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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. Sounds amazing!! I just went to the grocery store and I am pretty certain all I bought was junk. Real food is just so 🤮right now.
  2. I'm 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I suck at being pregnant. I'm tired and queasy. DH seems to be getting sick. I'm a wreck thinking it might be covid (he hasn't tested yet). Covid or not I'm sure we will all get it. I just don't wanna deal with a house full of sick people while I still feel so weak. I could cry. What awful timing!
  3. I also wanted to offer a hug and say I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Parenting is so hard sometimes. ❤️
  4. This was pretty much what I'm thinking. I seriously doubt she really wanted to hurt these kids, but if someone’s kid did this to my kid, I'd be furious!
  5. 3 word ladies. The Today Show!!! 🤣
  6. Oh I can't imagine! It must be, but I'm 8 weeks pregnant right now, and no one can convince me this isnt the hardest stage. 😭 I suck at pregnancy. I just want my baby (my favorite stage)
  7. We have a dog named Maple, but she's a girl.
  8. When we decide pet names we put the names in a hat and draw one!
  9. I need someone like you in my life. Brilliant gift! Wanna share the recipe?
  10. I like Smokey, but my Smokey was a girl so that won't work. I'd say Samson from your list.
  11. I hope all the misery ends soon.
  12. I would have no.problem. I hate the ones that are just cake and ice cream, but my family just always has food for any occasion.
  13. More than fair. I really can't stand people in my house, so 🤷.
  14. I do not know how to delete this thread, but could a mod do so for me. I'm ok with this topic brought up again and discussed, but not looking to have my account here attached to this story. lol I've said too many things here lol.
  15. I'd keep it because I'm a kids stuff hoarder so feel free to ignore me. 😂
  16. No one in our family will ever stop talking about it. No one ever lets anything die they think is funny. This will be the talk of the family for years to come.
  17. Yep and the Washington Post. 🤣
  18. I get what you mean about the biscuits now.
  19. Haha you guys are making me think of all kinds of funny ones. My 3rd child renamed dish washer to be wash disher when she was 2. She doesn't say it anymore. I sometimes do though.
  20. My 2nd son stated this word and of course we just go with it. I honestly couldn't tell you if my 3rd and 4th even know the actual name. 😂 We are really bad to do this.
  21. My kids also call it farmer John cheese. 😂
  22. I also learned this in my boys science this year. I was so amazed and my boys were like everyone knew that and my dh was like everyone knows that. 😂 No one is ever surprised by what I just learned.
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