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Everything posted by Elizabeth86

  1. She's handling it fine, but we aren't loving people stealing personal pics.
  2. The story is fine, but if she is private and does not want her image online. Most comments are fine, but some people have said ugly things.
  3. I've poked around but I can't really find the option to report a stolen picture. I'm contacting the fair tomorrow.
  4. Sorry for the confusion. It's odd, but my mom has gone viral for her fair winnings and she isn't on the internet in any way so people are trying to find the mystery lady. Lol
  5. My niece took the photo and put it on Facebook at Christmas and a stranger stole them and posted them.
  6. I have no idea. I just know it was her pic because she and I stood side by side and took the same pics at Christmas and they aren't mine so they came from her.
  7. The pic wasn't taken in public though.
  8. It was not at the fair though. The pic was taken at Christmas at my mom’s house.
  9. Ok, so can the fair take the picture down? I don't like it because you can kind of see my kids cropped out of it and really I don't like that my niece has any of our pictures on Facebook.
  10. I wouldn't think. She’s not family as far as I know.
  11. Not a business exactly, hmmm well, how about a county fair. lol I know this is a really bizarre post.
  12. Idk, but my towels are from exactly 2006 too. lol
  13. is there anything you can do about it? What if your niece has a picture of your mom on her Facebook and someone takes it posts it somewhere. I can't figure out what to do about it.
  14. The kids and I uses the poof things. Sh uses washcloths. I don't like washcloths because soap doesn't lather well on a washcloth.
  15. Yep, it seems pretty common in my family. My dh smokes unfortunately.
  16. Opposite here. Husband puts in little bags that I worry annoys the garbage man. I put it in the kitchen trash. Mine pick em up one by one.
  17. Just a thought about tampons if she wants to try again. I have trouble inserting/wearing tampons too. When I have to or do a yeast infection treatment, I lie down. It works so much better than sitting.
  18. 2 My mom and DH. I can tell my DH anything, but he doesn't really listen like my mom does so mostly just her.
  19. I had 2 kids vaginally and was amazed when my cousin had a section and had post partum bleeding. I didn't know either. Luckily I found out before my own c section.
  20. Right? I remember stuffing towels in my clothes trying to figure out how on earth I was going to get into the hospital without leaking all over the floor.
  21. Elements are a cheap easy fix, no need to replace the whole thing!
  22. I would definitely be willing to work with him and figured I would. I just wasn't sure if there was a scripted parent lesson or anything.
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