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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. My dh does the same. My dad keeps their house pretty hot so any time he goes there he goes straight to sleep. I “need” lots of sleep, but my kids need lots of me so 🤷‍♀️I just need to sleep a long nap. I can’t nap if I tried.
  2. Yes this is the worst. I don’t want to see the nap. Lol dh is never disturbed by life happening around him. I’m not sure , but I may jealous a person could so deeply turn themselves off like this.
  3. No! One of the many things that makes me anxious. This is why I never drive more than an hour from my house. 🤣
  4. I don’t have a horse. My dh hopes to someday as he grew up with horses and loves them. I had no idea glittery hooves were a thing. If we ever do have a horse I promise it have glittery hooves. This is the very best thing I’ve ever seen. 😀
  5. People who nod off and napping in general. My dh drives me crazy dozing in his chair. He’s lounging there now with his phone in his hand. He’ll stir, scroll, doze. Ugh. I have to be SICK to sleep in the day so napping people annoy me in general. I can’t sleep unless I’m horizontal in the quiet darkness. People that sleep anywhere make so irrationally annoyed. I guess I could forgive old people, but dh has been doing since he was 20. Totally irrational, but it makes me want to scream! My sister also takes a daily nap. It just seems so…? I hate naps.
  6. What decade do these vintage dish towels come from?
  7. What kitchen towels do you like? I like microfiber for glass, but hate it for general uses.
  8. Right? It stinks how so many of us here have escaped for 2.5 years now we are all getting it.
  9. Oh bless your heart. I hope you are able to stay well. I'd suggest while you are still well to stock up on easy things to cook! I didn't feel like cooking anything. We ate a lot of snacks.
  10. Ah we love birds here too! We saw a new to us bird a few nights ago and we were so happy.
  11. Discontinued yoga pants from old navy. Y’all don’t wanna be with me at the goodwill when I find some.
  12. Awesome finds at the Goodwill! This would make me have a good day too. I love the goodwill especially all alone. Lol
  13. Following! This pregnant lady is struggling to drink enough without feeling nauseous, but ice goes down ok.
  14. I adore this greek salad. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/dads_greek_salad/ I add avocado and/or chickpeas. You could probably add chicken too. This makes it more of a meal.
  15. Oh poor baby. My youngest is 4 1/2 and still has anxiety about going on a big potty. Bless his heart.
  16. Whatever suits ya. They are in fact mountains...
  17. Oh yikes, yes I bet he has worms. Poor guy and poor mama. ❤️
  18. It's the same distance for me too.
  19. Me too! These mountains feel like home. Maybe not as “majestic” or whatever, but they feel like home.
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