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Everything posted by MissKNG

  1. I also have a super reluctant reader who is starting 2nd grade this coming year. This past summer, I told her she could stay up as long as she wanted at night but she needed to be reading. It worked! She reads every night and we keep a variety of books on her night stand. She probably stays up an extra hour to read and pops out every now and then asking for help with a word. So I don't assign actual minutes of required reading. She will begin reading aloud to me again when we start our school year.
  2. If you can find a "How it's Made" episode on a food then it's processed! :lol:
  3. I keep biting the same spot inside my lip. It hurts and is making me miserable.
  4. I don't think you can just become a thin eater by saying "Starting right now, I'm going to be a thin eater!" It's all about choices and portion control when you start to feel hungry and knowing when to stop before you are stuffed full. I don't eat much. When I do eat stuff, it's *usually* not heavy or greasy because I just don't like that heavy/full feeling. I eat smaller bites and take my time with stuff. I am also a very plain eater, I don't like lots of dressing/sauces slopping up my food. If you want a lifestyle change, you need to first look at which choices you make when hungry and the portions you consume.
  5. We have about an hour of quiet time after lunch. My oldest usually plays games on the iPad and my youngest bounces between playing with toys and playing on the computer. Sometimes, during the school year, I will have my oldest do a little school before I give her the iPad. It doesn't bother me that they park their butts and play on the computer or iPad. These girls are non-stop from the moment they wake (5:30/6am) to the second we put them to bed (9/10pm) :laugh: !
  6. We used to because we follow the ps schedule. But last year and now this year, we will begin the final week in August so we can end early in the spring!
  7. Never been there. I think heat, deserts, cactus, tumbleweeds and illegal immigrants.
  8. I also agree that history at this age is gravy. We do US History since it is required by the state. I just read small portions of the text with the girls at lunch and go through the questions. If there is a project listed, we sometimes do that project. At this point, the 3Rs are priority (and Bible here).
  9. I just use wide ruled notebook paper for my rising 2nd grader. Her handwriting isn't that terrific but I still want her to practice between the lines with paper that you would use in normal, every day life.
  10. Name writing is no indicator of intelligence. Both girls started writing their names around 4 years old. My youngest has great fine motor skills and my oldest excels in math and science. All kids are different! I don't think you need to worry about what the son of your friend is doing. When my oldest was 3ish, my friend's dd (also 3ish) was coloring SOOOO well and getting soooo much praise for it. Well, come to find out, my friend was looking over her shoulder and TELLING her to stay in the lines, color things properly (like green grass, brown for hair and trees, etc) and so forth. I was stunned and learned my lesson on comparing to other kiddos.
  11. I think saying "no gifts" puts people in an awkward spot because someone will ALWAYS break the "no gifts" request, leaving others looking/feeling bad because they did not. Perhaps, in preparation of the party, clean out the toys the kids don't use and donate them to Goodwill. That way they are making room for the new things and passing on stuff they no longer use. This is what we do.
  12. Oh my gosh!! I can not stand home business parties like that! How is your niece related to you? Is this your sister or sister in law's idea of a "good" time?
  13. MissKNG


    I would start making a "craft drawer". We have one and I fill it with all sorts of odds and ends that I am constantly collecting - lids, string, egg cartons, yogurt containers, fabric scraps, bubble wrap, TP and paper towel rolls, buttons, stickers, etc. And I have the "usual" things like crayons, markers, glue, tape, construction paper, white paper, etc. The girls get what they want and create from the supplies in the drawer. That's all we do for art right now.
  14. I try chicken noodle soup broth and dry toast. Lots of water.
  15. Perhaps she is new to paypal and thought it was a scam and was just letting you know that she thought it was a scam (even though it wasn't).
  16. No. I think the (pop) music today is terrible. I do listen to the REAL vocal talent (ie. Boyz II Men) here and there. I do like classical, instrumental, big band, etc.
  17. I went to Israel in March 2003 when the US was on the verge of war with Iraq. There were travel advisories up the wazoo and beyond. When we arrived to our moshav (outside of Jerusalem), we were issued gas masks and attended meetings on where our designated bomb shelters were and what to do if we heard an air raid siren. Gosh, it was a RUSH of excitement!! Anyhoo, nothing happened. Who are you touring with?
  18. We don't do formal art or music. Art class for us is when the girls make projects with the stuff in their craft drawer. Music happens when they are working on art or puzzles, etc and I play various genres of music in the background. And I report to the school district and they are fine with this! At this age, imho, formal art and music are still "gravy" compared to the 3Rs (and science for us!)!!
  19. Nothing except gathering curriculum and school supplies for the new year. We stick with our daily routine with or without school.
  20. I wake up several times a night too. Every great once in a while, I will sleep about 4-5 hours straight though. But all in all, I wake up during the night.
  21. Just to let you know that the Singapore Primary Math typically discussed on this board is NOT the one you have linked. It is: http://www.singaporemath.com/Primary_Math_s/21.htm
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