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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. :iagree: Great advice! Poor kid; I would indulge him with an extra gift or treat to soften the disappointment.
  2. In my opinion, it is entirely possible to have a warm contented optimistic charming childhood with or without a Santa, Tooth Fairy, or Easter Bunny belief. Losing or not holding magical beliefs as child does not equate with loss of innocence, cynicism or corruption.
  3. I feel empathy for traditional school teachers when parents are calling for apologies and possibly supsensions and firings over spontaneous minor mistakes like saying there is no Santa in a geography class. Constantly being under microscope may actually render them nervous, and, thus, more likely to bumble.
  4. I wasn't aware that Miracle Whip was subject of internet flame wars, but we do keep a small jar for guests who prefer MW or equate MW with mayonnaise.
  5. We did "do" Santa when the children were younger, but I personally do not have a problem with others who are insistent upon telling what they view as the truth when a parental talk with child can clear up the matter.
  6. I cannot get too excited about a second grade teacher, or anyone for that matter, failing to perpetuate a popular children's fantasy. Those who want to work around the truth revealed by another can always engage in obtuse metaphysical mumbo-jumbo to reassure those who want to continue to believe in the fantasy. I have not read the other replies yet but it would not surprise me if someone thought the teacher should be disciplined or fired.
  7. When I saw link in post, I thought it was yet another Pearl-endorsed kiddie torture tool.
  8. :iagree: Thanks, this is what I was trying to say but kept erasing because it sounded snippy in my words.
  9. :iagree: Frankly if I were a military person, I would need a quiet decompression time to adjust instead of a celebration upon arrival.
  10. :iagree: I have always wondered why people feel such a sense of satisfaction when wrongdoers apologize. Often the only thing they are sorry about it is that they were careless enough to get caught.
  11. Harumph! What is next in the downward spiral? Rioting at soccer matches?
  12. My vehicle is a light silvery blue. Husband primary car - silver or gray. Husband hobby car - dark green Child 1 - mustard yellow. Child 2 - black. Child 3 - dark navy blue. Child 4 - silver or gray. Child's friend living with us - white.
  13. For me, the better buy would take precedence over color choice. White vehicles are easier for oncoming drivers to see.
  14. I would definitely mention that one child already owns Kindle and provide several alternative gift ideas. Further I would thank them for thinking of the children during the holidays and wish them and their family a happy holiday.
  15. I took original and subsequent posts as nothing more than a heartwarming anecdote about opening home to foreign students along with stated desire that more Americans would open their hearts and homes to foreign students. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  16. Situation warrants only (1) supervised visitation in your home in a common space or (2) in public with you accompanying them.
  17. They perpetrated fraud. You have a legal and moral obligation to truthfully recount your knowledge of events.
  18. This is one of those unpleasant truths that people seldom acknowledge.
  19. You are obviously ruining your holiday by overworking yourself and placing too high expectations on yourself. Before you even consider the issue of guests inviting other guests, you need to work on paring down the celebration to a level that is a reasonable workload for you. On the guests inviting guests issue, I guess it depends upon family culture. My children always are welcome to have friends or acquaintances and sometimes strangers over, particularly those who are going through a rough patch in their lives. However, my Thanksgiving is set up buffet style on a big countertop where guests serve themselves on big Chinet plates. If I were doing a formal type dinner, yes, uninvited guests would pose more of an issue, but personally I would rather welcome uninvited guests to a simpler feast. Have you ever considered having your own nuclear family take a pleasure trip somewhere for Thanksgiving? Have you ever announced that you will not be able to host but that you will be happy to bring a dish?
  20. I would tell her to tell her husband exactly what she expects to happen on her birthday instead of sitting back passively and then moping because things did not work out way she wants. She should put her wishes in writing a month or so ahead of time and tape to refrigerator. Then follow up a few days prior to her birthday with email reminder to husband. If husband cannot or will not abide with her hopefully clear instructions, she should indulge herself.
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