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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. I can relate. You might be surprised about the ink stain. I had a pup chew up a pen on a couch once and the stain was huge. I kept running it with rubbing alcohol and it all came out.
  2. Right? I’d for real live in that log cabin if that’s the only house there.
  3. I had mine out on Monday and by Thursday it was like all was well.
  4. You are so right. Old navy was the best brand, but they added polyester and they are not the same anymore. I buy used ones from the goodwill, Poshmark, eBay. These are my favorite pants. Yeah, they work great for maternity pants.
  5. Well, what are you waiting for? If you have your old job to fall back on, give te new one a chance! Best of luck!
  6. I'm curious, if the new job doesn't work out, would your old job take you back? It sounds like they would since you say they have a hard time with hiring and keeping employees. If this were so maybe it wouldn't hurt to give the new job a try.
  7. username: Elizabeth86 pronounced: Elizabeth 86 Origin: Just my name and some numbers likes: My kids, my my small circle of friends/family, hiking and anything outside, birds dislikes: Being inside, having neighbors, having visitors, driving in busy traffic (I like the curvy mountain roads), mayonnaise, any kind of change, morning/all day sickness🤣, meeting new people, ticks, confrontation, filling out forms frequents threads about: Unfortunately I'm here more for the help I need (usually am I being unreasonable type posts) I read others, but often don't go through with my reply because I am never sure I'm making myself clear enough. So I type up many replies I never go through with.
  8. No we take plenty of risks, but if I knew someone had covid I wouldn't do anything with them or eat their food. Covid sucks. I'd be especially cautious with the elderly person.
  9. I have a bunch of library books I'd like to return soon. I'm not even sure when it would be safe to return them. 🤣 So many things to think about.
  10. I came to say the same. Our school playground had he best old tree. The roots made what seemed like stairs down behind it and I spent most of my time there doing make believe stuff.
  11. Bless your heart. It's so nice to have a place to vent when things are tough. I'm having a rotten summer too. I'm just thankful I really don't have any outside obligations. So blessed there.Covid and pregnancy are kicking my butt and I don't want to do anything which makes me sad for my kids. I hope things look up for you soon. ❤️
  12. Thank. Yes. I've been sitting outside every day. We still have no ac and it's too hot inside. I hope you and I both get our strength back soon. ❤️
  13. I am trying to stay hydrated, but I will say I'm not doing a great job. I know I need to push myself. I'm just a miserable mess right now. I know before long it will all be behind me, right now 😭
  14. This is day 7 for us. Everyone seems fine except me. I was pregnant and miserable before, but COVID has slowed me down a lot more. The laundry, the dishes, I just can't. We are eating just whatever too. Can't remember the last time we ate a vegetable. It's all I can do to get up and walk through the house. Food was hard just being pregnant and now that I can't taste food is so hard. I'm just praying each day passes I'm so miserable all day long. I've shed many tears.
  15. Idk, bit when I search high five in my emojis, this is what comes up.
  16. Yep. That would do it for me.
  17. Oh bless her heart. I’m praying mine comes back soon. I was having a hard time eating just being pregnant, now it’s super tricky.
  18. If you lost your taste/smell with covid, when did it return?
  19. I know just what you mean, but an example escapes me right now too.
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