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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. No. I promise this is not the case.
  2. Chaos and it drives me crazy, but I don’t have a lot of storage so a lot stays out.
  3. Oh goodness no. I hate meeting new people. 😂 I
  4. You have been through it with covid! That’s terrible. I’m so sorry you are going through this again.
  5. This was delicious! Thanks for talking me through it. I added the cabbage later on in the cooking because dh doesn’t like cabbage to be very soft. Thanks so much!
  6. Dinner on the ground https://digitalheritage.org/2012/04/dinner-on-the-ground/ An Appalachian thing that has pretty much died out here, but everyone I know knew this used to be a thing, so I don’t think anyone would find it weird.
  7. Great idea! I already have all the things for that!
  8. I’m not the best cook. Could you give me a bit of details, it sounds delicious.
  9. My husband bought some and I have never even had them before. What do I serve with them?
  10. would you be willing to email a photo of the booklist to me? I bought the 2nd edition and we love having the booklist, but I hate the thought of buying a book just for the booklist when we already own a journal. Is what I'm asking too shady? If so, I understand and will delete. lol
  11. We are getting hit with snow right now (first time this year), so I’d imagine most of our first day back will be spent playing in the snow. 🤣
  12. Yes!! I know how overwhelming toys can be!
  13. Oh I’m not. I thought it might be Maine. I recently discovered how beautiful Maine and NH are, I had no idea until recently. 😂
  14. I’m not familiar with this, tell me more!
  15. Oh yes, we need to take down the tree on the 1st, but my 3 y o dd says no I love the tree, we will never take it down and then she hugs it. 😂
  16. Yes! My family is doing the 1000 hours outside challenge again this year!
  17. I love lotr idea. My boys are currently listening to this on Audible so we have to wait for the books to be done to see the movies.
  18. We are going to Walmart this morning to buy a new board game for the big boys and one for the little girls. So we will play new games, work on a puzzle, bake 2 kinds of cookies, order pizza, watch a movie, play animal crossing and sleep! We are doing a 2 mile hike tomorrow to start our 1000 hour challenge outside for 2022. I’m hoping it doesn’t rain, but we are going to do it anyway.
  19. This is what I couldn’t decide, if they were infectious on Christmas Eve or not. I’m also wondering if they didn’t get it from someone else at the gathering that WAS infectious on Christmas Eve.
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