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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. My bff has been my since 7th grade and we are 31 & 30. We have been friends since 5th, but best friends since 7th. We talk mostly in the summer. She's a teacher and has spare time then.
  2. Oh my are you me? I could have posted this very thing. Right down to the last game tomorrow.
  3. Great post. I only have 3 little ones, but having the same lunch dilemma.
  4. I wish I could tandem nurse, but I just cannot. My body just totally rejects my older one when the new baby comes. I can tolerate nursing up until about 2 months before the new baby comes,but thats it. My heart wants to tandem nurse, but my body says Noooooo. More power to you if you feel up to it. I'm sure thats super sweet. I had to wean my last 2 and this time I swore I wont get pregnant until she has self weaned. Weaning breaks my heart.
  5. Thank you. Yes, we are relaxing and enjoying summer. We are just reading and playing and that's it.
  6. I know some of you don't care much about standardized tests. In my state I either had to go the portfolio route or a standardized test. I chose to do the CAT 6 test for my son for his K year. I just got the results back and I am so proud of him. NPR is national percentile rank. For reading it was 86 well above average. For language he scored 73 slightly above average. For math he scored 97 highest level. His overall score was 91 high level. This really gave me some confidence I was really lacking. To top it of he is a young K student. He turned 5 2 months into the school year. I'm not sure if the CAT is just super easy or he's truly doing this well, but either way my confidence is through the roof. I'm ready for a fun 1st grade year with no worries.
  7. Great post!!! I'm not sure why,but I'm really drawn to memoria press. I would like ti hear more too .
  8. It's funny. I'm not really cheap. We throw our kids some pretty lavish birthday parties compared to our family and friends, but I always feel annoyed veing invited ti something and then paying for it. I dont get it. I always supply everything when I host something and I guess I expect the same treatmebt?
  9. Well I guess we havent had a very fun experience this year with tball, so maybe I'm just feeling kind of grumpy about other things.
  10. See that is it. The family could do something instead and I'd prefer this because our coach has been flat out rude to the parents all year. Also my boys havent even made friends this year, so I suspect they wouldnt even be playing with their team mates just each other so why bother?
  11. The park is free. And on the comment of high end pizza, trust me there is none here. Pizza hut is about as fancy as it gets.
  12. I wouldnt mind her asking for money forpizza and drinks, but I think asking us to pay for a goody bag is a bit odd coming from the coach. Last year the coaches bought medals out of pocket and we all brought snacks.
  13. We have similar parties at the library storytime. Parents brings snacks and the library takes up money for pizza and drinks and they ask fir $5 per family and we always have leftovers. I guess I'm just a bit suspicious.
  14. No gifts for the coaches. I guess she's not too far off. She asked for $15, so I have to pay $30 for drinks, pizzs and a prize for my kids. I feel I could do this for much less. 2 mediun pizzas at pizza hut is less thab 20 hereand it could feed my whole family for 2 days. So, essebtially I'm paying $30 for 2 pieces of pizza,2 juices boxes and 2 goody bags. I feel a bit ripped off even though I can afford it, we try to be saving when we can.
  15. how much money would you expect in this situation. A coach for our tball team is having an end of season picnic for the kids. She has asked for a certain amount of money per kid to buy pizza, drinks and goody bags. She has asked the parents to bring plates, chips, cookies and other food. I have to pay the amount times 2 for both my boys. There are about 10 4 and 5 year olds. How much money would you need to have this picnic.
  16. Thanks for the info. All 3 car seats are this brand. I'll have to findout if my seats are a part of this recall.
  17. I've looked at curriculum for spanish for my 1st grader, buy haven't loved anything really. My question is, at this age do you think just learning things like numbers, colors, food, places, things like that is good enough. Does actual curriculum help do abetter job really teaching the language or is this the kind of thing he would be learning with curriculum for his age group.My goal is to do this for him because he wants too and I suppose it would be helpful for him when he is older if he decides to learn Spanish.
  18. Goof question. My ds is 5 and weiģhs 38 lbs and we still have him in a car seat. I guess he will move to abooster when he outgrows his car seat.
  19. My kids are in a bit of a picky stage right now. I've tried thinking through what everyone likes and it seems the kids and dh all like the same type of dinner which is opposite of what I like, so I'm thinking of coming up with more dinner ideas that suit the 4 of them because I'm the oddball. I love casseroles and skillet meals and soups and spaghetti and pasta dishes. They don't. They don't like mixed together food. They like a piece of meat, a pile of potatoes or rice and a vegetable. I feel uninspired because I really don't like that so much. So, throw some ideas at me please!
  20. haha adorable say maybe a year from now, but at the time he was MAD.
  21. My son watched some kid cookuling show on netflix but I dont know the name of it and he couldn not understand why we would not turn him loose in the kitchen to make anything he wanted to mix together.
  22. MyLife I cant figure out how to quote you on my phone, but yes this is the kind of things I mean. We do tball and library group and are joining scouts next year and thats plenty of out of the house stuff for us. We like our time spent at home best. I'll be sure to check out the exercise game. We need something for winter because my second son flat out HATES playing outside in the cold and my oldest wont go outside without me.
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