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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Mine was perfect. No pain no problems. I had mine out on a Monday and I are Thanksgiving dinner unmodified on Thursday! I had so much pain for so long from them being impacted, it was instant relief. No need for any pain meds. I can't remember how old I was. I know I was older than 18 and younger than 25. 🤣 Yes, my DH had his out a boot camp too. Not ideal!
  2. No one told there was so much throwing up involved with covid. 🤮This is awful!
  3. Glad I could help! I'd love to hear your list because I love nature things like that.
  4. Haha well she is on a budget usually, but plane tickets and hotel are being provided. My sister is her plus one and she’s a big spender and this is a once in a lifetime thing for my mom. So 🤷name anything you want
  5. I feel a wtm forum meet up! I'll bring some baked goods. 🤣
  6. Following because some of my kids struggle too.
  7. They do a lottery during the peak for viewing, but I understand you will likely see them weeks all around those dates.
  8. Side note. Do you all know about blue ghost fireflies? I'm going to try hard to go see them next year.
  9. We do in VA. I'll make this my official list of places I'd never live. I honestly can't imagine not having lighting bugs.
  10. Do any of you know how we are supposed to treat covid these days? I'm trying to figure what activities we need to go ahead and call and cancel. How long do we need to avoid people?
  11. Thanks. We are taking it easy. We've just had tea, ginger ale, Gatorade and ice cubes so far today. No one has an appetite.
  12. Thanks. On a positive note I'm doing much better than my DH, so yay for the vaccine, I'm confident it helps. I am usually the sickest person when we come down with something. I barely feel bad. 1 child is fine, 1 feels kind of bad and 2 are getting hit hard. My 9 year old doesn't even feel like video games, so there's that.
  13. We are all sick now except the 4 year old. Glad for her, but she is trying to spoil our tv watching. 🤣😭This is our first go around with covid.
  14. No advice because mine are still little. I just wanted to offer a hug. I can't image how this makes you feel. You always come across as such a sweet lady in all the replies I've ever read from you. So sorry they are breaking your heart like that. ❤️
  15. I do not know yet, but she will know for sure tomorrow and I'll let you all know.
  16. Asking for a friend. 😉or baking queen
  17. Yeah she has made a few requests. I can get you the fudge recipe, it's delicious.
  18. Oh my so annoying. My dh puts on a movie, plays Minecraft on the laptop and scrolls his phone. It's so much!
  19. I'll get a list of what all she baked. Lol she puts out quite the spread on Christmas Eve. I'll have to see if I have any pics but I dont think so.
  20. I would have probably said those things to her that you just thought,so you are good! 🤣 You are not being too sensitive. I like to read to my kids, but I've felt so bad I don't think we've read a book in weeks. We will all be fine. 🤣
  21. Me too. I had some health issues last go around and really need to eat healthy, but it's just gonna have to wait until the second trimester.
  22. Thanks everyone. Everyone is so sweet and encouraging. It's 4 am and I'd love to be asleep right now, but I've got insomnia!! I had it bad with my last pregnancy, but not so much this time until now. 😆
  23. Isn't fast food lovely to survive pregnancy. I was craving taco bell last week.
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