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Status Updates posted by melmichigan

  1. I can't decide if I should sell the SM that I'm done with, or keep it...

  2. Anyone in Landry Academy: Have your students been told not to email the teachers? My kids are telling me this is a new policy this year, but I can't find it anywhere, and the class recordings aren't available.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Heatherwith4


      DS said he was told it was fine to email.

    3. Tess in the Burbs

      Tess in the Burbs

      we emailed a teacher yesterday. He responded. Then emailed an hour later wanting to know if Ds needed more help. So far all class recordings are on their pages as well. Did the teacher provide a way to contact them for questions?


    4. RootAnn


      They are using Adobe Connect this year. DD's teacher loves the new system & didn't have any trouble putting up the recording. DD prefers Blackboard.

  3. PSA: If you use Landry please check your email for changes to the fall schedule.

    1. RootAnn


      I was surprised to see this, but not at all dismayed. Now, they will start the same week as one of our other providers.

  4. I have to remember that not everyone homeschools for academics. WTM is only a portion of the homeschool world.

  5. I just figured out that the MCT ibook page numbers don't match the physical books. This is good to know when the teacher is assigning based on page number.

    1. Monica_in_Switzerland


      Can I ask you a quick question? I bought the iBook for one of the Mud trilogy books, and found that I could not change text size to make the text larger. I returned the book, and am wondering now if that bug has been fixed. Are you able to change text size now?


  6. 3 weeks into class and already I've had 3 teachers reschedule classes. I hope this isn't a sign of what to expect this year. "Feel free to watch the recording if you can't attend" for two, and just sorry look at the PP for the third. Um, I pay for the interaction, not the recording. Sigh.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 4ofus


      Discouraging! I'm sorry to hear this! I, too, would like to know the provider. I hope it smooths out for you & isn't an ongoing problem.


    3. Woodland Mist Academy

      Woodland Mist Academy

      Perhaps having a qualified substitute teacher would have been a better plan.

    4. melmichigan


      I'd be having a fit if they were completely rescheduling the class times for the entire year! They are simply rescheduling the class for a specific week. I'm just suprised at the number this early in the year. We had a few over the course of the entire year last year, which I can understand, but three in three weeks of class seems like a lot. They are online providers, and actually three different teachers for two different providers. I just found out about all of them this...

  7. Poor DD is learning a hard lesson. The teacher inadvertently cleared her paper submission, and she hadn't saved it to another file.

  8. Sadly it's time to get serious with the internet parental controls.

    1. Tess in the Burbs

      Tess in the Burbs

      yep, dh has been locking down things here so much I can't figure it all out! Today the kids can text...better than yesterday

  9. PSA: please google search you child's name if they take online classes. I just found out my daughter's full name and picture were available via google, tracing back to her account with an online class. I have looked and others in her classes are showing up on google when searched. I have contacted the admin for the classes. These were required fields when registering for the classes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MerryAtHope


      That would be upsetting!

    3. FloridaLisa


      Oh wow, did you put this up on the general board?

    4. FloridaLisa


      Oh wow, did you put this up on the general board?

  10. I'm having sticker shock. I thought $50 for a planner was a little much, but $42 for a spiral notebook?

    1. Just Another Jen
    2. bobbeym


      For $42 it should be gold plated and engraved.

    3. Laura's Haven

      Laura's Haven

      I agree with bobbeym. That's InSaNe!

  11. I'm living in an alternative universe where my teen actually likes the online classes that have started to date. May I only be lucky enough to remain here all school year, pretty please?

  12. For the first time ever I meal planned for the month, and two weeks in I'm sticking with it.

  13. The kids have voted. School starts next week!

    1. Chelle in MO

      Chelle in MO

      Cool! My kids would vote to have it start in the next century!

    2. mama25angels



  14. PSA: Don't forget to periodically google yourself or your user names to see what is searchable.

    1. SorrelZG


      Thanks for the reminder.

  15. Summer cleaning is depressing.

    1. MrsBasil


      I think it's just cleaning. ;)

  16. Ugh! I'm trying to write up the weekly schedule for next year for all five kids. I hate this part.

  17. It wasn't reassuring to find the parental control password reset codes on the first web search. My kids can do that with ease!

  18. I cannot take the arguments over a single lego piece. I swear it's driving me insane!

  19. No wonder USPS is in trouble, the sorting facility in OH sent my package to PA, I'm in MI. It's coming the round about way, LOL!

    1. Nemom


      I had a package last month that shipped from AZ to CA then went to PA, NJ & NC before it made it my house in Nebraska! It took two weeks.

  20. What would behoove DS8 to put a piece of chocolate up his nose?!?

    1. Belacqua


      Carl Sandburg would ask, was the one thing you told DS he must not do was put chocolate up his nose? :)

    2. Mommy22alyns


      Same thing that made my DD8 cut a hair clip out of her hair?

  21. A blast from the past, I'm covering textbooks with brown paper bag covers, just like I did in grade school. ;)

    1. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Make sure you draw all over them with your number 2 pencil so your hands can get good and grimy every.time.you.pick.them.up.

  22. PS closed tomorrow and Tuesday, Wednesday still up in the air. Now to decide what we will do...

  23. The good thing about homeschooling is that every child can have their own tailored curriculum. The bad thing about homeschooling, 5 DC worth of tailored programs!

  24. Waiting is do hard to do.

  25. What an awakening for DD, AoPS final deadline, Geometry test, Latin test, and a paper due, all in one week. :)

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