs and labels and things nonstop, but if you put a book in front of him he is "too tired." He can read all kinds of things if I "make" him. That's about all we've done with language arts. We did a basic handwriting workbook. He can write all his letters, I think he is average in this. I was looking at abeka for language arts. I struggle with this because I hear so many say it is so tough, but that it is also hard to top for phonics in the early years. I've been told I can scaled back as needed with any busy work. I've also had my eye on Memoria Press Storytime Treasures instead of abeka for this area of language arts. I had my son read from Little Bear today and he did really good. I've been told it is advanced, but I thought it couldn't hurt to get the guide because between our house and the library we have all the book already. One more thing, it seems like I heard abeka's writing composition isn't great or am I making this up?? For math this year we did Singapore Math Essentials. Our son is doing great with this. He LOVES math. He works ahead. He actually really gets math. I just chose Singapore on a whim because my sister in law recommended it. I'm getting nervous about going on with it though because I'm not really sure how hard it will be for me to teach Singapore Math compared to the traditional way I know or how it might be hard if/when my son goes to traditional school some day. I'm just not sure how different Singapore math is from traditional math. I've been thinking about BJU for math instead for a more traditional approach. I've also been warned it has a ton of busy work that I can omit as I see fit. I've also been thinking about using the DVD for this one. I watched the sample and man it seemed super thorough and clear. I was a great math student in school, but I'm terrible at explaining things to him sometimes. So how does that seem for my core subjects. Any thing I should know about these picks before I buy them. Now for science & social studies. I may or may not do all I've listed, it's just my thoughts so far. I *think* I'm going to divide up science and social studies and do on the first semester and the other for the second semester. It just seems easier in my mind. For science I am planning on doing one of the free magic school bus curriculums. Watch the dvd, read some books on the topic, do an experiment, do some worksheet, watch a video, that sort of thing. I'm only doing half this year and half next. I wanted to save some for 2nd grade and K with my other son next year. And for a more standards based approach and to make up for when life gets crazy and I get off schedule, I thought of getting some Evan-Moor Skill Sharpeners and/or Daily Practice. For social studies I struggle. This is my dreaded subject. All through school all of our history teachers were sports coaches that taught school to coach sports and that's where they put them and they didn't give the first care about teaching anything. I literally know nothing about history. Sad huh? ANYWAY. Also, can I say I find teaching social studies SO confusing. There are so many topics and approaches. The standards so basic at this age, but still I feel I need to do something. I was thinking of doing BJU heritage studies. I've had my eye on Galloping the Globe too. I wouldn't do the whole thing this year. Like I said I have another son coming up right behind his big brother, so looking ahead I thought I could do half of galloping the globe for next year 1st grade and pre-k, the next half for 2nd and K. Thanks for taking the time to read. I'm a nervous wreck choosing curriculum and I appreciate any and all advice. I just really want to get this right. I don't want to overwhelm my son and put too much work on him, but on the other hand, if/when he goes to traditional school some day I would be horrified if I did anything to make get behind. He's smart and eager to learn and I don't want to let him down. Sorry I so nervous and crazy. I tell people who ask about how our homeschool journey is going that I'm like a nervous first time mom again, goggling EVERYTHING and asking "is this normal?" I have 3 kids now and the third baby was so easy and I know that one day homeschooling will come naturally too. I'm just in that beginning phase of life that makes me feel crazy.;
  8. I’m still pretty new to homeschooling my oldest son for his first year of kindergarten this year. We have kept it pretty simple this year, but I’m already trying to plan for next year. I thought I had it all mapped out, BUT then I ran across the Storytime Treasures from Memoria Press. I then discovered there were similar literature guides I think they were called from Veritas and Progeny. I believe. Sorry if I got that wrong, I only just heard about these this week. I’m not sure why, but I’m really really drawn to these and I believe my son would like them as well. So, can we compare the 3 please? Thanks for your help.
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