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Status Updates posted by melmichigan

  1. Third day of 102-103 degree fever for DS5. Ugh!

  2. Just paid for a third AoPS online class, it still feels weird. I'm so grateful for this resource!

    1. Tress


      That's so cool! I'm jealous :-)

  3. Debating taking the year off TOG... :(

  4. DD10 is now an hour late getting home. You know how it's probably nothing, but you can't help but fight back the panic? Grandma is out looking while I'm stuck here with the other kids...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. T'smom


      Glad she's home and safe!

    3. Arcadia


      Glad she is home safe. Walkie talkie does get block by buildings, we have a long range set. Prepaid phones might be a safer option.

    4. melmichigan


      Prepaid phones will be something I will look into, walkie talkies get lots of interruption around here. Thanks for the suggestions!

  5. I think I've finally ordered everything for the first quarter, which starts next week. LOL!

  6. I'm going to try a get a few books for TOG on ILL, this may not go well.

  7. I would be an Amateur Bee Keeper (and I missed it), so I updated myself. Dots are boring. ;)

  8. I just ordered a replacement for DD's misplaced math workbook, it's guaranteed to turn up now.

    1. Tress


      I so know what you mean. CWP3 is missing here and I'm sure it will turn up the moment I order it again.

    2. marbel


      That's how it always works in my house.

    3. quark


      Does this work for misplaced doggy toothbrushes as well?

  9. Not to be rude, but is it really that much to ask that the neighbor not weed whip the heck out of MY wood fence, and all the plants on this side of it?

  10. It's interesting to look back at your lesson plans from four years ago, the beginning of the last history rotation, and see how far you have come.

  11. I burn more calories treading water than walking. It's my new favorite exercise.

  12. In 15 minutes at the park I pulled 2 ticks off DS, time to got home. :(

  13. I hate when the beautiful book I receive from an amazon seller turns out to be an evaluation copy and has "sale, resale...contributes to higher costs of textbooks...and is prohibited" imprinted on the spine.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PentecostalMom


      If it's illegal, I'd report the seller to Amazon.

    3. regentrude


      It is not illegal, the printed remark is not binding. The publishers send large numbers of unrequested books to instructors, trying to get them to adopt the book. there have been rulings that the instructor who receives unsolicited merchandise is under no obligation to adhere to these requests.

    4. regentrude


      I would consider it an ethics issue if an instructor *requested* a book and then sold it - but the reality is that, if the instructor requests *one* specific textbook to see if he wants to adopt it, he will then also receive ten other books he never wanted to inspect. And those then end up at textbook sellers, in pristine condition.

  14. It's driving me nuts waiting to purchase curriculum!

    1. Critterfixer


      It's driving me nuts picking curriculum to purchase.

    2. melmichigan
  15. DD13 didn't listen about the sunscreen, so of course she's burned.

  16. DD was diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency, that might explain a few things. Peds recommending supplementing all DC.

    1. NicAnn


      Raising my D levels helped me with SO much. I was convinced I had Fibromyalgia or Chronic fatigue before I had my levels in check. Good luck!

    2. PinkyandtheBrains.


      I had the same issue, I feel so much better now that my levels are up!


  17. 6 hours later I'm sunburned (despite Zinc), my hands are blistered, and I'm exhausted. Never the less, my perennial garden is in!

  18. I was working on the summer schedule. Why do summer activities have to be so early in the morning?!?

  19. I was looking through DS's math for today. I think I will forever be amazed that he can sit for hours and choose to do math. Even after years now it is still just weird, but in a good way I guess.

    1. Marylou


      Good for him! What grade?


    2. melmichigan


      Technically he's 2nd grade by age, but very advanced in math.

  20. Why am I having to enter a CAPTCHA before I can post?

  21. I am seriously fed up with the dreary weather. I want sunshine! The lack there of is making us all cranky.

    1. SunnyDays


      Right there with you. The grey has got to go!

    2. happi duck

      happi duck

      I agree! Though I appreciate the furnace I am so tired of hearing it kick on...I want to open windows!

  22. Ooh, aah, my mew imac just arrived!

  23. I will no longer buy used books from amazon. I am sick of the misrepresentation of the condition of books.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. kubiac


      * Ask for refunds in all these cases. You will almost certainly get them. Sellers need to protect their feedback and Amazon ratings.

      * If your dirty book has glossy covers, don't be shy about using a spray cleaner like 409 and a rag. Wiping down books can make a HUGE difference. Slime, grit and sticker residue can be removed with Goo Gone or Goof Off.


    3. Live2Ride


      Amazons return or refund policy is good and it's why I keep coming back. I've received a few like that, but it's always been handled in a timely and fully satisfactory manner.

    4. Live2Ride


      Amazons return or refund policy is good and it's why I keep coming back. I've received a few like that, but it's always been handled in a timely and fully satisfactory manner.

  24. Physics Quest Spectra 5 is shipping. Check your doorstep!

    1. lisabees


      Got mine yesterday! Looks awesome!!

    2. crazyforlatin


      Lucky! I forgot to request....again.

    3. Jayne J

      Jayne J

      It's here! Yay!

  25. Physics Quest Spectra 5 shipping. Check your doorstep. My kids were thrilled to see the package today.

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