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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Yeah pretty much, but I generally try to make the most of it.
  2. I'm honestly not sure. He was raised to suppress his feelings and then he was a Marine and showing emotions is frowned up on. He could be, but I don't know. If I asked, he would brush it off and make some joke about it.
  3. Guys. Really. If I did put stuff in his vehicle, he’d likely dump it. He doesn't play games.
  4. You guys really just done know him. 😂
  5. I think this weekend I will insist he at least get a price quote on getting the job done.
  6. He doesn't have any sort of feeling of that improving our lives. I have a drive for things looking nice and being useful, but he never sees that anything needs to change. For example our laminate floor is 16 years old and looking pretty rough, but he doesn't see that. He says we have a floor, why would want a new one?
  7. Eh. Yeah, but I can't just do it. I don't have the freedom to just spend money without his ok.
  8. Well. I have mentioned it and he just says that he will get it done. Ok. Well he is getting the new and bigger building. It will adequately hold his stuff. I'm 100 percent sure the small building will be mine.
  9. I just can’t go behind his back though. I have to have him on board. He would not be thrilled.
  10. Which is more reasonable to ask for, a storage unit or to ask him to hire someone to finish it?
  11. Thank you. He makes it seem like I’m pushy or something. I just grew up with a dad that got things done straight away or hired out. My dad can’t stand to wait for anything.Dh grew up where you DIY or not at all. There are half finished multi year long projects at the in-laws house.
  12. No. It stuffed and the overflow of dh’s tools are on the porch, in our vehicles and our bedroom.
  13. It wouldn’t make sense too because it is almost framed up. Like half the roof needs whatever you call the boards you put up to attach the roofing tol. The door needs framing and then the roof and siding put on. It’s like almost done.
  14. A bit of background. We are a family of 6. Our house is just at 1,000 square feet. We don’t have a garage or basement. We have a small attic, but it’s hard to get into. Dh has 1 small outbuilding. Spring 2020, he began construction on a new outbuilding for himself. I am to get the old one to store away curriculum and clothes that will be used again soon. I plan on just storing all things cluttering the house that I’m not prepared to part with right now. Ok, so he started in 2020 in the spring. He “puttered away” at it all that year and then he had a back injury and didn’t work on it at all in 2021. It’s almost reached 2 years and it’s not done. I’m so annoyed . I’ve asked him to hire someone to finish it. It would take less than a week for someone being payed to get it done. He won’t do it because he was raised to do everything on your own. It is driving me crazy. Also he has gained a lot of weight and has become very inactive and he doesn’t have the energy to do any work even though his back has recovered. I want to have him set a date and if it’s not done, we have to hire someone. OR I would settle for renting a storage unit. How would this go down at your house? Dh thinks Im just too impatient.
  15. I’m the odd one out, but really no one famous inspires me.! I’m more inspired by the women of my family.
  16. Thanks. I’m driving myself crazy settling on 6th grade plans.
  17. Also, I see you skipped WWE 4, but did FLL 4. How would ideally schedule this? What writing would you pair with the year you do FLL4. For my 2nd son, we did FLL 1 and WWE 1 for 2nd grade. We are doing FLL 2 and WWE 2 for 3rd grade. We plan on FLL 3 and WWE 3 for 4th grade, but then what for writing in 5th when we do FLL 4.
  18. Thanks for the information. I'm wondering about altering the schedule for WWS 1 over 2 years. Does it look like doing less lessons? Like if there are lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4 scheduled for week 1. Do you just do lessons 1 and 2 on week 1 and then lessons 3 and 4 on week 2?
  19. I’m taking this down. I want to do GWTM and WWS, but I’m worried ds won’t be ready, but I can’t think of what else to do if I wait until he is older. Do you use WWS? If so, do you do something similar with WWS?
  20. May the 4th? I find it hilarious dh is a Star Wars fan AND that was the day we became bf/gf.
  21. We had one like this and it was great. https://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-FFJ02-SpaceSaver-High-Chair/dp/B071SKG127/ref=asc_df_B071SKG127/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241930895213&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18237456080366151206&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008801&hvtargid=pla-424164686331&psc=1 My mil had one like listed above and it was ok, but this one is softer and mine reclined so you could have baby at the table even before the eating stage just to socialize with the family. It would be better for a 4.5 month old since that small booster suggested above might not have enough support of baby isn’t sitting well.
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