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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I dont have an answer as to why. I just never think about it unril i wish i had one. Next time Im at the store...
  2. I currently do not have a meat thermometer. I need to get one soon.
  3. Would you add anything to it?
  4. My dh bought a boneless Pork Sitkoin Roast preseasoned witb BBQ pepper medley seasoning. How would you prepare it? I've only ever made a beef roast and it wasnt preseasoned.
  5. I'm not asking if it is right or wrong, I'm asking if you cram your large family in a room meant for less people. As a family of 5 and our smallest member being less than 2 there is no way we are paying extra just for her. Usually we try to do what is righy, but not on this one. Our whole family of 5 has all ended up in the same queen sized bed many nights.
  6. Modular meals with separate components sounds just like what I need. Any specific ideas you care to share? If I had any 1 of my 3 kids the meal wouldnt be too bad, but their favorites are quite different. Ny first son love fruits and veggies anyway, but he basically hates all meats, beans, cheese, pasta,sauces. My second son eats all meats as long as there is honey mustard sauce, a few cooked veggies, barely any fruit, some grains. The baby would just rather nurse than eat. Can ya tell we just had a not so popular dinner tonught?
  7. Does your family adhere to strict dinner rules like eat this or starve. Make a full or partial special meal for picky eaters? Have everyone try 1 bite of everything and then choose something healthy to supplement if they didnt like dinner. We are in apicky phase right right now and it seems steamed broccoli is the only thing we all agree on and sometimes the only thing ds 1 will eat for dinner. I hate to be eat this or go hungry type because there are meals I dont want to eat more than 1 bite of, but I do expect everyone to try dinner. A few hours after I let them eat a healthy snack. I guess I shouldnt but Im a softie. What do you do in your home?
  8. If you use this curriculum for science, what if anything do you use for geology? I'm thinking ahead on this as ds is just a first grader, but I'd love to use this for 3 - 6. I'm just trying to have a general plan for the elementary years.
  9. DH and I are planning a trip for next year to visit family. The kids will be 7, 5 and 3 next fall. Online driving directions has the trip estimatef to be 12 hours and 25 minutes. Dh thinks we can get there in 1 day, I think he is nuts. What do you think?
  10. This is funny. I still wipe my 4 and 5 year old. I dont think they have even tried to get tp before. My 19 month olf has started sitting on the potty and rips tp off all by herself just fine. How funny my oldèr 2 have never tried. Sorry Im no help.
  11. I had no idea there was going to be an eclipse. My 5 year old is going to lose his mind! He is crazy about all things astronomy! My 19 month old would not keep glasses on. She's so defiant. Not a chance.
  12. I've also noticed with each child they are more independent than the one before. My first born just seems so helpless. Really my 19 month old can put he shoes on and my 5 year old sticks his toes in his shoes and wails that he cant get them on.
  13. I cannot believe all the books you all hate. I love kids books.
  14. How can you hate the little house? It makes me cry when i read it.
  15. I dont think there is any I dont like really. Even the awful ones my kids love i love to read to them. What I hate is lift the flap or noise books at bedtime. They are supposed to be winding down and my 4 and 5 year old are fighting over who pushes or lifts what and the baby is trying to wreck the book.. Ugh. Or when they pick a "looking book" like richard scarry or i spy books at bedtime. Those are for waiting rooms and car rides not a night story.
  16. My son does all these except get ready. He is particularly lazy with this. The baby hoestly dresses herself more often than he does.
  17. Yes. I usuallt wear jeans or yoga pants and a plain shirt. No patterns or buttons or pockets or glitter or ruffles or whatever. just plain. this has always been my look even before kids. as plain as possible. if im not looking plain i feel super uncomfortable.
  18. I love this. Us too! DS often wears underwear when we do school. It varies but I try to have at least 3 pairs. ds 1 currently sleeps in underwear because he piles under a blanket and says he is too sweaty. currently dd sleeps in a diaper only because we co sleep and she gets sweaty, but ds 2 has about 4 pairs.
  19. Good question. My dh is annoyed ds doesnt tie his own shoes yet. I figure he will ask when he is ready. Currently he doesnt want to learn so im not pushing him. I have spent the year stressed about his education and not really thinking about things like thism. i suppose i should. i think i baby him a bit much. a horrible trait the women in my family have.
  20. Well this is my 2 cents. I dont have old kids so I speaking from my life. dh and I have been an item since high school. I was 14. After he graduated he joined the marines and i stayed home. we had a long distance relationship for 4 years. we has some bad times. we were immature. everyone said we wouldnt make it. from day 1 dh and i knew we were meant to be for whatever reason. we each knew there was no one else for us. so my point is life was hard until around 4 years ago or so, but we worked through it all. we are in a good place. many will say relationships are easiest in the beginni g, but not for us. we beleived we would make it to where we wanted to be. 2 people with 3 great kids living the life we hoped for. it was all worth it and i'd do it all again although it really sucked. this life i have was worth waiting for. sorry for all lowercase. holding a sleeping baby. im just not that good.
  21. My bff has been my since 7th grade and we are 31 & 30. We have been friends since 5th, but best friends since 7th. We talk mostly in the summer. She's a teacher and has spare time then.
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