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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about it. If I was exposed to someone with Covid on Thursday when should I expect symptoms/when should I assume we dodged it if we don’t start showing symptoms. Will a covid test be positive prior to symptoms?
  2. I asked her and she said she didn’t know the name of it, she’d look later and tell me. 🙄 She said it was blue. lol
  3. That’s great. I pray this is the case for them.
  4. They both went to the er and they both got a prescription.
  5. I pray he has a speedy recovery as well.
  6. They have not had their vaccine this year. They went for it when they got their flu shot, but they didn’t have it so I guess they just hadn’t taken the time to go get it. 😭
  7. If you are the praying type, please say a prayer for them. I can’t imagine my life without them.
  8. Same here. I’m only vaguely familiar with her channel.
  9. Yes. Basically her account says she was in the bathroom and heard ragey screaming. She came into the kitchen and cleaned a sink and had lunch or something and then her daughter that witnessed it told grandma and grandma texted mom and they called the police. They were saying she didn’t seem too worried since she made herself lunch and stuff before they called the police. I think she just kind of mentally blocked what she saw temporarily.
  10. Why do I not know how to share YouTube videos? It was a channel called YouTuber Headlines the video was called Jamerill Stewart called police on husband.
  11. I also wanted to add, I’m not sure DV is the word? Is that just abuse against a spouse? Any way, the abuse was to one of their children. I think he was 6.
  12. Some were saying her statement to the police didn’t add up (like all the things she did after the incident seemed like she wasn’t really bothered by what just happened) but idk I suppose some people just process things differently. I’m pretty sure her story was she grew up in a home with DV.
  13. Jamerill Stewart? I do not, but I am familiar with her. I came across a video today talking about her husband being arrested for DV. So naturally I was off to read what the snark boards had to say and most everyone was saying she exaggerates a lot and were actually defending her husband. I don’t know enough about her to know any of this. I’m just curious if you follow, what do you think happened here? I was just surprised so many people were defending him.
  14. Nope. My sensory issues will not allow for sweaters at all.
  15. My 12 year old weighs like 63 lbs and is still in a booster seat. He is tiny.
  16. I meant that totally lighthearted. I laughed too this morning thinking back. It’s not that bad, it’s just that I miss my sweet babies.
  17. It truly is laughable sometimes. If it weren’t happening to me.
  18. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone.
  19. Exactly. They are behaving like toddler. lol
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